I fucking hate this heart hands shit.


fuck off

What about now?

>"Iresearched why our game isn't selling and it appears we need hot waifus"
>"but sir, our game doesn't have any hot waifus"
>"the monkey will do"

More people will post in this thread than have played lawbreakers all day.

oh yum

i want to stick my penis in her tight juicy vagina

No one wants to play, so stop spamming this shill thread, Cliff.

>1980's Afro black girl


Nah, nigga

I fucking hate this heart hands shit.

>Making your character ugly because "ugly people exist and most fictional characters are attractive anyway"

Stop spamming your shit meme


What happened?? Why aren't all these SJWs playing his game????

Damn that is a fuckin nasty lookin nigga girl

Too busy playing battleborn

it's a good meme and more importantly an on topic meme


She's gorgeous, you're just a dumb Sup Forumstard who needs to get silenced for your racist beauty standards.

name one (1) thing wrong with lawbreakers without mentioning Cliffy

woah Nintendo re-designed Tiny Kong again?!

the gameplay sucks


Let me guess you find sneedpodting funny

nope sneedposting is almost as cringe as that forced retard wojak meme or Sup Forumsermin threads :^)

>23 posters already

How many people are playing lawbreakers right now? Like, 80?

The characters are visually sickening. I don't want to pay for something I don't want to look at.

The game is boring and the Zero-G gameplay adds nothing to it.

Wait, that's two things. But still.


i think it's about 40 lol