

>we want the scalie audience

Me too

Me too...

me too

Me too

Whats the deal with this me too stuff
I keep seeing it everywhere on twitter

Something about resisting against drumpf

Posted by any woman who's ever been sexually assaulted, molested, or harassed. Unfortunately broad in scope.

It's a way of keeping the sexaul abuse by powerful mean discussion in the spotlight since the Wienstein episode.

They think if they can just just keep people talking about it that hopefully the Trump assault allegations will be in the news again. The activist left is incredibly bitter that people stopped talking about it for a while there.

yeah me too bro, I blew 20 hot stinky loads to cuphead lewds

Ugh how embarrasing. I'm starting to think they actually like the abuse and they keep crying about it because they want to get money for doing what they love

The majority of people participating, in my feeds at least, are not attention whores, just well-meaning women. I think opening it up to "harassment" muddies the water too much, but I have nothing against the people posting the hashtag

That's exactly the case. Any women that has seen a lot of real abuse definitely doesn't have time to waste on twitter all day either.

>that feel when im the reason why a few girls have done #MeToo tweets

Give me money for bleeding out of my cunt

>Any women that has seen a lot of real abuse definitely doesn't have time to waste on twitter all day either.
I have no idea how these two things are connected in your mind.


>A dude whistled at me once

I acknowledge that sexual assault is a thing, but for fuck's sake it's so hard to not be cynical when looking at someone the wrong way can be considered sexual assault.

>guy shows form of attraction to you and gives a compliment at best

Dont forget sluts that get fucked willingly and say they were raped after the fact

if you aren't then you're probably a fucking beta too bee honest


>don't look at women in the eye
>they get mad at me for being a beta
>smile at women
>they accuse me of rape

Roasties who regret having sex.

Just their usual attention whoring.

what do they want

Money from Betas
Dick from Tyrone
Attention from Chad
Marriage from Noseworthystein

That is the sort of reasoning someone who was dropped on their head as a child would use. The whole point of the hashtag is to raise awareness about sexual assault. But of course, you're the expert on women - they're all just making it up to attract the attention of a mouthbreather on Sup Forums.

Except women were also using it for sexual harassment. So it can mean almost anything.

He's not wrong though, women love attention for anything.
>crave chad's dick
>finally he fucks you
>ghosts your desperate and roastie ass

Sup Forums is a really good cure for the skepticism I was experiencing. I get why this hashtag is so prevalent now.

>ask a girl to talk and take a coffee
>get rejected 3 times
>give up, move on
>one month later she get mad because i didn't push more

I wonder how many of these stories about women are actually just /r9k/ users playing out scenarios in their head that confirm their biases and then treating it as a fact.

>In Gamestop
>Go to buy Destiny 2 on the PS, nothing creepy or weird - just a mainstream game
>Hear some girls guffawing behind me and mentioning the word 'beta'
>Try not to let it get me down
>Break out my nicest smile and good attitude full of confidence
>"Are you ladies videogamers too? Couldn't help notice you checking out the latest PS4 releases!"
>They laugh at me, I hear one of them say the word 'virgin'
>Main girl says I look 'rapey' and the others laugh
>One of them says I'm probably a sex offender
>They all squeal and move away
>Chad mallcop comes over to see what the commotion is
>Lead girl says I sexually harassed her
>Mall cop threatens me and tells me to get the fuck out of there while the other girls back her up and call me a "sicko"
>Girls are such bitches that even being nice to them counts as sexual harassment, then whine that nice guys are virgins
>None of this even happened but it'll confirm enough biases that people will treat it as fact to reinforce their own stereotypes
>You can replace the girls with 'SJWs' and the sexual harassment with 'racism', give the whole thing a tumblr slant and they'll still believe it

Because women are whores? You know that Harvey didnt actually rape anyone, right? All the women made a clear choice to sleep with him because they wanted to advance their career and bask in the limelight but of course women hate being called out for the whores they are so any chance to throw the men they sleep with under the bus, they will.

There was another story about a concerned producer telling a female friend who was going to dinner with Harvey to be wary of him. The next day, the guy gets kicked out of Hollywood because as it turns out, the woman was already sleeping with Harvey and she snitched on her the guy who warned her.

Your neutral objectivity is a model for us all.

Is Cala M the superior waifu?

underrated post

only creative and funny post in the thread tbqh

Hell no

>A weird fat neckbeard said you look like my Overwatch waifu then said giggity giggity and flashed his micropenis #metoo

Implying Jews aren't trying to turn rejected women into self-indulgent monsters to destroy our society while theirs remains intact in yisro.


I live in a city and i've been stalked home a lot, even by old white men in nice cars

one time a guy started following me calling me beautiful and shit and I told him I wasnt interested and he started saying I couldn't run away because if I did I would get hit by a car and as I was speeding up he sped up walking to me too. He was berating me for a while.
Used to happen pretty often that dudes were hitting me up and if I said no they got pissed off

it happens to women. it's definitely not assault but it's pretty fucked that I couldn't walk down the road to get food or go to the pharmacy

Nah, other way around. If an alpha slaps a girls ass she's gonna be wet but if a beta does it she's going to scream for security.

>consent is connected to mutual attraction
who would guess

>I live in a degenerate Zionist Jew control shithole filled with nigger bums and degenerate kike slumlords and cucked white faggots

There's your problem right there, honey-buns.

Holy shit more

ayy lemme try

>In Gamestop
>Go to buy Destiny 2 on the PS, nothing creepy or weird - just a mainstream game
>Hear some white guys guffawing behind me and mentioning the word 'black'
>Try not to let it get me down
>Break out my nicest smile and good attitude full of confidence
>"Are you dudes videogamers too? Couldn't help notice you checking out the latest PS4 releases!"
>They laugh at me, I hear one of them say the word 'coon'
>Main guy says I look like a monkey and the others laugh
>One of them says I'm probably a BLM activist
>They all give a hearty chuckle and move away
>Paul Blart mall cop comes over to see what the commotion is
>Lead guy says I tried to mug him
>Mall cop threatens me and tells me to get the fuck out of there while the other guys back him up and call me a "patio primate"
>White men are such assholes that even being nice to them is a hate crime, then whine about how they're misrepresented in media

Tits or gtfo

There's just something baffling about stories like these. Like, they are too frequent for me to deny their existence but what exactly is going through these guys minds? Old dudes I can sorta understand but fucking hell

>that feel when I've been accused of stalking for trying to talk to someone I haven't seen since high school
Didn't we just come off of opening up about sexually assaulted men admitting what happened to them? Why are women incapable of not making everything about them?

Yes? If an ugly hambeast rubbed herself on you would you react the same as if a cute girl did it?

>Based on a true story

Sick female tier emotional attack you fucking retarded nigger. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were a cunt.

I wasn't aware it was about men, I thought it was about sexual harassment in general.

Awe; You mean me?

It must work some amount of the time. That's all I can figure. Low-class assholes picking up low class chicks with a method that doesn't work at any other strata

Degeneracy is disgusting, regardless of who is doing it. Would you be fine with someone fucking your five year old daughter if they were a chad instead of a neckbeard?

Thank you for blessing us with your unbiased, level-headed explanation of events.

>consent is connected to mutual attraction
who would guess

>Even by old white men in nice cars
No shit sherlock, you think old darkies would drive nice cars?
Or are you dumb enough to answer rhetorical questions to your fake AF story

>5 year old
Damn chad doesn't give a fuggg

The point is that both things are assault but people who react diffetently depending on who did it are retards.

>Getting shot by a nigger sucks
>Getting shot by qt azns is ok


there's a fuckload of people everywhere, there's bound to be some that are just fucked in the head and they make life miserable for people. Elliot rogers springs to mind.

This #metoo shit is just another attempt for women to suckle on the teet of a "beta", subservient society that already caters to every one of their beck and calls, by receiving unwarranted attention and sympathy.

Sexual assault is not rampant in the west, it is rampant in third world shitholes. These westernized, white, priviledged cunts need to get off their spoiled ass and realize the current timeline they're in. Or better yet, send them to Africa for real assault.

Fuck our stupid species.

>you think old darkies would drive nice cars?
Unironically, yes. Car culture is much bigger among blacks and hispanics. But I shouldn't be surprised at your ignorance.

>Qt Asians shooting people with real guns--

What the fuck are you people talking about lol.

Elliot Rogers is just an insight into the mentality of the average manlet.

Post the gif where the eels bite her chub, it makes my penis become the big penis.

It's pretty apparent that Sup Forums is mostly virgins who have never interacted with a woman in their life, judging by these posts

>Implying I didn't mean shot as in pissing like in my AVs

>consent is connected to mutual attraction
who would guess

Kaho Shibuya San. :D

i thought his thing was self loathing because of his race. Of course mixed with his narcissism because of his rich family and car.

>sexual contact is the same as murder

You people are retarded

I know, seriously? It's insane, and i'm assuming some of these guys are kind of drunk or crazy. It's not always bad but im already kind of a shut in so it made it much less likely for me to go out

pretty much this I think

His big (lol) issue was being short. He was only like 5'8".

then carry a gun or taser or pepper spray, problem solved

eh not entirely true. a lot of us are completely emotionally stunted because of the few sexual experiences we've had being so negative that they color perceptions of the world in a twisted way. And there's also those of us just joking and fucking around because hey, boys will be boys

youre the only person with a sense of humor in the thread

your special privileges just for having a vagina dont matter here. Begone thot.

pretty sure like 90% of his shpeal was about being half chink and lusting after white girls who hate chinks. he could have been yao ming sized and it wouldn't have made a diff for him.
And of course his actual brain problems.

I does seem quite common for women to be harassed on dancefloors and in clubs etc

You're surprised Sup Forums is full of autistic and bitter incels?

but r/asianmasculinity told me white girls love asians!

>Used to spend all my time on Sup Forums and the internet
>Hear stories like this and other tales of catcalling/sexual harassment
>"No way did any of this shit happen, I never see it and the girls who mention it are always the hysterical types who make shit up"
>Finally get a job in an office with totally respectable looking colleagues, not lower-class hooligans or blue-collar types, most are married - some have kids too.
>Go drinking with them and the boss after work
>They constantly make innuendos, shit sex jokes and generally hit on the waitresses, barmaids, other women drinking and just about anything else with a vagina while they all do bumps of coke at various points
>Completely shocked because it actually plays out like some cringey tumblr story
>Girls visibly not interested, some smile and act polite but roll their eyes when they walk away
>All my colleagues talking about who's going to have who based on who they like the most
>Feel really uncomfortable and left out, decide to get wasted enough so they don't ask why I'm not doing the same
>Never go drinking with them again, they don't even mention it the next day because this is just normal for them
>tumblr was actually fucking right this time

No fucking shit, you think?
For every bad story a woman has about men a lot of boards can probably match with roasties

My friend posted this on fb and got called out quickly

>umm no sweetie
>some of us
>color our experience
>*sips fart
Hmm. You sound like a faggot, faggot.

>tfw guy got lucky with 20+ years worth of assault
What broke the camel
no, giga mermaid

Did you see that shit where the girl was taking selfies with guys catcalling her?

none of them asked for her tits or touched her and instead just told her she was pretty. She had the biggest RBFS on display and it was just hilarious

>Sexual assault is not rampant in the west, it is rampant in third world shitholes.

Actually it is rampant in the west because it actually gets reported, which is the key here. Third world is only confirmed rampant because we actually get refugees and survivor stories. Otherwise it isn't documented frequently because most girls/women are scared shitless by the blowback of the community and family.

Best example is India where they have lower reports of rape but we know that's complete bullshit due to independent reporting outside government.

Sick "virgin" shaming, real original. It's almost like all women use the same shaming and ad hominem attacks. Really activated my almonds.

you could just have said "yes I agree" and it would have been even less obvious that it describes you perfectly

Arby's marketing campaign gone viral on facebook and twitter

hard to take this shit seriously when even ugly cows on my facebook posts it. I guess I understand, they don't want to be left out, but come on, who believes anyone would put their hands on some hog?

Well most normalfags think it's worse lol

You sound like a Jewish women's studies major. You aren't oppressed. Fuck you. Women in the first world are the most coddled faggots in the history of earth.

Beta orbiters
Women can't argue without their holes, what else do you expect?