Book to video game

What book would you like to see made into a video game?

All Quiet On the Western Front

Harry potter


Red Badge of Courage

would make for a boring game

Wuthering Heights. Wait, how the fuck would that work?

I'd love a game based on the Odyssey or the Iliad though.

I know you're only memeing, but the original trilogy on 6th gen consoles are pretty good.
For me I really wanna see Telltale take on the Dexter series.

Just tell me whose dick to suck and I'll suck it.

>get to be a student
>explore castle
>explore forest
>end goal of game is to graduate
>pick up classes based on what you want to be
I'm not even a big fan of the books/movies anymore, but i loved the atmosphere of the school. Fuck Harry's story.


I've always wanted a Redwall RPG

>Dexter: A Telltale Game
I had no idea I wanted this but now I really fucking want this.

Hernan Cortez: The Conquest of Mexico

The locations were interesting, I recall. The manor, the bog/swampy area, etc.

Percy Jackson


Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 1984, Mein Kampf...
No, I'm not memeing, just imagine what the games would be like (the first and last aren't as much of a story, though would still be interesting)
The Bible but with more focus on the cool shit like God sending a fucking bear to maul some normies mocking Him because He's motherfucking GOD

Yeah, doesn't it seem like it would have great potential? There's so many IPs Telltale could use yet there producing Minecraft: Story Mode, Batman and Guardians of the Galaxy. They need to get there shit together and hop on a good IP.

the bible

Old or New Testament?


>not making the Hogwarts game horrible
It's a magical school but still a school
>deadlines you need to keep
>as you play the in-game time goes forward
>everyday lasts 1 hour with a total of 20 min classes every day
>the remaining 40 min are for homework, extra activities and exploration/adventures
>constant tests forces you to study all of your extra time
>a bunch of cool mysteries gets solved by NPC students because you were too busy with studying
>optional quest of getting a gf
>fail horribly
>check skill points
>don't know if you have passed enough grades to progress to the next year
>might be held back an entire year
>if you fail your in-game parents will be crying that you failed
Would be sweet

Stormlight Archive is better desu.

The Canterville Ghost

your life is not a good video game plot, user

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
House of Leaves
The Night Land shit book, though

A game based on Bridge of Birds would be neat. But then you might as well just play Jade Empire or any other Wuxia inspired game.

I think Dune could make for a dope game

Dune 2, Dune 2000, and Emperor: Battle for Dune exist.

Gimme the Old Kingdom RPG I've yearned for so long.

right, I shouldve stated that I would like to see a Dune game made for modern PCs

The Sound and the Fury by Telltale. The first episode would be playing as the tard wrangler trying to make sure Benjy doesn't shit on himself while you look for your goddamn quarter. The second would be playing as Quentin through a Max Payne dream sequence for minimum forty hours while the narrator just screams at you.

this series

Don't forget behind the dune

You know that all this is already in Academagia with exception of being held back a year and also with possibilty to be brutally murdered while adventuring ?

give me 1 (one) good reason why Kerrigor hasn't reappeared yet in his kitten form

Just make Bully set in Hogwarts

Ah dude, fucking memories. That used to be my favorite series.

Yes please.

Have you read the preview chapters for Oathbringer? I honestly thought his writing couldn't get any worse until I read those.

I could die happy, adolescence fulfilled.

>taking his contractual obligation for preview chapters at face value
Begone plebe.

The Oasis from Ready Player One

Because Mogget is the cutest Bright Shiner!

Makes this about Juffin during time of orders

Overpowered mad wizards have no sense of right and wrong. Are you bad enough dude to murder/imprison them ?

or about the work of Special Investigations before the start of the books

Holy shit, how have i not heard of this game? Just googled it and it seems like my kind of jam.


too booky

>good vs evil have a great war, but there's no guarantee who'll win so you sit it out and play the waiting game
>good wins and enslaves you forever as a punishment
Mogget literally did nothing wrong and deserved his freedom.

An H.G Wells War of the Worlds survival horror game would be pretty sweet.

Halsey's diary. Some Halo spin off or so

Lord of the Rings.

I would suggest a series of Sherlock Holmes point and click mystery games, but if you base it on the actual stories, it might be just a little moot since a well-read player would KNOW how to piece everything together.


>no beowulf game

Noahs Ark 64

lmao nerds

Loved the book, but i dont see a way on how developers might adapt it into a game, whitout it being shitty indie meme thats boring.

Which book? The link is broken.

Morrowind's main story gave me some Dune vibes from time to time


The Gentleman Bastards series, especially The Lies of Locke Lamora. They would probably make for excellent stealth and sandbox games. Every book is also a brand new city, all of which are interesting, first one being the best.

"All quiet on the western front."

Easy question


Change between Metaverse segments and IRL skateboard tech and intense pizza delivery bonus stages.

A game where you control Cthulhu... but I don't mean you make a ritual or some shit, no. I want to BE Cthulhu.

Id play a tropico clone of Animal Farm

Blood Meridian
Kind of hoping RDR2 is just that, honestly.

Hopefully it would be some rogue-like

What about Animal Crossing?
All the villagers could be based on historical figures, and when they leave they get sent to the glue factory.
It's practically 1-to-1 already.


Only the first one

The other two were trash.

Literally the Thief series

>tfw you get monkey paw'd

>fourth book never ever
motherfucker just had to have his breakdown


Forever war or a fire upon the deep

I liked it for what it was.

I'll say Infinite Jest because somebody has to.
It'd be pure shit but it'd lead to to a new Sup Forums-/lit/ Co-Prosperity Meme Sphere, which i'm all for.

It's basically a text adventure/raising sim. If you like reading, it's fine, otherwise, you'll find it pretty boring desu.