*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*


*mud slaps your shit*

this shit is actually hollow and the walls are really thin...

Gamefreak keeps making defensive Rock/Steel pokemon.

Gamefreak keeps making defensive Ice pokemon.

Gamefreak are a bunch of fucking IDIOTS.

*instakills it with literally any ground or fighting type move*

>modern Pokemon designs

They made a defensive Water/Ground Pokemon ONCE and its still top tier

the slug?

>He thinks that's a Pokemon

*teleports behind you*

swampert? quagsire? Gastrodon? Whiscash? The two mon from gen 5?

non are near top tier

Quagsire saw some OU usage and Swampert is a fucking asshole on rain teams.

It's literally a digimon, pokeballs don't even work properly on it.

so is Togedemaru the last alola mon to get an exclusive Z-Move? we know Mimikyu is getting one thats not officially confirmed yet

this leaves Bewear and Alola Vulpix/Nintetails as the last gen 7 shillmons to (currently) not have their own Z-Move

How does Kartana cut shit if its blades are barely largely enough to cut through a stick?

*1hkos you with focus blast*

>Man what cool designs
>I wonder what cool ability they have


Fucking hell gamefreak, talk about shitting on your own plate.

*presses 120 power ground type coverage move learnable on 90% of pokemon*

Nintendo has an incredibly popular IP on an international scale with Pokemon, but continues to use Gamefreak as a developer. Which one is more incompetent?

GF's incompetence is unreal


just look at giga wrecker

*uses mud-slap*

>blahblah is floating on a Balloon!

>120 power ground type move

Precipice Blades doesn't really have enough distribution to be a threat.

Mimikyu's getting a Z-Move? Sauce me m8.

Is that a guardian from Zelda?

At least it's not as bad as this.

New Z-bracelet toy has a Mimikyu crystal

dark/rock? the fuck is that?


It's like being born with three chromosome triples and the problems canceling each other enough for you to live, but leaving you susceptible to even a slight breeze.

they also brought in Dubhe from Devil Survivor 2

It was hinted in one of the very first trailers then confirmed by some sort of toy.


It's actually good... In Pokemon Go where no one can react to attackers, lul.

I googled it and it looks nothing like that.

They have the same chance to catch it as other legendaries. Beast Balls just have a higher catch rate.

Legs suck. Was it really so hard to give it a sensible anatomy?

>It's actually good... In Pokemon Go
It's been consistently high/top tier since gen fucking 2 when it was introduced. Why do shitters think weaknesses are all that matters?

Would have been good was it not for the typing.

>Rain teams
user, I...

Rain teams are relevant again with Pelipper. Kingdra is OU now.

I think they just draw the Pokemon then decides the stats

Like they felt like making a glacier dinosaur or turtle. Well obviously after drawing it it's going to be defensive.

Maybe next gen they should decide the stats before they draw it. Seems like for the most part they just draw them and then decide based on looks.

*blocks your path*

Tyranitar is considered a top tier threat even with it's typing and speed.

I'm not sure what can save Assembly though given its appearance. It looks like it's going to have low health, low attacking stats, and nonexistent speed. Couple that with Beast Boost requiring KOs and you've got a useless ability. Hopefully it'll have a recovery move or something. Best cast scenario it's a physical tank like Aggron, but with recovery.

It's made of katana blades, which can cut through any substance known to man.
Indeed, if he were Kartana's enemy God himself would be cut

There isn't a single ghost other than Sableye and Golurk that have decent looking legs.

Earthquake + Pursuit would make anything good regardless of what high attack stick it is attached to.

Regardless, either Assembly has a new move or he's going to be fucking awful.

Gamefreak owns a third of Pokemon.

>Earthquake + Pursuit
So it's almost like... weaknesses aren't all that matters... which is exactly what I fucking said... whoa...

It's supposed to look as foreign as possible e.g. UBs are meant to look like they don't belong here and even physics are different in their dimension

>game series that has been running for two decades with dozens of people designing characters over the years has a very wide variety in monster designs

Wow! It's almost like this place called Earth where animals are all different shapes and sizes. Color me surprised.

If you played Devil Surivivor 2 you'd get it.
Dubhe is an early boss and the main feature about it is that it makes it's own head violently explode, much like the UB Burst does, and they're both fire based aliens.
Couple that with Dubhe's floating, regenerating head and the cheerful, clownlike color schemes for both, and it makes a lot more sense as a comparison.

>Kingdra OU

Shit, really? Is it running meme crit set or what?

>crit set

Gamefreak fags will defend this. RIP pokemon.

It's not a pokemon.

Oh. Well there's my Faux Pas of the Day.

What's wrong with it? Looks like any other over the top legend introduced since gen 4. Hell, it's not even the first to use "floating head."

Seems like a stretch user
Could be a case of the baader-meinhof phenomenon


Not really, I thought it since I saw it. Devil Survivor 2's remake is one of my favorite games of all time, not some recent thing, and the only thing that Dubhe could be close to otherwise is Eva's Angels, since one of the rebuild angels was designed by their creator.

I wasn't trying to shit on it or anything, I just noticed how similar they are. Dubhe even enters areas in the same manner as UB Burst.

I don't hate the design but it's really meh