Vermintide 2


Other urls found in this thread:

>same playable characters

boring cashgrab should have been an expansion or dlc

>Vermintide free weekend
>I'll try it out
>39GB download
What the fuck is going on

I wanna see the rest of the careers and how far the mod support will go

a retarded contrarian opinion to get the thread rolling, good choice user

>contrarian opinion

i haven't seen a single opinion about the game thus far because literally nobody cares

Hope DLC adds new monsters and classes/characters instead of maps.

I hate map DLC, I want to do new shit not old shit in new places.

here's some for you to see user the Evervirgin

>classes/characters instead of maps.
literally no chance of this happening. too many "epik funny" voice lines to record.

I have a high fever and can't stop laughing at that picture, help

It's 26 dollaridoos, which is pretty reasonable for an "expansion"

>literally nobody
>we're already on the fifth thread since the stream happened a few hours ago

are you actually complaining about the voice acting?

>Sup Forums seems excited so I should like it too!

nice herd mentality brainlets

Is anybody going to explain why this thing is nearly 40GB?

What video game is 40GBs?

'Raki dating simulator

I want ton of loot, and better feeling on the hitboxes when rat hits you.

Also same engine with better perfs and I'm good.

And maybe more focus and randomness on survival maps.

when it's blatantly the reason for the same boring characters, yeah. variety over memes.

We're ignoring you. Fuck off, tripfag.

Just ignore it and enjoy your Sopa de Mocaco this weekend.

>Adding Chaos Nurgle Warhost


>projecting this hard after being proven wrong

>We're ignoring you
What a good job you're doing, brainlet


>"literally NOBODY is exited about it!"
>"yes they are"
>"ok, they are. but I'M NOT!"
thanks for your input to this thread, very valuable

Good idea mate, following you

This one.

do you think the mod support will include careers?

this includes all the DLC maps, because you can still play them if your friend has bought the DLC

I want a Runesmith

It's more believable for Bardin to become a Slayer than a runesmith. Not that I wouldn't love it, it's just pushing things.

No. It'll probably just be maps

Wanted to map more for KF2 but their support is underwhelming.

I hope I'll find happyness with Vermintide 2.

your efforts are appreciated

>make different skins
>tie them to already existing weapon arche-types
>look! new classes!!

surely you people aren't actually this stupid, right?

same garbage clone game that only warhammber babies brainlessly defend, even though not even they play it.

I doubt it will add more careers, but I'm sure they also add weapons and bosses just like vermintide 1

I anticipate more angry sexual tension.

So will Sienna's alternate classes be different types of wizards?


not been disclosed yet

lol watch it just be "Flame Sword" "Flame Staff" and "Flame Wand". The careers are literally just the weapon types with a skin attached. I would be surprised to see more than 3 all-new attack styles in the game

Probably different ways she deals with her fire magic addiction.

Lorewise a human can only learn one wind of magic. So Sienna is tied to fire, dont really know ho they will implement the rest, but since at the Battle Wizzard career it says that she does AOE spells, they just change the wands based on her career.

except they said only some rare weapons are career exclusive

Go fuck yourself the cast is perfect

Left 4 Dead 3

>Go fuck yourself the cast is perfect

If everyone was as stupid as you we would have never gotten Coach in l4d2. Die any time.

Valve doesn't make games, they buy them.

So how are they gonna do the different classes and same characters work together? It was very clear who these characters were and what they did.

Slayer Bardin and ranger Bardin seem like they would be really different in the way they act.

not complaining about playing as a slayer dwarf tho

Definitely in

I don't know about the rest, how did their story end by the way, or was it never elaborated on?

>gameplay snippet shows a Druchii with Druchii weapons and a Druchii line of dialogue, but the same voice actor as the current Asrai
I'm fucking confused, not even in End Times lore did Wood Elves just straight up turn into Dark Elves?

If you had to actually cast a completely different set of 5 playable characters, what would you do?

>tfw no lizardmen squad game will ever exist

It was the same character using a dark elf crossbow, obviously. Notice that the spear was a wood elf one.

Since Malektih is the Eternity King and Kerillian is exiled or left Athel Loren, Khaine lired her with whispers to become a Shade. Its all on their website. Thode careers are all AU's that take place after the first game, hence why Bardin can be a Slayer or continue beeing a Veteran Ranger.

She is not becoming a dark elf. She is becoming a Shade, which is a "dark elf" career due to it being associated almost exclusively with dark elves. This, in turn, is due to the dark elves having a much closer relationship with Khaine, the elven god of murder and general brutal nastiness. Her turn towards such a path is explained partly by her own exile from Athel Loren driving her slightly mad, and this unidentified curse she suffers under perhaps driving her in this direction as well.

Vermintide 2 continues their stories. The careers are all AU's for you to choose. A human can only lesrn one wind of magic so no death or light.

Kerillion is an elf to be treasured. And bullied.
Now where's the fic where Skaven rape her?

It also seems slightly odd for a mage character named "Sienna Fuegonasus" to not be a fire mage. It would be like a wizard named "Oceanus Waterbucket" who can only cast fire spells.

Wasn't it an asur they raped?

>Skink scout
>Asur white lion
>Ogre mercenary
>Brettonian questing knight
>another dwarf because no other race in this grimdark universe will tolerate this diversity

Either or. Kerillion would be more immersive though.

5 dwarves. A runesmith, a Slayer, an engineer, a ranger, and an ironbreaker.

>It would be like a wizard named "Oceanus Waterbucket" who can only cast fire spells.

Yeah, but imagine how surprised the enemy would be! They'd all be prepared with rain jackets and sponges and suddenly, BAM, a fucking conflagration.

Mind games, user, mind games.

List of confirmed new features:
Confirmed new enemies:
Chaos Warriors
Chaos Spawn
plague monks
Warpfire throwers
Stormfiends w/ warpfire throwers


Classes: (certain limitations to weapons per class. Each class offers a passive and active skill.)
Bardin: slayer, veteran ranger, iron breaker
Kerillian: shade, ???, ???
Kruber: Foot knight, ???, ???
Saltzpyer: bounty hunter, ???, ???
Sienna: Battle wizard, ???, ???

Loads of customization for characters, not just hats but armour too (new hub now also customizable)
Heroic deeds: Consumable quest that can change the way the enemies spawn (such as only minibosses, or only duel bosses, and shit like that) Solo runs and others
loot system: "easier to get stuff for your character/career, can get multiple items per level as well" Weapon rarity no longer affects DPS, only other stats and traits
Weapons more important in terms of playstyle than stats. Enhancements and talents can make up for stats.
mod support

>Dwarf tolerating an Asur

Would have liked to see the Skink and Ogre interact.

reuploaded, just replace the name with Kerillians if you so desire

So will cousin Okri become a playable character or would he be too OP?

They post the ones for Kruber and Kerillian?

just one each

That pic is pretty noobish. Hagbane has been top tier for longest time. It's only been supplented only recently with the repeater buffs as the ultimate "I solo the rat ogre in 10 seconds" weapon

>no lootboxes

he's a Slayer on steroids, so at least now you can pretend

With Chaos and Skaven working together what are the chances we see a Verminlord?

>skinks outside of the jungle teaming up with anything not lizard
I wish

Any excuse to throw traitorous knife-ears out a window.




Hasn't the apocalypse happened by vermintide 1? How much more can happen beyond that point in the story? Also what's the point of doing this shit if the canon leads to the retardation that is the end of times?

Helf girl, Skink priest, Skink chief or a scar vet, another generic sword/pikeman or witch hunter, and a dwarf. Enemies start out as Delves(few, but elite), then undead (horde of slow shit with a few elites), and then Skaven.


its set during the apocalypse

>Also what's the point of doing this shit
its fun and the devs want money


Don't the lizardmen hate the skaven literally more than the other races? I mean if the choice was there for them to wipe out skaven they might be willin g to at least begrudgingly work alongside another race to kill rats

Krut: A disease of mountain goats.


As far as I know, and I don't know that much, Lizardmen just don't get out of home that much, so it's unlikely a skink would end up anywhere near a team up situation.

I wouldn't mind it happening desu, lore can be broken if I can play as a hissing little cunt.

A sight to warm my cuckold wizard

Kill many skaven scum and norscan assholes as you can.

When the game got announced, some anons on /tg/ noticed that this one lacked the End Times title, leading to a theory this game will mess with the shit times like Total War did.

They've turned it back into what both Warhammer franchises were always meant to be - settings, not stories.
The world is ending, and will continue to end for as long as the game is played like one of those tones that seems to get higher pitched forever.

>How much more can happen
It can always go shittier. Basically the entire plot of warhammer (and 40k) follow this rule.

someone enlighten me, what does this line actually say?
over 200 hours but I never bothered to turn on subtitles

>People want a Skink or any lizardman
nigga they would revert back into their primitive form by being away from their slann priests

Oh, and it takes place in Lustria in a new world colony.

Cockels. As in the cockels of his heart.

>tfw you will never play as a saurus scar-vetern, carving up hordes of rats and chaos as you laugh manically

Slann Priest character when?

>Human Necromancer
>Dark elf corsair
>night goblin
>Human pirate

I'd have never guessed that, thanks