>The "System and method for driving microtransactions in multiplayer video games" was filed in 2015, but granted on October 17th, according to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
>This patent, though, specifically discusses how that system for pairing up players can also be used to entice a player to purchase in-game items.

"For example, in one implementation, the system may include a microtransaction engine that arranges matches to influence game-related purchases," according to the patent. "For instance, the microtransaction engine may match a more expert/marquee player with a junior player to encourage the junior player to make game-related purchases of items possessed/used by the marquee player. A junior player may wish to emulate the marquee player by obtaining weapons or other items used by the marquee player."



Can't wait for it to crash and burn

>patent granted
This is more disappointing than the fact that the patent was filed. I mean it's Bobby? Who cares at this point?
But the fact that the patent office granted it. I fucking hate this country.

Gonna go read a book. Eat shit, U.S. politics.

>He's not a Marquee player

get on my level

at least this means that shit will only fly on Activision games, r-right?

That'll be the nail in the coffin for them. Once you design CoD multiplayer deliberately so that people fail they'll leave. There's no fun in getting slaughtered endlessly, and if they're not having fun they won't spend more on it.

A real shame the industry's too big to crash now. Stuff like this makes me want it badly.

Just chiming in with a personal anecdote

I got addicted to Loot Crates in Black Ops 3. I got all sorts of exclusive guns and cosmetic options. But what I would do after my shameful multi hundred dollar loot crate sprees? Run around advertising the new weapons and cosmetics and generally styling on people. I enjoyed having the prestige of rare items and gear and flaunting them against other players. All Activision is doing is trying to create a system that maximizes the effect of this behavior.

I was. I had all the dumb loot crate only weapons and an extremely high level of skill to compliment it. New guns are out? Time for me to use them in a loadout and win top rank and winner's circle every match. I'd even talk them up in chat if people were curious about how good they were.

>For instance, the microtransaction engine may match a more expert/marquee player with a junior player to encourage the junior player to make game-related purchases of items possessed/used by the marquee player. A junior player may wish to emulate the marquee player by obtaining weapons or other items used by the marquee player."

wait, I thought they made matchmaking to prevent exactly this.

This isn't about skill. It's about advertising. Any retard with a P2W item would count as a "marquee". "Veteran" just means they've played long enough to earn or buy some items.

too big to crash? more like so big it will definitely crash. Babel tower, my friend.

most of how matchmaking is done is guesswork, when people figure out hard numbers most matchmaking systems in competitive games are a fucking joke.
What actiniggers want to do i think is use this jewry in their cod tier garbage.

I don't remember the last time I bought an Activision game.

It's not made to make the game enjoyable for you, but to get the maximum profit they can.
>this also means other companies will follow this and server browsers are no more

poorfags btfo

> prestige
> wasting hundreds of dollars on literally nothing

western millenicucks are truly the most debased generation mankind has offered so far

Imagine the person, who sat down and made this shit up. No, wait, not just made it, but actually thought this would be a great idea.

>still playing AAA garbage
when will you cucks learn

>microtransaction engine



It absolutely was prestigious. Sometimes even just shooting my gun off because of unique gunshot sounds would cause players to seek me out to kill me and steal it or pick it up after I die.

blizzard is the only company who has done mtx right so its literally god tier that activision got the patent as opposed to anyone else like EA. You shouldn't be able to open lootboxes and get anything other than cosmetics. Blizzard understands this.

tl;dr op is retarded also vidya is literally saved

>>microtransaction engine
>the microtransaction engine

It is sad, this world, we live in.

they thought it would make them a shitload of money. and guess what? it will.

you wanna know why every AAA game is turning into a multiplayer progression-driven open-world survival shooter service game full of microtransactions and loot boxes with a planned schedule of updates intended to last for years? it's not because developers necessarily think those are great ideas. it's because those things combined make them shitloads of cash, and with the ever increasing cost of AAA game development, they need to be sure they'll get a return on their investment.

it's all about money. it has always been about money. it always will be about money


Problem is that this is gonna literally print money, we are doomed

This rampant jewish capitalism has gone too far.

It's time for the government to intervene and put a stop to these insidious practices.

Would you like some jewish communism instead?

it's not about need to be able to fund big games, it's just about making maximum amount of money

I can guarantee you that if the guys funding the game companies thought it would be the most profitable to direct all their studios into producing fucking toilet cleaner they would, at the drop of a hat

hell, they'd produce chemical weapons for ISIS if it was safe and profitable

>blizzard is the only company who has done mtx right
Fuck no they haven't. They're literally the worst when it comes to this shit. WoW mtx is sickening.

wait, Sup Forums told me just to ignore it and it'd go away, how could this be happening

>tfw games in the future are going to be just platforms where all content is locked behind lootboxes and the microtransaction engine will make you cough up even more money


Don't worry user, indie games are better than ever these days, and don't incorporate this sort of jewery.

>literally made it so you no longer ever have to buy a subscription by just playing the game
>not thrown into the godliest of tiers

I don't play Activision shit and if they have the patent doesn't this stop other people from doing it?

>Microtransaction engine
>'Matchmaking' pits high skill players against low skill players to try and get them to buy shit


That's not how you say Warframe, user.



>buy a bunch of shit
>get put against newbies so you can curb stomp them while showing off your dumb hat

so literally pay to win?



>Western AAA gaming

glad I avoid that shit

>Loot boxes in single player games with $40 season passes
>Loot boxes that give gameplay bonuses in multiplayer games
>Bethesda selling people mods
>Microtransaction engine that literally makes matchmaking worse to try and sell shit
Burn it all to the ground

matchmaking is the trick to keep you playing the game
the longer you play a game the higher the chances are that you eventually buy something
once youre hooked on grinding your meaningless rank youre just a step away from having your wallet sucked clean by microtransactions

activision blizzard is just taking this to another level and will ruin it for every other game using matchmaking as a means to keep playing playing their games

glad this will help people realize matchmaking was a mistake though

Based activision patenting that shit so no other companies can do it.
No good games come out of activision-blizzard anyway


You guys are so ungrateful

That's exactly how the far-left and (((they))) want you to think. A government lobby can still easily be corrupted with plants (see: Monsanto, Exxon-Mobil, Disney, etc.) but has the problem of being almost entirely-unchallengeable. On a broader economic scale. this kind of shit is what lead Marxist governments to be overtaken by dictators.

Pre-existing gambling laws aside, simply spreading as much word as possible not to buy into this shit and WHY it's bad before Jewgle can re-manipulate the narrative is your only clean way of undoing this mess, and even then you'll have the whales to deal with. A vidya-lobby alternative would backfire much faster, sadly.

is the difference between loot drops and loot crates that you buy loot crates with actual human currency?
or is there something else i am missing?

The problem with the lootbox/microtransaction shit was never the randomness or gambling (see baseball cards, etc.).
It's the fact that the consumer is 100% in the dark about the market they are buying into, and meanwhile the corporation has ALL the data they could ever need.
They can twiddle all the knobs and dial in drop rates and such to keep you hooked forever, and 99% of people would never even notice.
It's literally worse than gambling, because in a casino they don't rig the slots to give you a payout right when you planned on leaving.

>b-b-but there is nothing wrong with lootboxes and microtransactions!
>just don't buy it!

>Some weird gaming patent pops up
>Instead of saying "Fuck Company X" all the posts are "fuck jews"

Why do I even come here anymore? This is stupid. What does believing in jesus or not have to do with this?

I think in some asians countries they are somewhat regulated or at least companies need to show up the drop rates and such

I was about to say that no country is as unstable as russia was but then i remembered what america is now

They're generally one and the same, user. At least regarding western-Europe and America.

That's not to say Asia and other developed nations capable of such platforms don't have their fair share of greed either.

That's what people often say but it's not taht good, they give out lootbox games in chinkland because 99% of the revenue comes from lootboxes anyways

Time to add Activision to the shitlist. Oh well.

>players doing the microtransaction advertising and getting other players to buy
for some reason this bothers me even more

why do you come here, indeed? kindly fuck off and go back to whatever subreddit you came from.

>now is the time
>not years and years ago

Honestly I just look as the necessary evil, I just don't preorder shit and there is always an influx of fun games. I just treat AAA now as the normie gamer tax and hope it stays there.

jews have a head start in the capitalist world because for centuries they were the only ones permitted to loan money. that's about it, really.

I don't buy games anyway :^)

We're fucked. Maybe indie really is the future, outside of the rare AAA that's made by decent devs.

This is a good thing since it's patented everyone will have to pay Activision royalties if they use it and jews don't like getting jewed by other jews so they wont use it.

I don't get the fuss, manipulative microtransaction crap has existed for a long time on mobile.
The only reason the model is sustainable is because the platform is focussed on freemium games due to no being a serious gaming platform.
On devices where the competition is driven by games funded through an initial license fee this model cannot thrive, as people can just hop on the next game where they don't need to drop money to compete.
I played online shooters with micro transactions years ago and I would have hopped to something else if I ever felt the paying guys had an significant edge, I wouldn't pay money to beat them.
Look at how fortune hopped quickly to take market share from pubg, the market is vicious.
This reminds me of that patent about showing people comercials mid gameplay, it's going to amount to nothing.

>other companies cant just make the same thing but with some shit here and there to be legally okay
user... everyone will follow suit

Or they'd just use their own method, since they know it's guaranteed because Activision got away with it.

>He actually believes the free market fixes itself

This. Games are more popular than ever. Big named titles like Star Wars, Destiny, Call of Duty and Battlefront will always make a return no matter what they do. All this does is ensure that publishers make the maximum amount of profit possible, state of the industry and morals be damned.

I lived through the death of server browsers in my own lifetime. I think I'm gonna give up on vidya multiplayer until after the next industry crash.

Problem I see with indie games is sure they try to innovate but most of the time they don't have the budget of AAA game which means that even if the concept is legit, the execution might not be satisfactory.

Thats what Heartstone was doing since it got released. You are constantly matched with people who swiped their credit card a few times to get all the cards.

Battlefield* not battlefront. Fucking games all sound the same too.

How do we kill the casuals?

This sadly, if anything all that extra revenue is only bloating up the size of their ultra-marketing and thus allowing for even less risks or total games to be had.

>"muh pure godlike Rome" is the one responsible for today's Jewish-globalist platform having so much power over the former's descendants/inheritors, even before going full-Christian (ironic on its own)

Like a tragic historical novel.

Kill the whales first to have the market slowly move back in a better direction.


In the case of video games it does.
Competition works.

wrong (((image)))

>it's another Sup Forums blames the Jews for thier small penis thread

If lootcrates can somehow bypass gambling laws, other jewcorps will most definitely find ways to spin Acti-Blizzard's concept through minor tweaks into their own without trouble. And if they fail, they'll go at it again and again, just like Bethesda's paid mods.

jeez I thought spending 16 brexit bux on Overwatch for the Mercy skin was bad, I feel pretty good now thanks user

I've already given up on multiplayer games. Skinner box unlock grinding shit is half of it and the other half is just that there's too many multiplayer games with a finite number of players divided between too many games and new ones coming out every week, meaning nothing ever actually gets to develop a community and a MP game without a community is worthless.

>reddit meme

Ultra rich white people are indistinguishable from Jews. This shit also exists in all of Asia including Japan. The company that championed this kikery the most was/is Valve, a 100% private (ie no stockholders influence) company run by a WASP, it couldn't be less Jewish.

Stop being a faggot and pretending that if there were no Jews this wouldn't happen. It absolutely would. Business is business you brainlets.

the interesting thing about this is it actually works both ways, as players who have spent money on in-game items will experience less buyers remorse by being paired with lower-skilled players who will be easier to kill

fucking genius

>Skinner box unlock grinding shit is half of it

This is why this was my favorite multiplayer game last gen even though I was primarily a mustard

AA still barely exists too. And foreign-AAA's like Witcher.

Otherwise you're right, although expect some Creation Club-tier platforms to "gratefully" appear and find ways to corrupt the Indie market the same as what's happening to modding.

Doesn't change the fact that people will choose the game that's the most fair to them and that the market for shooters is over saturated.
The moment they start jewing tho other jews will sweap in to take the player base.
Look at the moba boom and the card game boom, no game can afford to jew too hard or they lose the players.

Good thing I don't play Activision games then

how does advertising yourself as an idiot garner prestige? you got killed for standing out like how a zebra that stood out from the herd is easily picked off and labeled it as something positive, suggesting you lack even a basic understanding of what goes on around you, how it affects you, or even if the effects you register are positive or not.


You're not wrong, the Bilderberg circle is half-full of WASP's and greed is an inherent trait to humanity.

Nonetheless they're also talking about a culture historically known for being too-versed in exploiting currency and the nations they live under (i.e. propaganda and narrative-control). They play a huge contribution to the system overall.

Don't forget:
>call out sexism on a game
>'sexist' thing is instantly changed
>call out that unlimited resources and alternate costumes used to be cheat codes
>get called retarded by the developer

This is fucking brilliant! I hope industry keeps finding more ways of bleeding consumers dry while producing absolute shit games.

the free market sucks dick just like democracy cause it depends on the unwashed masses

enjoy your cancer games because normies fell for it yet again

Who is even going for this microtransaction shit? I never bought any randomized lootbox shit, not any boosts or weapons.

Are normies to blame?

Free market will solve it.
Fuck this_Fuck you

a proper democracy values and depends on an educated electorate
unfortunately, I live in America

>microtransaction engine