They spent $120 million dollars on Dead Space 2

>They spent $120 million dollars on Dead Space 2
This industry is fucked.

thats why a game will sell 10 million copies and be a complete finantial failure

and instead of trying to spend less money on more focused games, we going to get lootboxes so whales try to pay for everything.

I sincerely doubt they used $60 million on advertising. The game can't be considered a failure if they made another sequel

EA really needs to streamline their marketing costs, it's been obvious for a while that the company has parasitic cunts bleeding the money.

The first month or so sales and preorders is whats most important, 60$ sales could mean a lot.

>tfw was actually looking forward to their star wars game

Say what you will about them but the uncharted games are fun to play and Amy was a pro. But haha single player games just don't sale so we got to find a way to put in microtransactions or multiplayer.

>believing the marketing meme

you faggots

>The game can't be considered a failure if they made another sequel
They probably got the budget for both at the same time.

If they make a good enough game, they could have a youtube channel and put an advert on there, word of mouth does wonders.

was visceral even involved with Uncharted?

Reminder that lootboxes and microtransaction hell are coming from a place of weakness, not strength. AAA crash is coming fast, the console manufacturers pushing for 4K is a huge mistake.

do you think putting ads on tvs and billboards across several countries is free? I don't really understand why you doubt this.

You know it's the entirety of EA that is shit, if you take away the shit from shit you're left with nothing. That I agree, would be a great thing.

I can't wait til AAA games will go out of fashion completely. Gaming was at its best when smaller games got to shine too. Glad to finally see them returning to the spotlight.


People are happily buying this shit though, there will always be some stupid whale buying crates. Even Battleborn has a few.

The idea is to spend so much on advertising that everybody who might buy it sees the game.

This results in a very strong week 1 sales, but they quickly drop in the following weeks. Only rising again once there are discounts and sales.

In an ideal marketers world word of mouth does nothing since they already shoved the game in front of every single human beings faces.

>marketing budget as big as game budget

>4 million by 50 dollars

why wasnt 200 million enough?

It's unlikely all the copies were sold at full price.

how much is MS taking? 30% like steam?

Because it didn't sell all of it at full price, dumb fucking retard nigger

devs dont get the full 60 from a game sale

even before DS3 came out, visceral had said that it would need to sell 5 million copies to make the series viable. marketing is fucked

A lot of those copies were sold for far less. Also don't forget MS's and Sony's cut and retail costs.

Gotta pay shills somehow, not everyone works for free.


do you think good games need TV ads or billboards?

4 millions copies doesnt mean they got 60 dollars out of every copy.

IF the copy was physical than they already lost around half of it.

if the copy was digital then they lost around 30% of it when the game was selling on steam, which is why ubisoft, ea and blizzard use their own drm softwares.

Marketing is completely fucked

Why is Nintendo the only competent game developer?

>every other industry on the planet
>technology gets better, costs of production fall, quality stays relatively the same or improves

>video games
>technology gets better, devs dont know how to make games anyway, jews jewing jews when it comes to the cost of production, cost goes up, quality goes down

They're not.

Apple says Hello.

I'm pretty sure it's the video-game industry has it's own version of Hollywood Accounting.

This isn't the Stone Age anymore user. "Gamers" aren't watching TV. They're on the internet. They're on FB/Twitter/Instagram. And guess what. There are people who follow them and share with their friends. Marketing is literally free now. Just do a contest/giveaway and Boom. Instant advertising.

Not very hard when you keep making the same game for 30 years

They have always been shit. Nothing they sell will be worth the money.

but games are mostly developed in 1st world countries and game development gets more sophisticated by the year. Outsource it to ukraine hohols and you will get something like Batman Arkham port on PC.

The video game industry today is a disaster. There are no mid tier publishers anymore. Either you make all the money or none of it. You're either GTA5 or an animu dating sim. The top tier publishers are all playing a dangerous game that's more like high stakes gambling. They're all teetering on the brink of collapse because they invest everything they've got into a handful of products.

You can make the best game in the world and fail if people don't know it exists. Remember, DS2 was in 2011 when influencers weren't really a thing. You couldn't just spend 5k on Lirik and get 100k eyes on your game.

Another talented dev fucked and then killed by EA. The worst part was that it didn't come out of nowhere, it was a slow death. Dead Space 3 was ruined and then they were forced to make that shit Battlefield spinoff. And now they're dead, and they're potentially good game is going to be butchered into yet ANOTHER Ubisoft-like open world, season pass-riddled, loot box having piece of generic trash.

Not to mention Amy getting fucked YET AGAIN.

Don't forget the Mass Effect: Andromeda animation outsource

DS3 had some good bits, especially if you had a coop buddy. It just was worse than the previous games, thats all.

They want that GTA money, but they'll never get it. Yet somehow they're still alive.

lel, and I just watched it on youtube.

why do people this retarded even exist

And how did that work out for them? They probably lost a fortune.

>anything by Obsidian since FNV
And you don't know about them because, surprise, surprise, they don't have a huge marketing budget or a huge budget in general.

>weapon breaks after one attack
why tho

I'm sorry but shit bait and memes aren't an argument

Yeah, I was really looking forward to it but it sounds like EA is going to turn it into multiplayer p2w horseshit.

Supposedly EA reported it as a "solid revenue driver"
Take a name that still has some weight, make a shitty sequel/spin off for cheap, make a gorillion dorrars.

They recently voted not to renew their defense against a hostile takeover. They are at the point of begging to be bought out.

>"ONLY" 4 million

Maybe, but it could've been better. But of course crafting and fighting humans HAD to be added. Reminds me of how guns were added to Mirror's Edge, another EA published game.

Which is an argument in favor of a AAA collapse. You have to burn the forest if the saplings are to get any sunlight.

In short term sure. In long term they killed Mass Effect for at least a couple of years. Probably the rest of this Gen. Possibly forever

That behavior is also what killed Midway. People catch on to that after a while.

>Dragon's Dogma II
>Presented by Vivendi

If this was correct, they basically spen $15 a copy on marketing.... please explain to me why these marketing people have jobs?????

Aren't most of them swimming in dough though? Asider from Obsidian who for some reason have to have offices in California, one of the most expensive places to live in outside of literal tax havens or Moscow.

No, it's an argument for less wasteful development. AAA development is basically a sculptor that takes a 8x4 ft block of marble to make a 11 inch figurine.

These days "the Indies", as I keep hearing them being referred to as, seem to have taken the spot of "mid tier" developing and publishing. That's absolutely not ideal, but with the bulk of the industry functioning how you described, there's not much else besides crowdfunded stuff, and that has a lot of overlap with the indie shit.

The difference is EA is always buying, selling, and then burying. Buy a new I.P., make the money, and "burn the evidence" so to speak.
And people absolutely do not learn. They could slap EA all over the box of whatever garbage they're repackaging and people will buy it as long as it's a different IP/developer.

As usual; the market is the worst part of everything. If people weren't so fucking stupid companies like EA wouldn't exist. I don't even hate them. They might be evil, but at least they're not mouthbreathers like 8/10 of the faggots in line at Walmart/Gamestop.

Still gotta buy those ads on Youtube and on Buses user. Don't be a frickin' silly.

This is the future of AAA in a nutshell. What's been happening and will continue to happen is a consolidation of major publishers under a handful of umbrellas. You'll see mass mergers that will result in a handful of super mega publishers.

If they want to sell ridiculous numbers they do.
But good games don't need ridiculous budgets.

>Founder: Napoleon III

>less wasteful development
It's just not going to happen. That's the right strategy, sure, but they've hit critical mass already to stem the bleeding. The corporate culture is so ingrained at this point that a lot of it is on autopilot. And any attempt to scale down the operation will be met with huge resistance from inside. Shareholders won't stand for it.

Obsidian is in Irvine instead of SF or LA which allows them to grab the sweet government grants while cutting overhead.

Elex wouldn't exist without funding from the EUs arts program, which they already applied for to fund Elex 2. Devolver seems to be making good money but none of their games are 10-15mil productions. Obsidian was literally saved by the Pillars kickstarter and the publishing contract with Paradox. Larian were in deep fucking debt to even finish DivOS1 and had to crowdfund DivOS2 which finally paid off with close to a million sales and they, just like Piranha Bytes for Elex, had to get EU funding. InXile is also living off the crowdfunding teat and barely made money with Wasteland 2.

Indie gaming has it's own set of problems, usually because of crowdfunding. Replacing AAA publishers with ones who panhandle for other people's money but keep all the revenue for themselves is not an ideal trade.

>Was actually looking forward to Star Charted.


Yes they do. Word of mouth doesn't cut it with multimillion dollar projects.

Hardline was the best Battlefield game. Unfortunately no one else agreed with me and they used a stupid Season Pass so the servers dried up.

Stop having DLC maps for multiplayer for fucks' sake. They divide communities and kill good games. Just started likeing Battlefield 1 and I know it's going to die before the last expansion.

if they didn't put out divisive map packs for all their multiplayer games, they'd miss out on all the 12 year olds buying them right away solely to keep playing with everyone
that's worth more to them than a long-lasting game that makes less money

AAA games aren't just selling to you and I, they need to get the normalfag's attention as well.

They do but they don't need TV commercials during the Superbowl or billboards overlooking Hollywood Blvd. It's not the concept of advertising that's the problem, it's the way they approach it.

>What are cars

$60 million for YOUR MOM HATES DEAD SPACE?

How did Dead Space cost $60M?

Wasnt Uncharted 2 only $20M?

If Dead Space 2 costed 60 milion someone has been scaming those guys

>barely made money with Wasteland 2
They barely made money for a barely finished game? They already had their cash for development from the kickstarter, anything from the sales after was pure profit.

I am curious what you qualify as a successful company. Do you think its one that has billions in the bank unspent?

I think even Uncharted 4 was around the same or even lower than DS2's budget. What the fuck did they spend all that money on? Was it the tacked on multiplayer no one gave to fucks about?


Were you asleep for the past 10 years? This shit started with Halo 3 and has been the same with literally every "AAA" game since.

It's just man hours and infrastructure. The game being produced is actually kind of irrelevant in that regard. If EA set out to make Super Mario World it would cost millions just because of what they have to spend to keep the lights on.

Maybe the game would have been better if ea hadn't told the studio that they were being fired after the game was finished

Billions? No, but around 50mil of fun money to fund projects that don't need to make money without risking chapter 11.

And if they had actually made money they wouldn't have to crowdfund Wasteland 3.

>have to
Plenty of developers have crowdfunded games just because its "free" money. HAVE TO isn't the right way to think about it.

the first iphone was miles away from anything in the industry

nowadays its all the same, but back then it wasnt even a competition

the ngage says sup

And if they didn't have to they would have said so like Warhorse with KCD. They were open right from the start that the kickstarter was only to test the waters and drum up hype to attract more private investors which paid off.

75% are sold at discount, steam sales etc
Gamestop currently selling DS2 at $20 atm

I don't think Nier Tomato got any advertising and that sold 2 million copies so far.

If iphones were made in the USA they will cost $5 grand each for the shittiest one.
Also video games are softwares and programming is fucking expensive.

The nice thing there is that as that happens, the mythological " AA " games will have space to breathe again, so AAA money hungry pubs may unintentionally fuck themselves.

Only because they want yearly rehashes instead of a loyal, conscientious fanbase. I'd call it penny wise and pound foolish, but what do I know? I'm just a peon.

>thats why a game will sell 10 million copies and be a complete finantial failure
Well unless they're Nintendo.