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A challenger appears

The online community must be so weird in these games. You log in and queue for matches and you just play with the same people every game most likely.

Wonder if it feels like dedicated servers did back in the day.

That's how it was in Hawken for years. The same fucking 20-30 people over and over again.



This is kind of how it was on most games for a long time because of community hosted and private servers. It was pretty nice desu

He's right though.

It's just that Overwatch was marketed *perfectly* and nailed an appealing Pixar look, while Lawbreakers was late to the party and dressed like shit.

I almost definitely would prefer Lawbreakers on a purely gameplay-basis but lo and behold I am playing Overwatch right fucking now and don't even own Lawbreakers.

I used to play a game with only about 400~ active players total. After a while you recognize everybody. It's like walking down the street and seeing people you "know" but never really talk to.

That's not bad, considering there were 10 people a couple of days ago.

So it's like playing zdaemon.

>games with sexy women sell

>games with ugly SJW shit doesn't

Colour me surprised.

most of the games I've played have been low population mulitplayer games. you don't really end up with the ability to choose your friends or who you play with, it just ends up being like some autistic family in that you're stuck with them.
it's weird but pretty nice actually.

he is objectively right
unfortunately have nothing but good gameplay with no marketing and no mass appeal is a good way to get nobody to play your game

that happens a lot in mmo private servers, and on the top of the ladder in some games, you play against the same people, it isn't good or bad though, it's subjective if you like it or hate it

Guys stop, cliffy health is not good right now, stop kicking him while he is down.

We re worried about him.

>All they had to do was add some ass 'n' titties and 'cool' characters and Lawbreakers could have survived

It was so simple and they fucked it up.

Lawbreakers is officially the new Tortanic. It's definitely even more of a failure.

this was all cliffy b needed for the next billion dollar franchise. what a fucking retard.

post yfw

>they are releasing content/patches/youtube video for 60 players

>only 119 people in the entire world are playing this shit game

>the entire games population in a server with room for people to join just incase

>tfw by week 2 I was queuing with one buddy and meeting the same eight other players every single time, but still having to wait up to THIRTY MINUTES to get matched with these guys
>30 minute matchmaking on week fucking 2
>People on the forums and reddit saying everything is fine


whose bitch this is?

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im 24 r-tard


ignoring cliffy and the general bad press around the game, could lawbreakers have just been a really good quake or unreal clone?
where did they go wrong?