Games You Want to Play that Don't Exist

Tell us about your wildest dreams

ITT Talentless amateur devs steal original ideas from creative anons


Yoko Taro x Platinum Games except this time its good

Abortion clinic simulator. It's a run and gun game

Disney Princess Fighter, although if MvCi proved anything, it's that the partnership should just end already.

>They all have mcguffin powers only useful for a very specific plot device

this but with a 2 and everything the original was supposed to have while also taking all the good and cool shit from DD:O

A good mmo.
A passable vrmmo.

A action Bubblegum Crisis-Tokyo 2032 game.
Another action game with mecha musumes bonus points if you can customize.


A Good Simpsons game.

Cartooony free roam 3D vehicular combat/kart racer

Think Burnout paradise with a bit of CTR, Wipeout.

I would love a good sequel to Gunstar Heroes honestly.

An Elder Scrolls game made by Obsidian

Tony Hawks Underground MMO
>aka GTA V Online w/ skateboards


A proper sequel

Morenatsu sequel with the depth of story of Witcher 3 or Metro 2033 and the gameplay fun factor of Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight.

Something with the pacing of bayonetta and the aesthetic of ren and stimpy

yes please

3rd World Shithole Government Sim
>Fight rebels!
>Recruit child soldiers!
>Court Cold War Powers for economic investment and military supply!
>Commit human rights violations!
>If you're really good, actually create a stable and prosperous state!
It's about time Paradox Interactive actually made a post-WW2 grand strategy game, anyway, considering their original attempt fell through.

Planetside 3

First person military style shooter with customisable classes but with sexy babes as the characters.

A Telltale game using the IP of Breaking Bad or Dexter

a multiplayer first person shooter that uses portal mechanics along with guns

Shota + monsters, but make it extremely violent with permadeath.

>If you're really good, actually create a stable and prosperous state!
fuck my sides, this

An SMT-esque game, but with turn based elements being changed to a hack/slash of sorts like DmC or Bayonetta, and with platforming elements.

You don't like Tropico?

A Battlefield or Call of Duty game but with anime girls

A dexter game where you gotta capture and chop people up.

A breaking bad game where you have to capture Heisenberg but end up on the payroll to the chicken man.

Not the same. I want less Sim City and more Paradox Interactive. I want to be able to do diplomacy with neighboring countries, go to war with them and have much more in-depth control with my military.

Korean War flightsim

Falcon hand
Black lagoon Gta style
Dbz bt3 sequel with polished gameplay.
A good party fighter with anime characters.

Necromancer simulator
Start as neophyte in some backwater village studying local flora for potions
End game either by dominating a kingdom with skeleton armies or lend your expertise to exterminate another form of evil

Honestly a Bubblegum Crisis game with similar visuals to Guilty Gear Xrd and post-processing effects like Cuphead (which give it a old film look) would be fantastic

A hunting game like theHunter call of the wild
But set in space, space alien trophy hunting.

I have some concepts thought up that either aren't visited or barely have, though I don't want to share for fear of my idea getting stolen and being put into some lootbox-ridden abomination.

I want an actually good first person post apocalyptic RPG with deep story and rich world.
Fallouts have never helped with that itch, not even NV.

I also want an actual good open world zombie survival game with RPG elements.
Something like State of Decay but more interactable, ARMA/GTA/Witcher 3 - tier sized overworld.
Hell, I want something that a zombie apocalypse in real life would be.

But I know for a fact that these wont ever come to fruition. If only a nuclear wwar wiped out majority of this world and I'd be amongst the few survivors. Shit would be very fucking cash.

Dexter game where you cleanse the world of evil while being evil yourself and pokerfacing and lying your way out of being caught

Breaking Bad game where you start as a lowly drug dealer and work your way up the ranks while also trying to manage family not knowing and to be the best there ever was

With 80's style effects and cutscenes.

New Vegas-style Open World RPG where you play as a demon/monster hunter in an urban fantasy setting. It can be either set in modern day, a Victorian/Edwardian historical setting or a fantasy world inspired by those periods.
Bloodborne is similar to what I want but it's not quite it and I don't have a PS4

Oh okay yeah I feel you, I would play that too. I would even probably buy some of the dlc

Pokemon Perfect Platinum.

The dream.

>Areas where the ground is paved so you can't raise shit
>Areas where a battle occurred and you're OP as fuck
>Eventually become so evil and powerful that you can tear the skeleton from a living person and order it to beat their dead meat-sack to death

A Witcher-level Space RPG.

With like first contact shit, really convincing and immersive space travel/alien and like interspecies politics.

Like a Mass Effect wrap on Witcher 3.

I love space boys


To further elaborate

Korean War flight sim
You can fly as a pilot from any Squadron that participated, from any day of the war and fight the war as a dynamic campaign a la Falcon BMS.

All the planes are there, wanna fly P-51 Mustangs and dick on Communist Yak 3s, but be wary of MiG 15s. Do it.

Wanna be F9Fs bombing targets while operating from a carrier?

Wanna be a British navy pilot? Wann be a Russian sent to help and stalk Sabres in MiG alley? do it.

I want just a good early cold war game that lets me do fun and challenging aerial warfare.

I want an MMORPG that has the freedom of doing what players want like Ultima Online and Eve, were players can kill each other any were and if you die all the items in your inventory will be dropped. I would like the themes to be a pirate MMORPG and a Western MMORPG. Sadly not many people play MMORPG's and most MMO players love theme parks these days :(

If you've posted this before I'm sure I've read your idea in the past.

I reckon a game with heaps of choices that determine your necro build. You start by picking different herbs to study and they end up effecting what sort of specialisations are available to you down the line.

Like if your ghouls massacre villages too hard you'll just be left with flesh chunks, skeletons and ghosts. If a plague rots flesh tok hard you'll have little to work with. Likewise, there would have to be an element of making your spirits extea restless, or poisioning the minds of villagers into commiting attrocities in your name - then rising the best minions into liches and shit.

>Try not to get fucking CIA'd for nationalizing industries

Code vein ?



Video game version of the Illuminatus Trilogy. It would start like a normal mystery before going completely balls to the wall with conspiracy, sci-fi and mysticism shit, constantly change art-style and gameplay and story genres and be full of insanely convoluted gambits, schemes, plot twists and fourth wall breaks

Drakan gameplay with How to Train Your Dragon characters.

An immersive MMORPG that encourages role-playing and exploration. Fantasy or futuristic setting doesn't matter, but even "top tier" characters are fairly weak on their own. There's no global chat and no party finder, no fast travel, and the system is made so that it rewards having the same characters experience content together, like a band of adventurers or a group of bounty hunters a la Cowboy Bebop.

reposting a classic

Wow this actually looks interesting, I haven't even heard of it before

Mass Effect Battlefront
Pokemon Duelyst
Battle Royale with anime

A gta clone but with dinosaurs running through the city and destructible buildings and shit

My dream is for an MMORPG in a Western or Pirate theme sandbox :)

Just literally make FFXI again

Dark Souls but set in 1980s america with characters who use secret area 51 advanced military weapons based on alien technology like plasma swords and laser rifles but with an early 20th century asthetic.

Okay, get this:

It's a mystery thriller science fiction/fantasy no-bullshit FPS with RPG elements in the vein of Deus Ex 1 where you play as a secret agent who goes on a mission to find his wife's killer, but uncovers a massive conspiracy involving all kinds of whacked out science fiction tropes, all the way from space aliens to time travel.

The game will feature a globe trotting adventure featuring places like Scotland, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Russia, Hong Kong and more, with an artstyle influenced by the aesthetics of Bioshock: Infinite, Dishonored, the pre-Contracts Hitman games, Half-Life 2's cut content, and the writings of Jorge Luis Borges. Jesper Kyd will be commissioned to produce the soundtrack. The gameplay will be a straight up, no bullshit FPS. No fucking health regen, no two weapon limits, no iron sights.

But here's the best part:

The player will play an active role in solving the plotline's mystery.

The game will task you, the player, to solve the mystery and get to the bottom of the conspiracy. You will have to come to your own conclusions about the evidence and clues you discover in the game, missing clues or coming to the wrong conclusions about the clues will effect the rest of the game and the ending. You could play through the entire game any number of ways, the game could end with you getting revenge on your wife's killer while not even having any knowledge of the massive conspiracy at large, putting a stop to the conspirators but at the same time not even having any idea what the hell the conspiracy is even about, coming to the wrong conclusions of the conspiracy and mistakenly killing people who aren't conspirators at all, or doing a perfect run and blowing the top off the entire thing and bringing all the conspirators to justice without being decieved by clues.

rockstar/red dead type game about the mortal engines universe.

just cruising around in an airship over desolate landscape, occasionally spying the big rolling cities in the distance making tracks, stopping off in random fields to look at the landscape

Cyberpunk 2077

Custom Robo for Switch with some extra additions on the customization of robos.
Something along the lines of being able to do some stuff to the actual parts themselves instead of adding them to the robo chassis.
Also Jojo ASB/EoH on Switch

An open world sci-fi/fantasy MMORPG with

World of Warcraft.

Pressure will become real someday, and not just as shitty SS13 rooms.

Survival FPS set on the WW2 Ostfront. You play either a german or soviet and it starts with the invasion of poland and ends with the fall of stalingrad. Highly story driven and character focused, all the germans speak their own german dialect, none of that text book hochdeutsch, just like the russians, poles, czechs etc. You'd be witnessing atrocities, the real horrors of war, starvation, infighting and murder. You'd be eating horses, killing civilians for a sack of potatoes and surviving on a healthy diet of vodka and roots. You'd get to hear real soldiers talk, from the true believers of the SS to the disillusioned veteran that just wants to go home and considers deserting. Gameplay would be Brothers in Arms style squad and class based.

Everything I wished Metro would be.

I had an idea years and years ago but knew I'd never be able to Dev' it. Now Battlegrounds sort of popularized part of the idea.

The idea was a singleplayer scavenge game set in a city surrounded by a dome. You start dead centre in a clockwork tower that's risen out of the ground. The dome moves closer to the centre in real time and getting near the dome freezes you to death. After a day this done is centred on the tower and you must re-enter the tower to survive, then you fight a boss.

Meanwhile enemies all over the city that get pushed towards the centre over the course of the day. Part of the replayability would be running to the fringes to explore areas before they get dome'd.

But now I may as well say singleplayer Battlegrounds.

X3 but multiplayer

Prototype 3
>It's an 0451 immersive sim with persistent building destruction that changes player options.

Kerbal Space Program but not a technical disaster duct-taped together by Mexican below-minimum-wageslaves

Correct answer, user.

I could also go for open world Metro 2033- I wasted 30 hours in Kyshatria.

A soul nomad remake/sequel

This but with better everything.

fuck accidentally posted before I was done:

An open world sci-fi/fantasy MMORPG with multiple planets to explore (not just a single planet) as well having space fighter and space capitol ships combat and boarding of ships. Ships are also used to travel between planets.

By sci-fi/fantasy mix, I mean there is a combination of fantasy type weapons swords, whips, katanas (but made more futuristic) and also traditional sci-fi laser guns etc. Can also have magic skills as well.

But the MOST important aspect of this dream game of mine is that EVERYONE is required to play as a naked loli. You can customize your character, but you have to play as a loli and you can't wear any clothes ever.

I want a survival mmo with an actual punishing weather system. Floods,hurricanes,blizzards and so on. Developers rarely ever bother to add weather to a game and even then it rarely has an effect besides fucking up your vision.

I want to watch players desperately trying to sandbag their base while others are going around in boats looting what was left behind. See players struggle to forage for food while a blizzard rages for days. Players having an actual conflict over resources in a dire situation instead of them driving around honking a horn then dying to a random sniper.

But hey, at least we've got loot boxes,dlc, and shitty optimization to look forward too.

I was reminded by this thread that I really just want a cool Space Western game. The mention of Cowboy Bebop reminded me of just how much I love that sort of mix of Noir stuff with Space Western, too. I don't even like anime, but that show has the most genius mix of genres and tropes ever.

I just want to be a Space Cowboy in a harsh, depressing galaxy that sounds like Blues and smells of cigarettes and gunpowder, ffs.

A JoJo RPG with an original story and characters

a fps based on cataclysm:dda

better be some custom stands too

Heard of Chronicles of Elyria?

i unironically want this heavily ironic game

Pretty specific, but a great idea.
You might need to make it yourself if you ever wanna see it though, or hope someone's gonna steal it.

A game where you organize and directly control a mob organization. Can control business management, recruitment and diplomacy via a world map (rts-ish) and play the game in 3rd person in realtime with any of the soldiers you've recruited.

Pic related actually did had a lot of these ideas, and is probably the most underrated game I've ever played, ESPECIALLY for being a movie tie in

An action rpg with a Dark Souls 1 style interconnected world where the classes are various insects who became sapient, and start grafting nanomachine tier mechanisms to themselves while trying to navigate the still human ruled world.

How about the real Planetside 2?

Devil May Cry X God Hand X No More Heroes crossover

Don't ask me how it would work just make it happen

this but the zone of exclusion are the hills and forests around my bumfuck slavic town.

Resident Evil Outbreak File #3 made in the new RE engine with VR support

I want more SciFi RPGs where I get to use a gun. Everything is sword this, axe that. I'm tired of slashing and stabbing. I want a 3rd person gunplay rpg set in universe where humans inhabit large cities on various planets, and you get to roam those cities. I want cities like GTA, gameplay like masseffect 2, and art style of max payne with space shit.

An MMO without combat as a main focus. A fantasy civilization sim. You would pick jobs like farmer, accountant, blacksmith, architect, etc. based on the relative time period, and your creations could actually appear in the world.

As a blacksmith, for example, you would forge a sword not into a predetermined specific item like in most games, but into a type of sword (claymore, longsword, flamberge) and through a highly complex crafting method with an impossibly high skill ceiling, create an entirely unique weapon in terms of stats. But it wouldn't just be the crafting part that has an effect, it would also be the materials, for which you would have to create relationships with miners to get good deals else spend too much money to keep your business afloat. And the swords you make would create your reputation. Not just on quality but on type -- you could carve out a niche in the market by focusing on edgelord swords, or greatswords. This would extend to all weapon types. And then the weapons themselves would be used by soldiers to wage war for territory between other cities, which players are dropped into randomly on creation.

An architect would plan out buildings fully customized, piece by piece, and have to make structural sense, lest they fall apart and your career fails. You'd have to get permission from the city layout planner. Then laborers would build it.

I could go into way more detail but it's pointless. It's a game that will never be made because it basically can't. The huge issue, of course, is the playerbase. Everyone is going to want to do the jobs they want to, but in a proper city, you need a particular amount for each role. How the fuck do you incentivize players to roll as garbagemen? You need them to run a city properly. So are there certain roles you leave as automated? Generate new cities based on the amount of players vying for over/undersaturated roles? You'd still run into the same problem.

I would also take an open world or hub based Silent Hill themed game of my small bumfuck town.

Has a game ever been created from something in these threads?

a high fantasy sandbox MMORPG set around the premise of a world with a fractured reality so dungeons and structures phase in and out of existence. Basically the entire world is procedurally generated every 24 hours. Where players construct their Knight Frames (Magic-powered mecha) and dwell into the unknown, gathering components to craft new parts and weapons for their Knight Frames.
Every week, once per account, being the first one to clear any dungeon or structure gives a permanent buff to your accout (Like incresed drop rates, quantities, attack etc... whatever, not a lot because they will stack but enough to give you a singnificant buff over years worth of playtime)
Once you're the first to clear a dungeon, any other subsequent dungeon you hit will only reward you drops, won't reward you first clear so one autistic person can't just take all the dungeons. but being the first to clear it grants you bonus drop rates within that dungeon for the rest of the day.
There's a heavy focus on crafting and skill leveling. There are no physical levels.

Gran Turismo that doesn't suck with my favorite cars in premium and an actually coursemaker. I've been playing since GT1 and was soooo hyped for GT5. Now I just live in a world of broken dreams. Didn't even bother with GT Sport.