Hardest Challenges

What is or are the hardest challenges you have ever done in videogames Sup Forums?

For me is trying an iron Man drill only Carl run on Hotline Miami.
What's yours?

the evil within akumu. hopefully tew2 classic is hard.

Beating Panthera Cantus on the highest difficulty in TWEWY. I know that's not much in the grand scheme of things, but what can I say? The partner gimmick isn't for everyone. It's like trying to play two video games at the same time.

Hotline Miami wall-kick only.
It's way harder than you think.
It wasn't even that fucking fun of a challenge run desu.


Trying to get the fucking gnome through the carnival on expert.

That's funny, my Carl run is always ruined by a fucking wall kick.

Dark Souls 1, easily the hardest game ever, I needed 2 months to finished it

Fagget ddr shit + 2 minute loading times on drakengard 3's final boss is the only time I ever quit a game for reasons other than boredom.

>the end boss should be hard
Yes but it should be an amalgamation of all the skills and talent I garnered through the game. Not changing to a genre of game I dislike and never play.

Ninja Gaiden in Master Ninja difficulty

Critical mode, KH 2 Final Mix, Lingering Will

L4D1. Getting through a campaign taking no damage from a Special Infected. Even on Easy, that shit was hard. Fun though.

Good job, really

Halo 2 iwhbyd skull xbox original

STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl using the following rules:

>master difficulty
>no using guns, knives, explosives or any other type of harmful thing
>no luring enemies to their death
>triggering anomalies is not allowed, because it breaks the anomaly's right to own land
>a gun must be given to every anomaly that does not already possess a gun
>anyone that is hurt and neutral or friendly must be given a medkit
>anyone that is hostile and hurt must have a medkit thrown onto their body
>destroying crates and containers is not allowed as it is a type of harm
>mutants must be allowed to bite the player at least once for every encounter
>must donate at least one vodka, one energy drink, one Tourist's delight, one "diet" sausage and one bread around every campfire containing more than two occupants
>the best currently owned artifact must be donated to the campfire itself; if there are multiple equivalent artifacts or artifacts that can both be considered the best, then they must all be given to the fire
>no stashing equipment, if you don't plan on lugging it around, then it must be sold or given away permanently
>no loading allowed

Giving games up

Overall getting A a few 11-12 footers in ITG and DDR but for more of a pure vidya answer, getting Platinum God in original Binding of Isaac (before hardmode update)

Megaman Battle Network 2 with basic folder

That's pretty fucking impressive, is it even possible to finish the game following those rules 100% of the time?

blindfolded bayonetta 1 run on easy

God Hard Vanquish
Final boss added nearly 2 hours ontop of my playtime and doubled my deaths
Tactical Challenge 6 also sorta counts but it's just more God Hard

That barely sounds fun at all. How far did you get with those rules?

Ys Origin with Yunica and Toal in Nightmare.

getting the recon challenges in the garbage that is halo ODST