Give me a fucking good MMO to play right fucking now I swear to fucking GOD

Give me a fucking good MMO to play right fucking now I swear to fucking GOD.

The community better be active.

The combat better be fun.

There can be no bullshit P2W elements.

Do it right fucking now.

This one *unzip dick*

Last chance you fucks.

pull the trigger, you won't

None, but ESO is on Humble Monthly. No subscriptions which is cool.

Fine you called my bluff. I would never hurt a dog.

MMORPGs died a long time ago. Now all you have are these wacky theme parks where the whole world is obsolete except instanced boss dances.

>Good MMO post-WoW
sorry, there isn't one, WoW ruined everything for everyone who isn't a massive casual

Will I like ESO if I didn't like Skyrim or is it completely different?

Black desert and ff are the only good ones right now.


ff is part of the problem desu don't know about bdo haven't played it

Nope, it's basically Skyrim Online. The Elder Scrolls was never meant to go online, it simply doesn't work.

old school runescape, bitch.. its the real deal.. last shining mmo beacon..

Runescape is shit imo

I guess it's different from Skyrim, Skill system is interesting but basically plays like most MMO's.
So maybe.

>true MMO
>good combat

pick 1 and only 1.

stfu u casual cunt and die in fire

WoW Legion

This post reminded me of people who say on here that "Combat is not important in an MMO"

You spend most of your time in an MMO grinding to level so why would the aspect of combat not be important?

>browser game for third world monkeypeople

Lmao ff is literally fucking awful my man

Your moms pussy
Very active community but a lot of blacks and Brazilians playing
Promotes a very aggressive playstyle
Completely free after a one time purchase of an apple martini

I can't, because I can't conjure a game that meets the standards of your nostalgia.

This. yeah I know they both have their problems but if you don't want the genre to die...

you're not looking for an mmo

Are there any good sci-fi based MMOs instead of fantasy?
