Enemy is faster than you

>enemy is faster than you

>enemy is you

>enemy is smaller than you

>enemy blocks your path


oh boy is this the /an/ thread




>enemy holds your friend in hostage


Persona 5 does this.

when you just want to crack a BEER open with your good BROS but mom won't let you

Is this cat fat?

>It's almost scary how good I am

CS 1.6 too

>enemy changes in localized version

He's just big boned.

No he's American



No he's just too good

>final boss is yourself

>he doesn't separate his obese cat folder by nationality



when you fall outside the map

Inu-san, abunai!

that expression is hate and betrayal

Mods being faggots as usual

Only eceleb and AAA conspiracy threads are allowed. They're being paid 2 hot pockets a day to keep this up.

>when you get bad loot drop
Fuck mods