what was your go to loadout for this map?
What was your go to loadout for this map?
Flask of supreme power.
I fucking know what you're doing with all those mw2 posts.
And it's fucking nasty.
Same as everyother map lol acr was a stupid laser beam
UMP, same as every other map.
Same as all the other ones, mp5k silenced cold blooded, infinite sprint
M4 with suppressor, stinger for killing uav's and stuff, would have multiple of the same weapon loadout with different perk combos depending how the match was going. Liked scavenger though.
Dual 1887
UMP rapid fire and silencer was go fucking great for FFA.
Ak-47 with a grenade launcher attachment, got spawn kills in search and destroy pretty often.
Ak-47 with a grenade launcher attachment, got spawn kills in search and destroy pretty often.
I played Bad Company 2 instead
dual 1887
>tfw playing with a full team of friends doing the same thing
>win round in the first few seconds
What do you guys use when you're going sneaky beaky?
P90 Silenced
Time to stop, gtfo
Suppressed Scar with Sleight of Hand/Stopping Power/SitRep with Akimbo 1887s.
prepare my tubular devices that shot projectile grenades
>When you throw a knife across the map and it actually gets someone
Intervention only
And the usual perks that go along with it. Jeez it's been so long... So much has changed.
my nigga
suck it up the war is not ovah
Akimbo Desert Eagles
I don't need to aim when I can have 14 .50cals flying in your general direction under a second.
Probably riot shield, some pistol I could rapid fire and C4, that was my goto for most even if it was mostly shite for this map
friends and I have gotten back into this game like we always do every couple of months. On this map it's my one friend on the AUG camping the right side of the cliff, my other friend using a silenced WA2000in the back of the cliffs in the grass, and me on the left side camping the cliff with my thumper, m4 with nade launchers, ninja pro, scavenger pro, and hardline pro. It's fun cause they know we camp every map and throw their bodies at us.
OMA nade launcher across the map before switching to Tar 21 FMJ Stopping power
>mfw harrier in 30 seconds
MW2 was shit as fuck but it's still regarded as passable to good because nostalgia. But it was the first to truly be a mindless spawn and die to spawn again grinder. There's no tactical decisions, no positioning, no outplaying or outsmarting anyone. Also 60FOV. And the worst of all is that it's what reigned supreme from there on.
fuck these guys
meh, the drum shotgun/SPAS or a FAL or something. all i would do is roam the cave and back alleys. not a very good map at all so it wasn't much of a choice.
I'm sorry you were retarded.
played dafult for many years and finally found a FOV changer
glorious 90 FOV
OMA Grenade launcher, like every other map
>MW2 is notalgia now
Famas FMJ
dual usp
cold blooded
chopper gunner
M16 with noobtube for the spawn skill
Javelin for the hilarious kills.
Forgot the other thing.
RPK with red dot sight and grip. I used it as a sniper.
FAL with ACOG, the perk that lets you pick up ammo and the anti-personnel rocket launcher
I haven't played it in years so I can't remember specifics anymore
Also sometimes Riot Shield with knife or C4 to fuck up the retards that stayed in the bunkers
it's been 8 years user
Riot shield
Unlimited sprint
Faster Sprint
it only gets worse
it's been a while
You think they'll remaster mw2 like they did with cod4?
Marathon, lightweight, commando. Silenced UMP
Still mad that they didn't put in proper system link for it.
Unlikely, as good as it perform sales wise, it is still criticized for it's shitty campaign while CoD4 was always remembered fondly by fans.
only heterosexual white male itt
mw2 had a better campaign than cod 4 tho
one man army
danger close
famas with noob tube :)
>it is still criticized for its shitty campaign
Fuck off
>will Activision take a chance to milk more money from their player base
This, plus claymores.
das it mane
kek I got a nuke running around with a thermal scoped F2000 on this map
>one man army
>that javalin martyrdom glitch
>mw2 had a better campaign than cod 4 tho
Fuck No. COD4 was total WarKino. MW2 is a shitty Michael Bay flick.
that was the shit
>run into someone on the other team doing it too
>we just kind of stop for a second then run past each other
>MW2 is a shitty Michael Bay flick.ยจ
It's a GOOD Michael Bay flick, it's Modern Warfare reaching its full potential and getting comfortable. Cod 4 is good, but it's a bit shy and mostly there to warm you up for MW2.
>you can only have nostalgia from [time I liked]
Cold Blooded
UMP45 silenced
Sitrep pro for footsteps
Abuse all the hidey spots in the cliffside area
That vaguely rings a bell, what did it entail?
>ACR with noob tube
>Send tubes flying randomly
>Chuck throwing knife
>Switch to spas
>Run like a fucking madman
>I've browsed long enough on Sup Forums to get to the point where MW2 is nostalgic and loads of people are unironically discussing it
fuck off grandpa
Whatever / Javelin
Fuck your plane
Hold the grenade button down, switch to javelin, release grenade button, and when you die you shoot a javelin rocket into the ground.
>Javelin + Scavenger
>mfw I was walking AA gun robbing kids of the killstreaks they camped so hard for
I mean, the game came out what, 8 years ago? I've seen plenty of MUH NOSTALGIA about other games that came out around the same time. Is it just because it's a CoD game?
Can you elaborate?
I got like 10 nukes and annoyed a lot of people doing the following with Javelin
>Domination on Terminal
>Scavenger, Danger Close, w/e yellow perk
>Tell your team (or do it yourself) to cap B and C
>Enemy team no spawns inside the little airport shop
>climb up to the big gas tank
>there is a certain angle where you can aim the Javelin right in front of the entrance to the shop
>5+ kills every time
MW2 remaster coming?
Please god
Friendly reminder that you can get MW3 and play online for free.
>already have harrier in the air
>enemy calls in chopper gunner
>harrier shuts it down instantly
1) forum.plutonium.pw
2) forum.plutonium.pw
I downloaded it, and it works. It's MW3's iw4x. But it's dead. Sup Forums could always set up matches.
Danger Close, some AR w/ Grenade launcher, Thumper. The salt was delicious.
not him, but at the risk of sounding like a 'know it all' retard,
when you browse Sup Forums for so long, you tend to notice thread trends.
activision absolutely without a doubt shills on Sup Forums.
I don't have the image saved but there's compilations of blatant shilling for advanced/infinite warfare and stuff in the past.
I bet these threads are more so fishing for community interest in a MW2 remake rather than trying to drum up hype for something that likely wouldn't come out for another year.
>get out my chopper gunner
>some 5 killstreak schmuck with a predator missile blows it up
Now pretend Halo's been a no-go too
Akimbo G-18 marathon pro
>enemy harriers incoming
>whip out stinger
>aim where the harriers are coming
>locks on instantly
>follow harrier till it stops
>blow it up before it gets a shot off
Commando Pro
Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Tac Knife
Throwing Knives
Counter UAV
Some of the most fun I've had in a game honestly. And the salt was delicious.
can we get 10th prestige all classes ready?
Shit, my brother's playing it right now. Earlier today on Team Deathmatch he and his dudes steamrolled the fuck out of the other team, they had three Harriers in the air at the same time on Rust.
Yeah you can unlock everything from the start with a couple button presses.
Nice. Probably should do a couple games in the future. Probably during the weekend
Run and knife every faggot