What is the worst fighting game archetype, and why is it ninjas?
>teleports on top of you
What is the worst fighting game archetype, and why is it ninjas?
have you considered being less bad at the game?
dont get hit lmao
For me it's the big slow grapplers because they always require half-circles and full-circles to play and I literally can't.
nigger there ain't nobody even close to chip cept maybe yosuke and even he doesn't come close to the shit chipp does.
even XF3 Oroborus Strider is nothing compared to chip
That's why you play Raam in KI.
Do you know what a 50/50 is? Do you understand that you can't just "be good" in a situation where you're forced to guess what the attacker will do? Do you know that games aren't perfectly balanced and that even good players don't think that every matchup is fun?
It's not a 50/50 if you get in your opponents head.
That's what high level play in fighting games is. Knowing what your opponent will do.
>Do you know that games aren't perfectly balanced
Do you? Stop bitching or at least bitch about the more broken characters. Let's not forget Chipp's incredibly low health.
The only worthwhile fighting game ninjas are Guy from SF and Scorpion from MK
And neither even do anything ninja like
but guy does the naruto run and the handsigns. He kicks barrels, what more do you want?
You can cheat 360s in most games. If you do a motion that's one notch past half-circle, the game will register it as a circle.
your fault for getting knocked down
get good, or is GG is too hard for you, baby?
>goobers think 50/50 characters with limitless safe options like chipp are smart and take the most skill, and call characters that need spacing and fundamentals (and rely on whiff punishing), like sol, unga
but Scorpion does have a ''teleports behind you move''
Half circles are simple man what are you talking about? Full circles are easy too, you don't even have to do the whole thing, just 6248.
Sol and even Ky have free 50/50 okis
Any and all turtles, doublely so for projectile spam turtles.
Well I play on keyboard, it has it's advantages but 360s are pretty much impossible.
Chipp doesn't need a knockdown to initiate pressure. From the beginning, you have a one in four chance of being successful if you try to punish his teleport, otherwise you're blocking his strings and waiting for a reset.
Map your keys like this
And put buttons on the numpad.
I'll try that, thanks
>Spacing and fundamentals
I hate the luchador archetype more desu.
I think sol's alright though. I only really hate Jack-O and Raven. Most of the new characters in general too, but those stand out as especially being babby tier.
sol is the most honest character in goober
goobs consider a character like robo ky to be a good example of a 'high skill' character LMAO
>everyone and their mom really hates grapplers
>all my favorite characters in fightan have command grabs
I just really like throwing people, is that so bad?
I actually don't like huge pure grapplers like Gief or Potemkin. I like characters like Alex, Makoto, and Slayer, where the grab is just a notable tool.
I mostly get shat on playing as ky against my brother who plays sol.
Exactly. Best grappler.
>Block button
What about Blazblue Bullet?
>lose neutral
>get put in 50/50
jojo fans are so embarrassing.
Not only that but Chipp has extremely low health so if he goes YOLO with his teleports and it fails he can kiss goodbye most of his health.
>Safe options
Good one.
I like Chipp because he's the president. He may be annoying at times, but I can't stay too mad at him knowing he's the people's choice. Raven can fuck off though.
I like all of the new characters conceptually, they just need to be reworked, in my opinion. I'd think much higher of Raven if he had to rely more on his ecstasy meter, seeing as that's what makes him interesting to play.
>needing neutral