Older than 12

>Older than 12
>Owns Nintendo consoles

How's it feel to be virgins?

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3DS is pretty cool

This is exactly why I do adult stuff like alcoholism, prostate exams and taxes, OP.

Why can't you just let people enjoy what they want to? I'm not even a fucking Nintendo fan, but this is sad.

I enjoy this thing physically disgusting people do where they pretend they are just ironically physically disgusting.

I've owned every nintendo device (well, at least one iteration of each gen) since 1996

I also get a ton of pussy

can't wait to play mario odyssey while my gf sucks me off

stay mad loser

Is it just fucking compulsory or what?

Why does every nu-male insist on looking retarded at all times? That mouth hanging up guffaw especially it's like they're priming themselves for a cock

dude i watch my little pony and i get the biggest sloppiest pussy in the world
get on my level, losers!
