How can Nintendo save Star Fox?
How can Nintendo save Star Fox?
Make a good Star Fox game.
By making a new game with action levels where your ship transforms into a mech like Robotech
Kick Miyamoto out, he's gone senile.
Apparently this is harder than it seems.
Don't outsource the game to other shit heads that fuck it up
I bought zero on a whim yesterday and it's really good. Why didn't you bastards like this again? Can't figure the controls out?
Let Platinum Games handle the whole development, not just the graphical side of things and do not involve Miyamoto.
>right click
>send to recycle bin
Being able to figure them out does not make them good. They're still bad controls.
Let it die, add more characters to smash.
That's not letting it die.
But what's wrong with them specifically?
It’s actually not hard...
All they need to do is follow the story started in StarFox Command. Names could be either Star Fox:Enlist or Star Fox: Armada. Gameplay would be an improved version of the incredible gameplay of Assault, but with the addition of StarFox 2’s mode changes for the Arwings. Multiplayer mode would be even better, and have online mode, with all of the Assault maps brought back as well. Characters in team Star Fox would be Marcus, Elder Falco, and the unnamed descendants of Peppy and Lucy, but the playable charcter would be YOU.
That would be its gimmick, you would play as a disillusioned ex-Cornerian wingman, complete with avatar creator (think Sonic Forces, but more limited). You would also be able to customize your ship (THAT is where you would have more freedom) using components inspired by ships in all previous entries and modes. Amigo would be supported, but all parts for ships offered by Amiibo would be completely cosmetic, not changing core gameplay.
As for controls? It would be identical to the ones in assault, but now with the Joy-Con, you would have an option to use the right one as a pointer, while using the left one to move the ship. HD rumble would be supported.
As for anything else, like SF2 and Command, you can draw your path to victory on the map/star chart.
THIS is how you save Star Fox. THIS is how you make it good again, and this is how you appeal to core and new players.
The main series die, but keep supporting it through spinoff where I can play as my wife!
just make it ace combat lite with replayability, secrets and goofy campy characters
>Being able to figure them out does not make them good. They're still bad controls.
They're practically the standard Starfox controls just with a retical thats aimed independently of the ships direction and the ability to carry out a lot of actions simultaneously as a result of the boost, breaks and veering being placed on the right analog stick.
They didn't make the controls bad, they've added new features that allow you to do more things, but require additional input.
Give it to Sega
Realistically, by erasing the furies from existence so normal people would play the game.
ONLY ones I trust with StarFox are Q-Games and Namco. Imagine if they teamed up for a game together.
They need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel.
Shmups and space shooters are what they are and adding shit to star fox always fired backwards.
People loved Star Fox 64 be cause it was Star Fox on the SNES with good graphics. So what they need to do, but sadly can't, is pumping up the graphics because the orchestral music aint getting any more orchestral and you will most likely always press A to shot.
But that's not going to happen so sadly they only draw in the small crowd that is made up of die hard Star Fox fans and the few shooter fans that still excist, even if the game is good.
surely another SF64 remake is what they need
Turn it into a dating sim.
I'd rather create a character than a ship
When will we get a game where we play as Fox and Krystal's daughter
So make it a licensed Star Wars game instead?
More waifus
Gyro aiming without the two screen bullshit, while also having traditional controls. Two screen aiming was such a fucking garbage idea when Gyro is perfectly fine.
New shit instead of a 64 Redo
Make it faster
Starfox Zero is good.
Content wise you can say the older games are better.
But in actual controls and game play Zero is perfected.
This. More of the better waifu bait as well.
Unironically this. It worked for fire emblem, it's about time there says an official product with Anthro waifus
Just give the rights to that guy who does the weird furry Star Fox comics
You know the ones
Release Zero 2, ditch the motion or make it entirely optional, make an actual new game out of it instead remaking 64, stay away from Assault as much as possible
there, the perfect Star Fox game
The only bad parts of Zero are the lack of content and the souless soundtrack. Orchestral my ass.
Recreate Star Fox 2 on a grander scale.
>modern graphics, frame rate that doesn't suck dick
>map is significantly larger
>more planets, every single planet that's been in a Star Fox game thus far, plus a few new ones
>ability to customize the Arwing based on personal preferences for speed, armor, firepower, etc.
>select a trio of pilots instead of a pair
>option to have wingmates actually join you on missions - their AI is good enough that they will kill most of the shit for you, robbing you of points and making it a choice between having help and getting a good score
>getting a good score is necessary to unlock bonus content, like extra ships and maybe even characters
>more dialogue than 64, less of a chance to hear repeat quotes
>bosses take longer than 15 seconds to kill
>choose between taking the Arwing/Walker combo or specialized vehicles on planet missions - Landmaster is more heavily armed and armored than the walker, but can't transform back to fly, Blue Marine is faster in the water but the walker can sit in place and strafe
Just add waifus, it will sell more
I agree that Command was a really strong entry and would serve a good starting point story wise. It'd be cool if SF Switch found a solid way to mesh Command/SF2 with rail levels.
What if you played as James, Peppy and Pigma?
Legend of Krystal switch port.
With Sindoll's artstyle by the way.
Get Factor 5 to make a Rogue Squadron game but skin it with Star Fox.
We're already getting a remake though
Kid Icarus Uprising: Star fox edition.
That's mainly all to do, also stop rehashing 64 and stop pretending Panther and Krystal don't exist, and also add Fay and Miyu back
He has sameface issues
There is no saving. Rail-shooters are dead, nintendo doesn't know what to do with starfox, and the community suffers split fanbase syndrome