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why the fuck do people want to play a game about fucking southpark? its the lamest shit i've ever heard of
fake news
Denuvo btfo
phoneposters do
You Underage will never understand
>Fucking CODEX
Holy shit.
t. kike shill
Its Really Fake.
just post the REAL crack and I'll forgive you for lying, OP.
Why the fuck do people want to play an rpg about fucking mario? The answer is that you need to stop gargling cocks.
How could this happen? I thought Denuvo was suppose to be good!
south park fucking blows, its like toilet humor mixed with the smuggest, low hanging fruit satire ever. its dumb shit for dumb people
None of the sources have it, fake as shit.
>waaah waah they made fun of my daddy
They make fun of everything, you seriously need to grow a thicker skin, faggot.
Even when it is cracked is it really newsworthy?
falsified and homosexual
I'm waiting for a sale before I buy it, so I couldn't tell you, but the first one was pretty good.
Why would you buy it? It has 3 different drms, the season pass is for day 1 dlcs, etc...
Don't feed the greedy jews user.
>paying customers drop $95 and have to jump through hoops
Because I want to. ¯\(°_o)/¯
You realize people like you are why games are starting to have pay 2 win lootboxes right?
But this game has no lootboxes, surely you're confused. Also someone has to buy it for you to pirate it, you should be kissing my ass.
It's got content locked behind pay walls, pretty close to the same thing. And I'm not so sure the crackers buy it before they crack it.
>It's got content locked behind pay walls
That's called DLC and it's the current state of the industry. I wonder if you try to pull this with every game that has DLC, which is every damn game released nowadays. Also we should stop bumping this fake news thread.
>poop jokes
>mild racism
>episodes are based on current events
>every character sounds the same
definitely a feast for the mind
DLC is when more content is made and is offered after release.
BULLSHIT is making the game then sectioning off several pieces of content before release and charging extra for access.
How can you even tell the difference? Unless the content is already on the disc, I mean.
Generally a span of more than a few weeks between release date and DLC, it suggest that the DLC was added after the game was completed.
When the game (like fractured butts) releases "dlc" on the same day or week as its release date, it suggest that the content is not an addition to the game but a subtraction that you have to pay to fix.
If you have a $80 game and you add $15 of content to it, thats DLC.
If you have a $80 game then take some of it out and charge $15 to put it back, thats BULLSHIT.