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>nu-Sup Forums will never know the feeling of getting a thread every micro-update

The music pains me so. It's finally out, an engine with the idea of high impact, visceral combat. Too bad there will never actually be a game there. Everything that the developer accomplished can now be replicated by opening up the latest version of Unity. All for naught.

Will 4 out of 5 furries get raped?

Literally 10 years in development. Who even cares by now?

>amerirapes will defend these accurate statistics

For updates AND furshit? We got Prequel back for that.

Do people really believe this?

Yes, if you have gone to any US university in the last decade this meme statistic will be thrown around like fact. The source where it comes from defines ANY kind of sexual act that the woman regretted/didn't want as rape. So if some dumb cunt made out with some dude and regretted it that would be considered rape. If some neckbeard autistically hugged her that would be considered rape.

is it actually fun

Having sex while drunk is NOT rape.

Like a solid 6 fucking years too late honestly. I was hyped back in the day but I'm not even gonna touch this game because a dev cycle this goddamn retarded is straight up unacceptable.

>tfw bought this game almost 7 or 8 years ago
>it's finally out
Honestly I stopped caring after i got it, if you played the early access i'm assuming you've basically played everything the final game has to offer.

Oh I stopped following this game years ago, surprised. Is this actually out? What even is the game about?

The only reason to play it is the mods

By the letter of the law, it is, where-in the law defines "drunk" and being legally incapable of making certain choices properly due to your being intoxicated.

Why do people do this...
Your job is to make games, everytime you try to push your unwanted opinion on politics you're effectively splitting your profits in half.
Fucking retards should stick to what they do and keep shit like this out of professional life, same goes for the Firewatch fiasco. This isn't limited to game devs but this behaviour is business suicide.

I wouldn't even bother but I'm gonna rage pirate this game now.

And what about the other guy, was he drunk, WAS HE RAPED?

>Your job is to make games
That means he can't have opinions?
>I wouldn't even bother but I'm gonna rage pirate this game now.
That's not even a lost sale, lol.

From a purely legal standpoint? Yes.

Oh okay, good....
What now?


why doesn't he want to finish the game?

Not him but you have to be incredibly stupid to vocalize a controversial opinion that can make you lose sales down the road. You're obviously not a businessman.

Of course he can have opinions but everytime he goes into his professional profile, bearing the company logo, and start sharing personal opinions about dividing stuff like politics, he's disagreeing with half his potential customers.

Look at how the Firewatch thing affected it's ratings on store page and now the company will always be remembered as SJW faggots.

Probably a small hardcore following.

>I can't enjoy a video game if someone who believes things I disagree with had a hand in making it

>You're obviously not a businessman.
Neither is he, he's an indie dev.


Yes, except unironically.



Again, just look at the recent reviews on Firewatch page, you have to be retarded not to see how it's a bad influence on new purchases.
This type of behaviour warrants bad response from either sides, businesses should never express their opinions and virtue signal about shit like this.

it looks kind of fun, but what is the story? imagine if ONI had these graphics/phys

>4 out of 5 women were raped
Source: my ass.

t. Sup Forumstards. Fuck off and kill yourselves already, you'll be doing the entire world a favor.

> Actively supporting people who wish you harm, wish to attack your way of life and the well being of your loved ones.

Yeah, completely crazy people would be against that.

>this guy said a dumb statistic on twitter so it is equal to him wishing me harm and attacking my way of life and the well being of my loved ones
please see

Prove 4 out of 5 women were raped.

What's the point of this game, I know you fight will cool physics but why?

> Implying that people who post fake-rape statistics aren't also typically people who support mass immigration from third-world nations.

t. sjw virtue signaler who thinks vydia should be related to political agenda


god thats so fking cringe

how do people even speak like this and not see how ironic it is that they look so gay

f a g o t

There is literally nothing wrong with being gay.


Dead on arrival without online multiplayer desu

Shame because the combat system is pretty neat, last I checked 2 years ago anyways.

>I survived long enough to actually see Overgrowth release

>you won't live to see bannelord


Seriously, I was really expecting that I'd have killed myself by now.

I guess I just don't want to fuck up my parent's lives.

how's that women's studies degree going for you?

Oh! Oops, hmmm.... Harumph. Sorry friend! Looks like you accidentally posted something that has absolutely nothing to do with video games! It seems it's political, it's okay to get confused sometimes, but luckily for you the nice denizens of this board are always ready to help! Simply go here: and talk about all the politics you want! And remember, don't worry about this mistake, everyone makes them!

Kind of surprising really. Now we wait for Bannerlord.


>Seriously, I was really expecting that I'd have killed myself by now.
get over yourself, you emo retard

What a kind and helpful doggo

I hate this shit. If Hitler made the best video game ever you should play it, who gives a shit who made it.

that's a cute dog

any magnet's out yet?

Anyone has that video?

>tfw no fully physic'd sex mods
What's the fucking point



t. womyn's studies major

>According to the FBI "[t]he rate of forcible rapes in 2012 was estimated at 52.9 per 100,000 female inhabitants."

Not everyone who disagrees with your bullshit is a Sup Forumstard.

>Not everyone who disagrees with your bullshit is a Sup Forumstard.
>he says, while believing the poster wants him to go back to Sup Forums because he believes in the bullshit
There is a point where all of you must stop. He wants you to go back because it has nothing to do with videogames.

the inevitable mutiplayer mods?

>have wanted to play this for a while
>don't wanna pirate it so I can get mods
>have $3 and one (1) cent in my steam account

Wake me up when a modder has made a campaign with the following
>Varied mission objectives beyond just simply kill X wolves
>Missions on large expansive maps with multiple quests and triggers, some optional and hidden
>More weapon variety that really change the combat dynamic, e.g. bow and arrows
>Has villages that actually look alive and is more than just objects and NPCs meshed together in the editor
>Writing and story that is at least decent and respectable, not just Turner's humdrum revenge-laden personality
>Custom-made environment assets that doesn't look like a PS2 game
>More interactivity with the environment, beyond just wooden spikes that kill you and fires that burn you
I mean, I kinda like the game as it is, but goddamn talk about unfulfilled potential. That Overgrowth campaign needed more time in the oven.

SO like what happened to Oblivion when the mods started coming along with the API

Consider getting a job


How soon until non-rabbits as player's start showing up?

Don't be a cunt, VIDEO GAME company PR is absolutely video games.

Just finished the story, wow is it horrible. Turner is a mary sue to an absurd degree and everyone around him is retarded. Dialogue is cringy and the combat is shit.

He's not a mary sue, user. Don't use words you don't know the meaning of

Now the dialogue being cringy? Yeah, it's super edgy and overly-dramatic. I like the combat though, it feels very good if you put in the time to actually get good at it.

Post thoughts on combat, particularly weapons. Is the mission variety at least decent?

>Overgrowth, Duke Nukem Forever and the Last Guardian all released in my lifetime

Not him but here goes
>Combat, overall, is very good
>Movement feels good which means the combat if often based around manuverability
>Game is incredibly realistic- thrown weapons are very fucking strong because, guess what, they pierce your flesh
>Game handles health interestingly- weapons deal permanent damage while things like punches deal temporary damage
>Combat can be absolutely brutal, expect Turner to be covered in blood by the end. Wounds bleed realistically, necks snap with force and you can fuck people up. Kicking people when they are down is a must to survive
>Combat is fast enough that it keeps you focused without being so hard you just instantly die, checkpoints make the game feel like freeform Hotline Miami
>Lots of attacks so Turner can keep up with his enemies and each race has their own tactics: Rabbits rush at you and attack once at a time, Dogs surround you, Cats rush you down with attack, and wolves corner you off
>Now for the issues: combat can be very hard and the tutorial sucks. Combat is not for everyone as it is super punishing. Hit detection, while usually very solid, can feel cheap. Enemies also don't telegraph attacks much, which can make some deaths feel cheap (enemy blocks my kick, grabs me, picks up my knife and kills me instantly with a slash to the throat with no way out of it) but that's just the nature of the game. Stealth is also wayyy too overpowered and feels mandatory for some levels due to overwhelming you with enemies.

Game is fun and the mechanics are genuinely impressive on a technological scale but there just isn't a game here, just a collection of levels made in an editor with a shitty story holding it together. No scoring system, no rewards, limited weapon selection and no replay incentive. The devs spent so long fine tuning and making everything perfect they legit forgot to make a game.

>all were shit

>implying Sup Forums is about videogames
I'm gonna say it again: prove 4 out of 5 women were raped.

holy shit

hitboxes are absolute garbage, like insultingly bad. How this nigga expected to have a good game with hitboxes that bad is beyond me.

The hitboxes are modeled like that because they have individual physics boxes so they can react to strikes realistically.

Bought it beat both built in campaigns, honestly had fun the combat feels really good (even if attacking is weird). I didn't really care about the universe or politics, and the platforming was dreadful. But the way bodies snap and twist is just sooooo good.

Woah. Ask me if I give a shit

No need to be so dismissive, user. Somebody hurt your feelings?

Fresh from middle school.

The day for us to plunder has arriven.

>overgrowth actually came out
>evil death nightmare is still vaporware
worst timeline

>now we wait till berserk finally ends

Which one are they more like

Do you think any modder's will be able to write a cohesive story using the tools the dev gave em?

>weapons deal permanent damage while things like punches deal temporary damage
Wait for real? I thought concussive attacks like kicks would also deal permanent damage that accumulates as you receive them?

>Stealth is also wayyy too overpowered
Correct me if I'm wrong, but from the YouTube vids I've watched Dogs and Wolves can't be strangled from behind, right?

is there a mod that removes the rabbits and turns them into something else? Combat looks nice but I'm not a furry faggot


So when are we getting Platform Masters? If this can release, that can release.

>furry shit

Yeah, nah. I used to enjoy thing like Redwall but then furries came and ruined it all.

they feel like this