Fire Emblem

Let's have a Fire Emblem thread!

Favourite game
Favourite weapon
Favourite map
Favourite character in the series

>Unwanted Reunion

Other urls found in this thread:

Lets talk about FE5's flaws
1. 99% maximum accuracy make everything RNG-dependent
2. Not only can all attacks miss, so can staves. Including healing staves.
3. Enemy reinforcements attack right away, even when they pop out of nowhere in the middle of the map
4. Enemy AI is idiotic and extremely easy to abuse
5. Enemies are super weak overall and very way too much in possible stats
6. No reason not to turtle except the fact that the maps generally lack any source of challenge
7. Battle system information is hidden to the player, displayed critical rate is often a complete lie (initial attack capped at 25%)
8. Low stat caps, growth-increasing scrolls, etc. result in your characters being OP as fuck
9. Warp skips half the game
10. Even non-warp staves trivialize much of the game
11. You get a ton of incredibly powerful weapons
12. Poor character balance
13. Fatigue is irrelevant
14. Can't even rearrange your units deployment positions
15. Story requires FE4 to understand yet is full of contradictions with FE4
16. Story arc is very underwhelming, final boss is a nobody story-wise and a joke gameplay-wise
17. No support conversations for characterization, worldbuilding, etc.

This doesn't even scratch the surface, so post stuff to add to this list.

Now what are its strengths?

>Favourite game
>Favourite weapon
Balmung and Book of Naga
>Favourite map
Forgot which one but it was a map with lots of rain and thunder.
>Favourite character in the series
Lyn (sword), Charlotte (Axe), Sharena (Lance), Tethys (dancer), Saizo (Dagger), Rath (bow), Tiki (dragon)

>3. Enemy reinforcements attack right away, even when they pop out of nowhere in the middle of the map
Before FE7 these were just called reinforcements.
It can't be a flaw if it was just the way it worked back then.
Same with 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17.

You forgot to add
>Resistance and magic are now one stat and everyone is super vunerable to any staff users including Leif
>Status debuffs are permanent unless you have a restore staff
>Mounted units are forced to dismount and use swords indoors which makes characters like Finn who specialize in other weapons useless
>Chapter 5
>Escape chapters where Leif has to be the last one to escape or you lose any teammates with you on the map

Radiant dawn is an imbalanced mess and I fucking love it

honestly the mounted/unmounted thing would be pretty cool to re include and helps rein in cavalry

>No favorite, its whatever I'm playing atm (SoV)
>Weapons with HIT and CRIT, really like the Shamshir
>No Preference

I still have fun with it.