Dante's Inferno

Going through the Visceral topics, I'm seeing a lot of people pouring one out for Dante's Inferno. Do people suddenly like this game? I was super into it when it was still in development and got it day one, telling myself it would be better than God of War. 6 hours later I was done and had mixed feelings about it. I didn't certainly expect people mention it when Visceral died 7 years later.

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it was an "okay" game
The people gushing about it probably just have nostalgia for it, for some strange reason. I can't imagine why anybody would consider this game great

I liked it's gameplay and setting for it was a novel idea. Wish they released it on PC so that i could play it again, still have my 360 copy.

There isn't really anything wrong with the game, except that it's too short.

Man, I do still love this trailer.
The music, the editing, the delicious scenery chewing voice acting. Dante and Lucifer were faaantastic.

Level and creature designs are really good at first, but the game nosedives later on and the gameplay is bad. Wish it had a sequel though.

We moved toward the city.
Secure in our holy cause, and beheld such a fortress.
And on every hand I saw a great plane of woe and cruel torment.
Bitter tombs were scattered with flame, made to glow all over, hotter than iron need be for any craft.
And such dire laments issued forth, as can only come from those who are truly wretched, suffering and forever lost.

I will reclaim my rightful place in Paradise.
My path will be paved with the sins of man, and yours, Dante, shall be the bedrock of my return.
And all that is good shall be gone from the universe, forever.

I remember the creature design turning into palette swaps as you got deeper into the game. And also that checkpoints didn't start you with full health, but with whatever health you had when you first got to the checkpoint, meaning you were fucked if there was a hard part right after you hit it.

I loved it.

I had a fucking blast with this game. The superbowl commercial was also pretty good.
