Yo, can we talk about this fucking thing for a second?

Yo, can we talk about this fucking thing for a second?
May the rats eat your eyes, this isn't really happening, yadda yadda, I don't care if the thread only lasts five posts, I just want to address some fucking chronology bullshit.

You see Illia's story first, which happens in 1150AD. Her statue in the hall of the book of eternal darkness gets created.
Then you see Anthony's story second, which happens in 814AD, before Illia's story. When you enter the hall of eternal darkness you see her statue. At the end of the story, his statue gets made also.
Third, you see Karim's story, which happens in 565AD. Lo and behold, you see Anthony's statue in the hall of bullshit.

This is the same shit that confused me when I played it the first time. Explain this horseshit.
Why does the game tell the second, third, and fourth stories in reverse order?

Other urls found in this thread:


>what is post-modern narrative

I think it's more like continuing victims. Dunno. It's been a fucking while since I've played it and you should check out Geist after youre done.

Also reminder that you can play the game 4 times for different ancients.

i just emulated it last weekend, damn is it short. 9 hours.

anyways, time exist in all directions, yada yada yada....

>time exists in all directions
Shut the fuck up nerd jesus christ

Play the chapters in chronological order and the statues would be disappearing rather than appearing. There's no reason for this.
If it's intentional, it's poor writing and only leaves people befuddled.
If it's something overlooked by the developer, then it's excusable.
If they're doing it deliberately to drive people to the brink of insanity like the game is supposed to then it's fucking working.

This shit right here.

The tome of eternal darkness doesn't exist in our dimension. Why the FUCK would it follow the laws of time?

The real ending does say something about manipulating bullshit across multiple time streams... doesn't it?

Mantorok merged all three timelines to simultaneously kill all 3 ancients
Now it has no competition

is the stupidest shit
I have ever

But Anthony doesn’t get killed until later in the game by you the player?


It still baffles me how he wanders as an undead for several hundred years

Well, no competition except the mysterious yellow ancient. Sequel never ever.

Well he was locked in a room

Yes, Mantorok's competition is all dead, but he's dying because of what Pious did to him in all three timelines. Whatever he plans to do now that the other three Ancients killed each other in his merged timeline, his days are numbered.

>the god of the dead is dying

Why was there never a sequel?

Was Mantorok dying?
I thought it was just in a state of eternal rot as the "corpse god" and that Pious just nerfed him

all I know is fuck this thing

All I want is to fuck this thing

I'm at the part where you are the firefighter with a machine gun, how much more is left of the game?

Almost done

I thought it was wrapping up when I destroyed the hidden city with the granddaughter

That's also almost done
Michael Edwards is just the last person before Alex finishes the job

It sold like shit
Silicon Knights said they were going to go back to a fan favorite IP and also got Wii U devkits but were then fucked by Epic after Silicon Knights tried to screw them over
Dyack's unreliable, the spiritual successor went nowhere, and Nintendo does nothing with the IP

do I have to run around and do that whole activating runes at the different spires ritual again with her? pls say no

>TFW a series would've had so much potential


One of my all time favorite games

>turning ancient lovecraftian god into an anime waifu

Here's shota Mantorok

For those of you wondering, game is good to emulate.
Doesn't emulate perfectly though. Green screens between transitions.
Solutions to that here:


Pious nerfed him with his yellow-aligned binding spell, but it certainly seemed like the game implied that the way in which it was done was also slowly killing Mantorok.


What was the spiritual successor like anyways?
There's so much shit you can do with sanity effects nowadays, especially on computers. Assuming the stuff they fuck with is legal.

Self-replying, but I just watched a couple cutscenes (since I haven't replayed the game in a while and didn't feel like hooking up the Wii or Gamecube). Both Chattur'gha's version of the cutscene that leads into Anthony's chapter and the final ending explictly say that Mantorok is dying. So there you go, .

With strange aeons even death may die.
This is Eldritch Horror 101, mac.

i'm not mad, i'm just going to run by everything

Nintendo only patented the Sanity Meter
Writer got busted for CP
People were getting more aware of Dyack's bullshit
Mighty No. 9 showed up in the same week

>The premiere episode of Shadow of the Eternals begins when detective Paul Becker is called to one of the bloodiest massacres in Louisiana state history at Pleasant View Hospital. The massacre is survived by two individuals who seemingly have no recollection about who they are or what has transpired - one a suave, clean-cut business man, and the other hardened, rogue-like biker. Both men have seemingly lost all memory of who they are - yet they are compelled to kill each other.
>Becker’s interrogation of the suspects brings us to Hungary 1610 AD at Csejthe Castle – home to the noblewoman Erzsébet Báthory. Báthory is also a notorious serial killer; torturing and killing as many as 400 young women in her obsessive quest to retain her youth. You play the role of Báthory’s handmaiden and lover Klára, who is blackmailed by the authorities into gathering information about a missing nobleman’s daughter.


>What was the spiritual successor like anyways?

The funding didn't come through, and the project fell apart. As said, the writer got arrested for possession of child pornography, and people (both within and without the dev team) were becoming increasingly aware of and fed up with Dyack's shit. Plus, they outright reused assets from Eternal Darkness in the trailers and screenshots (although Dyack said they were only going to be placeholders; he probably expected nobody to notice, and this probably would have gotten Nintendo on his case like his illegal use of Unreal Engine 3 code in Too Human and X-Men: Destiny did with Epic).

>See renders in the Japanese boxart that can't be found anywhere else
>Can't find good official render art of Eternal Darkness at all

I would have played this




>the writer got arrested for possession of child pornography,



Imagine being this dumb.

>Pius Augustus

The hell kind of name is that? That's way to fancy for some schmuck.

That realm exists outside of normal time.

If you think that's surprising, play the game again on a completed save file and see what happens.

Manual says his family are elite or something

What was the name of the main antagonist, again? Biggus?

>Child pornography of little boys and older women
It was likely 2DPD, but the charges are the same in Canada.

They would have mentioned if it was drawn.


He also molested some loli.



>not making her a four armed cyclops
How am I supposed to jerk off to this?

>implying she doesn't have titties of madness

>eldest and guardian of the four gods

Is that a snapping turtle or Pennywise from the new IT movie?

It's never drawn unless it's lumped in with real CP.

Excellent question.

You mother fucker I'm playing right now and was gonna make a thread when I beat it.
I'm Roberto Bianci right now. Edwin Lindsay aka Indy Jones is best.

It's kind of funny how unaffected he was by the whole ordeal, just another adventure.

Anthony and Paul definitely had it though worst right?

Either Anthony or Ellia had it the worst, seeing as they were kept "alive" for hundreds of years (Ellia was stuck for a longer time than Anthony, but Anthony had the weight of failing to save Charlemagne on his shoulders and was forced to try to kill Paul). Paul, by comparison, at least had a quick death by way of the Black Guardian.

>TFW Elia was originally going to be a kid
How did she find the tome anyways?

The Tome of Eternal Darkness is an artifact of Mantorok's, and Ellia's level is his temple. She probably just found it lying around nearby.

How Ellia can read the damn thing despite being a 12th-century slave (and thus, very unlikely to be literate), though, is a riddle for the ages. Perhaps the Tome auto-translated itself into something Ellia could understand just like it did for all the written languages of the other characters (e.g. an audiobook only Ellia can hear, perhaps through telepathic contact between the Tome and her brain)?

Is the Mantorok rune really the best one to use unless you have to use a specific alignment?

Yes. The Mantorok rune is easily the best alignment rune in the game (provided you don't rely on summoning monsters, as that's just not possible with it).

Enchanting weapons with it doesn't make them stronger or weaker than any alignment, but it does poison enemies on hit, which I find helps much more than increases to base damage.

Reveal invisible is actually useful beyond the rare points where it's necessary, as it now turns you invisible.

Restore boosts both health and sanity at the same time, and magic regenerates on its own just by walking around anyway.

Unless you missed the Mantorok rune, there's really no excuse to not use it unless you absolutely need one of the other three alignment runes for something.

>The game that randomly turns down your volume, among a list of other things it does to fuck with you, may be doing something deliberately to drive you insane.

>Play the game
>kill everything
>never get any low sanity meter

>t. can't comprehend a simple concept

Yes. Restoration with it is fantastic, as both health and sanity will restore.
Reveal invisible will actually turn you invisible, to the point where only trappers will be able to actually detect you. Magic effects like lightning still track you though, I think.
Its shield spell is ideal, and should be the one you map to a quick cast button, if you put any shield up there. I can't remember how good Mantorok-aspected damage walls and lightning spells are though. Not all that useful, I think, because if you're using those spells, it's probably to fight a Horror or something, and you might as well use the type-counter anyway.
Pretty sure Dispell was useless, as you needed Mantorok-aligned spells to be one tier stronger than the spell you were trying to get rid of.
But for the spells you'll be using the most, it's the best.

This mural weirded me out. These people worshipping a "god" which is some ugly terrifying abomination. It also reminds me of Ganesh, which creeps me out, too.

Whole point of the game and also the true ending is to show that time is not linear.
How else could the purple god fuck about and make you kill all 3 gods at the same time?

It earned their trust by giving them fertile soil and water.
By doing that it cemented itself as a good god and they built the temple to house it and worshipped it.


Thanks user

Xel'lotath = Easy mode
Ulyaoth = Normal Mode
Chattur'gha = Hard Mode

Is this right?

Yes, but Ulyaoth is harder initially, because you get shit spells until half way through. Chattur'gha I always thought was too easy because you get the healing spell first (as opposed to restore magick or sanity).

Best survival horror next to Luigi's Mansion.

bloodborne did it the whole game