cant be a real tweet lol
metacritic deleted like half the negative reviews for the game at one point for no other reason than they hurt the overall score.
cant be a real tweet lol
metacritic deleted like half the negative reviews for the game at one point for no other reason than they hurt the overall score.
why is link staring at those perfect scores with his sword drawn out?
are you having proofs?
Are you joking? It was a solid 98 since release until Sterling decided to troll Nintenbros and his review alone brought it down to a 97.
BotW is the best 3D Zelda but it's still like a 7 at best
Game is overrated, it deserves a 9.5 imo. Too few enemies and bosses.
I think it is a really good game. I just think there is too much water.
This one of the many reasons why metacritic and review sites in general are a joke.
It was a 10/10 game until I realized you couldnt play as Zelda. That brought it down to an 8/10 for me, this lack of diversity in 2017 is very upsetting
i got this joke
>muh nintendo
i swear, nintendo has the worst fanbase not just in the video game industry, but in the whole fucking world. all pedos and entitled crybaby autistic spastic little shits
>Switch getting outsold by a four year old console.
>Super Mario Odyssey received less than perfect score from Famitsu.
I better post this tweet to deflect any negativity from my favorite kids company. The state of the autistic Nintendbro.
yea sure whatever, but what would breath of the wild's score be without the nintendo bonus?
>caring about japanese polygon's reviews
>Spaniards and Portugese
>yea sure whatever, but what would breath of the wild's score be without the nintendo bonus?
The Nintendo bonus are negative points for nostalgia and not being like muh OoT or SM64.
You are dum
Who cares?
i bet you also think russians hacked the election
>Switch getting outsold by a four year old console.
I bet you actually think that, actually.
Metacritic has been deleting low effort 1 point reviews for years, dumb fuck.
funny how this thread is still up despite clearly being made with shitposting and consolewar faggotry in mind, while the one where OP said that Mario Odyssey received a 39/40 and not a perfect score got deleted by pathetic permavirgin lardass basement dwelling Nintendicksucker MODS yet again who have Nintendo cock so deep up their ass and mouth even Lidsay Lohan would be shocked.
there is also a nsfw porn thread on page 0 right fucking now, yet anything even remotely of a negative fart that gets whiffed by the wind towards MUH NINTENDO on this board gets instantly deleted.
You Nintendicksuckers are pathetic.
If I were you I would unironically kill myself for failing life.
>For no reason
You mean the scores showing that Sonybros gave Horizon:Zero Dawn a 10/10 and gave 5 minutes later BotW a 0/10 because they didnt like Nintendo and the game btfo Horizon?
Then why wont they delete every fanboy 10/10 review?
do your poor mother a favour and kill yourself already.
>Most 10/10 reviews give actual insight that these people played the game
>Most deleted 0/10 were 2 sentences saying: botW is shit. Horizon zero Dawn is MUCH BETTER!!!!
Obvious why you would delete the 0/10 reviews but not the 10/10
Because fanboys actually own the game, so even if it's a fanboy review, it's still a review of a game they own.
>the absolute retardation of BotWfags
The Metacritic reviews were spammed day 1 with 0/10 saying it's the worst game ever made and that the controls are fucked.
Only unplayable, broken games that are half-finished upon release should be rated a 0 or even a 1 or 2. Those ratings don't even fucking matter here.
And later MC was spammed with worthless 10/10 reviews saying its the opus magnum of humanity.
Whats your point?
>Gets btfo
>Starts greentexting
Nice rebuttal here faggot.
Just check the 0/10 ratings i mean most of them are obvious just shitposters :
>After finishing the new Zelda, a game that I've been waiting for so long, my feelings about it are mixed.
I guess one could call it: "Bittersweet symphony".
Gives it a 0/10
Here is one straight out of Sup Forums:
>Worst zelda game ever, 15 fps 720p garbage. Boring combat system, no dungeons, stamina meter and durability on weapons...ugh. Graphics are like 10 years out of date, half the characters have no voice acting? Nintendo still stuck in 2001 I guess...
This person gave Call of Duty:Infinite Warfare a 10/10 btw. So he is underage and shitposting.
Pretty common under people who give Nintendo games bad reputaion
Jesus Christ kid because the game is closer to a 10/10 than a 0/10.
What is a 0/10 for you? A game like fucking Zelda?
The only game i would regard as 0/10 would be a game that doesnt start because ist so fucking broken or is full of bugs/glitches and game breaking problems.
Even a fucking mongoloid can grasp this concept
Nah, there was an equal amount of empty 10 reviews as there were empty 0 reviews. Metacritic just deleted the 0's.
He raises a point. still a faggot but what he says is true.
>calls other people mongoloids when he unironically looks like
A 10/10 is closer to the truth as a 0/10.
your mother is dead already fag and your bitching won't change that fact
>metacritic deleted like half the negative reviews for the game at one point for no other reason than they hurt the overall score.
Top kek, there fucking TONS of assblasted sonybros openly admitting they were giving the game 0/10 just to bring the score down. Before those reviews were purged, 25% of the scores were 0/10. Sonybros literally couldn't handle it.
I'm not going to pretend that Nintenbros were any better - they're just as immature - it simply means that user scores are utterly unreliable.
I wish I was born later so I could really enjoy this game instead of nit picking all the simplistic design and shallow artwork
How retarded must you be to actually believe this? There are a million anti Nintendo threads at any time.
You mean the user reviews that were just spam?
Fantastic achievement for Nintendo, proving once again that they're at the cutting edge of game design. Looking forward to seeing what they do next.
What would you do if you lost the genetic lottery this hard, Sup Forums?
BotW is super overrated. People only ride its dick because it's the first truly open-world 3D Zelda game. Give it a year or two and people will be able to give a more accurate representation of the game just like with Skyward Sword
Bng bing wohooo
fucking children
Exercise, keep myself clean-shaven, get a better fucking hair cut, and never leave the house unless I was very well-dressed. He's white and seemingly average weight. Has a lotta opportunity for an incredibly fulfilling life. And he doesn't even have to stop playing or loving games to not be autistic about them. This dude could turn his life around and win pretty fucking hard with a mediorce set of life-management skills.
I wish console wars would die
The sad thing about that is that op's pic is used as justification to force the opinion that "the game is amazing" on everyone who's opinion differs
I played it and find it to be generic. Fun, but generic. I figure people who like it are the usual sheltered Nintendo fans who don't play a lot of games that aren't on Nintendo consoles. So of course they think its mindblowingly amazing. But that's my opinion. Not fact.
Nintendo fanbois will use the metacritict thing as justification to tell me I'm objectively wrong and that its a fact that botw is the greatest game ever made whitch is also a "fact".
See the problem?my opinion is indeed marginalizing and really shitty. But I openly call it an opinion and admit that its probably partially wrong at least.
Nintendofags just rant and rave like loons and insist their opinions are facts.
And yes, that's another opinion of mine and doesn't apply to every single Nintendo fan. It is based upon personal experience with decades of Nintendo fans ranting like loons and justifying their opinions in situations where no one cares.
Like literally every crash bandicoot topic ever made being invaded by retards ranting about sm64...
Botw is like that, but its their " go to" game when justifying Nintendo against EVERYTHING. Not just other games...
There is literally not one playable game I would rate a 0. And I've played some horse shit like Isle of the Dead.
>I played it and find it to be generic. Fun, but generic.
Post pics.
Also if you were running on CEMU, which version, and how long did you play it.
>I played it and find it to be generic. Fun, but generic.
>I played for 15 minutes on CEMU and saw all I cared to see, then watched Youtube videos
not him but you got btfo, putting on masks isnt making you look cool lol
>a fucking playground
I suppose it's the best thing ever for the easily impressed, like children, actual retards and video game journalists
I hate how fucking fat he is. I like his content well enough and agree with like 85% of what he has to say, but holy fuck he's so repulsively fat and disgusting I can barely take it.
probably play some more ps4 games :(
>See the problem?my opinion is indeed marginalizing and really shitty. But I openly call it an opinion and admit that its probably partially wrong at least.
You're just entirely wrong.
Your whole fucking opinion of a 100+ hour game is
>I find it to be generic. Fun, but generic.
There is literally not 1 thing "generic" about BotW.
I would sooner accept "boring" than "Generic"
I don't have a problem with people who didn't love the game, but can you explain what you mean by generic? Do you just mean because it's open world and has quest markers? Because it has open world exploration mechanics no game has ever had before. Certainly it has plenty of things other games have had but that's true of basically every game. It did break new ground by actually delivering the promise of "you can go anywhere and explore anything" in a way that no open world game ever has.
>has never played it
>fucking children
Whatever helps you get through the pain user.
>metacritic history
Am I supposed to care? I played the game and formed my own opinions. Metacritic is absolute trash.
>Ubisoft towers
You mean the game where literally everything is painted on your map and shown to you and blinking on where to go
When the towers in BotW LITERALLY let you scout out the area because nothing is actually pinpointed or marked on your map
6/10 game
only so ygros believe this.
>Inb4 ima peecee gaymuurrr.
Babbie is mad he can't play and needs to cherrypick
Have the people who wrote this considered that combat is supposed to be quick if you know what you're doing, and is not a center point of the game, but puzzles and exploration are?
Flurry is you taking advantage of an enemy swinging and leaving itself open.
It doesn't matter where you are when the enemy swings.
The environments look so bland. How the hell did this game get that many perfect scores.
>This game looks bland
>I never played it, how did it get perfect scores without perfect graphics?
This is true, but does leave the game open to criticism in that it makes you do a great deal of combat for it not being a focus of the game. I generally agree with the criticism that combat gets stale quickly. But the game is amazing anyway because of the things it does well and in spite of what it does not so well, which is basically true of every great game ever.
This is a sad example of what the bitwars did to gaming culture. People literally only bitch and whine about the most powerful/greatest looking thing now. It's hopefully why the Xbox One X will fail and end this "bitwar, better graphics, flops" shit for good.
>he jumps Gargantuan Shitura to the rescue
I can feel the salt.
>makes you do a great deal of combat
You can literally skip every fucking combat encounter but one with Ganon if you want.
And if you do the temples, I think there's one encounter with each boss. So that's 5 total combat encounters if you want to sneak play the game.
Combat is 100% optional. As is defeating enemies hand to hand. You can use bows, barrels, physics, wands, and any number of other things to stop enemies or evade them.
Delete this please, there are children present
>mfw I'll be drawing my pension and there will be still be assblasted morons crying because Nintendo made a good game and they'll go to their graves pissing into a bag and slavering about koroks rather than admit it.
Combat is not a focus of the game whatsoever. The most fun parts are waiting until night, and stealing everything from camps.
How does graphics equate to environment? Look at that second area in the webm. Looks horrible.
>combat is a focus
The game literally gives you monster outfits so you can wear masks to blend in with enemies and not fight them.
So gameplay should be terrible in every game except Koei Techmo games?
Its the same shit as in witcher 3.
If gameplay is shit a game is shit
>You can literally skip every fucking combat encounter but one with Ganon if you want.
Yeah which involves you doing constantly tediously running away from things, which is no better. And if you skip all the combat except the final battle you won't have gotten any experience with the combat system and it will be much more frustrating than it's supposed to be. The way you're suggesting playing the game is essentially the same as how Bloodlines lets you go through the whole game using stealth, subterfuge, diplomacy etc. if you want to until you get like 70% of the way in and it suddenly forces you to be in the middle of a first person shooter.
It's funny because I've heard literally every mechanic of BotW basically called "not a centerpoint of the game" at one point by someone. Probably because 99% of the game is technically "optional". But being optional doesn't magically make it immune to criticism, anything and everything in a game is open to critique.
First of all, your bullshit doesn't change the fact combat is completely optional.
And tons of fucking people play the game just using stealth.
Really? What other mechanics have you heard used this way? It's hard for me to think of a reason the game literally puts in stealth armor, stealth potions, and actual masks so enemies wont' attack you, not being proof combat is optional.
no! they t-tampered with the score!
I just agreed that it's optional and explained why the prevalence of potential combat situations interferes with playing the game while avoiding it. "That's bullshit" isn't a counterargument. Yes, lots of people play it that way, just like lots of people play Bloodlines using non combat games and then sign in annoyance when they have to slog through the portion of the game that punishes them for their character choice. I'm literally saying the game is still great despite this flaw and yet it still makes your asshole pucker to hear someone raising a criticism apparently. I guess this is what people mean when they shitpost about Nintendo fans.
Does it deserve all those 10s? I haven't played it and quite frankly have no real desire to do so at the moment.
Why does Assassins: Kangz remind me so much of this game?