The free game is the superior version

>the free game is the superior version
Are there any other good examples of this?

PoE is shit though

Grim Dawn is the superior version

different strokes and all that.
Grim Dawn is bretty gud indeed.

Fortnite is a rip off of Orcs Must Die ripping off PUBG with a free to play mode

it's twice inferior, that shouldn't even be possible

It doesn't matter who rips who. All media is derivative. What does matters is that Fortnite is better than PUBG.

it's not even in the same vicinity of PUBG or Orcs Must Die

Much better than Overwatch


what does Paladins do that is better than OW? I might try it

Although in this case it probably doesn't matter - they'll BOTH be ded in a few years

I don't know but maybe you should begin the thread with some next time

Gonna be honest. Fortnite just isn't fun. I'm not sure what it is about it, but it's just much less fun than PUBG despite having all the right ingredients.

D3 >= GD > PoE

>Fortnite is better than PUBG
said nobody, ever

Nice glider

You never played past act 4 normal did you champ

this is bait. right user?

> D3 > everything else

Spot the 40 IQ.

Yeah, I'd say Battlegrounds is a better third person pvp shooter arena than Diablo 3. But that's kind of a gimme, what's your point?

what is this glider meme? I'm afraid I'm a little too old to keep up with all them these days

PoE? Fuck no, the combat is utterly dull and unsatisfying, it's like a Diablo 1 ripoff with no heart

once you win a game your glider changes to an umbrella

>more characters
>more balanced
>you can customize your champions with cards
>maps are less shit
>new champion every month

thanks user. I'll check it out. one of the things about OW that turned me off was how stale the limited cast was. releasing 1 character/year wasn't enough to keep me interested

Other user is right. Exposing people who hate Fortnite because theyve never won a game is fun.

PermaGlider Virgins is a meme I created and copyrighted (Britbong)

Please dont post it without giving me credit unless you want sued. Thanks for enjoying my meme new friend!

Pic related it's me.

Better in some ways? Yes. Better overall? No.

>Spent $60 on PUBG now defending it like a shill because a better, free game surpassed it.

Google sunken cost fallacy. Uninstall PUBG and get an umbrella you're a dripping wet glider virgin

>Sup Forums still likes Path of Reddit and Tumblrnight

>assuming I didn't get it for free from a normie friend who is into that kind of game
>stating my opinion of the game is shilling
>"anyone who disagrees with me is a virgin"
Neck yourself, my guy.

>What does matters is that Fortnite is better than PUBG

I LOVE PoE but Diablo III is alright nowadays. Never played PUBG, but I enjoyed the PvE mode of Fortnite.

there's no way that stupid pidgeon survived that

D3 eventually became a decent game, but it was too little and much too late

Forgot to refute being a glider virgin. Because you are. Win a game before you post. Rekt

fortnite is much better in its current state than pubg.
>no vehicles
>faster storm
>building/destruction mechanics which make each round fun and unique, not just a camp fest
>smaller map
>a lot less retarded glitches
>much lower minimum specs
>no massive frame drops
>doesn't look like a piece of brown and green dog shit
>on every platform, including mac
all pubg has over fortnite is weapon variation and character customization

I loved mg rising but Warframe was a better cyborg ninja simulator

i hate ow but those hitboxes man... the fuck.

Very dry user. Excellent umbrella skills. Fornite is only going to get better with more content imo.

I hope they plan to add a lot more now it was a surprising success.

The #1 P4P Battle Royale game

I don't even play video games, my guy.

i actually don't have my umbrella yet, closest i've gotten was #3