What if mommy said you can only pick one?

what if mommy said you can only pick one?

>bang wuhuhu
>fuck durmpf and fuck white people

Unironically bang wuhuhu.

I'd punch her teeth out so she'd learn her place, then I'd only get Odyssey anyway because I don't care about the rest.

I don't own a Switch yet, so Wolfenstein. I haven't played The New Order yet, so I'd get that first.

Bing Bing Wahoo is the only appealing option.

what are those shitty games doing there with mario?

I'd pick Odyssey and resell it to buy better games

>People unironically excited for Asscreed: We Wuz Kangz edition

One series goes back to making good games regularly. Pick one.

More like fuck nazis. Do you have a problem with that? Are you a nazi? BJ is white, he's not a nazi. You don't have to be a dirty loser nazi just because you're threatened by sjw boogyemen user.

Metal Slug

Castlevania, classic or metroidvania is fine


I would normally say megaman, but it already has excellent fangames. So castlevania deserves it more.

>picking any assassin's creed game ever

I'd pick the italian plumber over any of these political agendas

We have a ton of Megaman-style games, a ton of Metroidvania-style games, but very few classicvania-style games with a slower character but still heavy reliance on reflexes and melee combat. Why is this?

I'd save my good boy points for when something good comes out. None of those games look appealing at all.

i dont want to play any of them
if i had to play one, i guess WAHOO

Who gives a single fuck what anyone is? If they aren't violent, ignore them.

>People ITT unironically don't think AC is going BTFO everything else

As a kid I would pick Mario Odyssey and now I'll pick Mario Odyssey. Wolfenstein looks good but I'm not interested enough to pay full price, and I'm in no rush to play another Assassin's Creed.

mario by far wtf


>don't have a switch

Guess I'll go with Assassin's Creed. It's the only one that really looks good of those three anyway.

Fuck Drumpf and FUCK white people my brother.

Megaman if X, Castlevania if not.

das rite my fellow kang

So is origins really we wuz or is it just Sup Forums screaching?

Nazis, the religion of peace

Bing Bing Wahoo is the only one that isn't gonna be $20 in six months

Castlevania > Megaman > Metal Slug

Everything shown so far really does look good but I'm remaining pessimistic toward it.

probably wolfenstein, since i don't own a switch and i'm not going to play we wuz: the vidya.

can I just have like 20 bucks cash instead

Mario because Creed is for the Call of Duty audience and nobody really cares about Wolfenstein as a series.

>need to buy a switch for post-modern mario world 64

I'll go with WE WUZ KANGZ.

Do I need to play The New Order to enjoy this one?

We did just that with Islam for a long time.

Now look where we are.

>Cool game with cool concept and one loctaed in a genre where only Nintendo and Indies give attention

>Washed out genre but out of a classic line of videogames also its always cool to kill Nazis

>13(?) reash of a game released in 9 years with the same fucking gameplay, same collectebles and pants on the head retarded story

Its Mario for me

it helps a lot, that's for sure.

islam was never not violent

Honestly it'd depend on the facial features of the characters. Are they angular egyptian faces, like what can be seen in every single piece of egyptian sculpture? Or are they squash-nosed bix noods?

I've never actually paid enough attention to it to look at the characters, all I know is that they're dark. But come the fuck on, they live in a desert. You're not going to find some disgusting pasty brit in the desert in the era before sunscreen. Some irish motherfucker who looks like an albino had sex with a lobster.

Is it comparable to nu-DOOM in terms of campaign length? Might pick it up tomorrow so I can get the second one when it comes out.

Except no one cares if you shit on nazis except actual nazis.
Meanwhile, lefties jump down people's throats for shitting on Islam, which is why we (by which I mainly mean cityfolks and Euros) are where we are.

Never mind, looked it up myself anyway. Anyone who thinks this isn't what ancient egyptians looked like and anyone who thinks this looks like a sub-saharan is a dumbass.

Buying all 3. Because I'm an adult.

if you can get it on sale, it's worth it imo. i probably wasn't gonna pay 60 bucks for the new one anyway, but you know

Just read up on it or watch a walk through


Just buy something much better on sale. Who would pay full price for any of those?

>Buying all 3. Because I'm gullible.

Mario, because Wolfenstein Switch isn't out yet.

i only play female characters. i wouldnt feel too comfortable playing a strong black man :3

Why would you play Nu-id or Ubishit when the GOAT will arrive soon?

>unironically supporting terrorism

metal slug
i like castlevania more but i'm satisfied with it being gone

metal slug needs to come back, with the same quality spritework, and school "indies"

Mega Man, if they're on Switch

Buying video is gullible? You're saying this on a video game board populated by video game fans? You're so cool.

Only one of these 3 pokemon gets a mega. Pick:

None, let me get a new gradius instead.

Dusknoir, to protect Swalot & Torkoal from neo-shitter design

Buying things at full price because you can even if they don't look that great is the definition of gullible and discourages developers from trying to make quality games :^)

Metal Slug

This desu.


funny im not a nahtzee but still I would actually feel like im shooting my side in a way. I cant help it I feel like this game is aimed against me

Gimme Mega Scrafty instead.

>I'm not a Nazi
>I'm just a Nazi sympathizer
Kill yourself just like your hero did

Wolfenstain 2

I'd pick WE



Mario was the only one I was planning on getting anyway. Maybe I'll pick up wolfenstein on sale or something if it turns out ok. Don't care about ass creed

His footprints are making too big of an impact in the sand. Unless he has some heavy nigger assassin aura or something.

My mother (RIP) would have only allowed me to get Mario out of that lineup anyway.

Ass Creed looks fun, for free that is


das rite

>trusting E3 footage

Oddysee, by a mile, but I would be genuinely disappointed if I was never allowed to play wolfenstein.

>have PC Wolfenstein and Mario both preordered for hard copies
>got Wolfenstein PC DVD coming from Amazon for 20% off
>Get Mario basically for free from trade in bonuses
ho lee fuk it feels good to win

Due to the recent better-than-expected mario+rabbids game how about this:
Nintendo decides to team up with another major gaming company to make a filler game.

Nintendo + Microsoft (Samus and Master Chief) with a sidescrolling run-n-gun Contra-type of game

Nintendo + Square Enix (Lara Croft + Link) RPG with aLBW art style where you go temple raiding for artifacts/treasures turns out that Lara is somehow to new Zelda and Link has to protect her

Can't think of another game.

>LBW artstyle
No thanks

Didn't he fuck off to Brazil, though?

Hitler committed sudoku when the allies caught up to him.

yawn, been there done that
yawn, been there done that
>assassins creed
yawn, been there done that


This nigga looks like he's about to smack the shit outta somebody.

I don't have a switch, and I've never been able to get into an assassin's creed game so Wolfenstein, I guess. I don't particularly want that either

>believing the main strem meteor

None I'd save my money

Lol. Jeeewwsss!

It's either that or believe Nazis. Himmler believed Nazis, do you want to be like Himmler?

Post more.

What if I hate Nazis AND Jews AND Arabs? Your move!

>unironically falling for a bait ad on twitter


Then there should be no problem with killing Nazis

BJ is jewish. Jews are not white. The series is the Jewish equivalent to Django unchained.