ELEX bread

ELEX bread

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Wonder how quick this will be $10-$5.

A year?

Protip: Play it with a controller.

not sure why not many are talking about this
it's actually pretty good
its no gothic, but its still a great rpg so far, im only like 10 hours in. really cool environments and quests and theme and stuff.
hopefully people are just too busy playing it to shitpost on v about it.

H-HE'S FAST Edition
Are you enjoying prime eurojank?
Or perhaps you are still waiting for dat 1 seeder 2000 leechers torrent?

Steam christmas sale.

i'm waiting for this, got it on my wishlist and i'll look it up in a year or so.


who was in the wrong?


Noone. The hero needs to git gud though.

Definitely ELEX. He was creeping on a innocent dude and was going to cold bloodedly murder him.

This looks like a very generic open world RPG. Am I wrong?

What kind of man punches someone in the face after lodging an axe in their neck?


The hero gets his ass beat by the gate guard too, youre super weak in the beginning.

>Halo font


Why is this allowed

I love how lush some of the areas are. The game unironically sometimes looks better than say Witcher 3 for example, which is a pretty major achievement considering 20 dudes made ELEX versus the 400 slavs that made TW3.


>when the Albs drop an elex powered nuke nearby to purge the filth

Cheeky PB devs. Elex better has some tiddies like this tbqh lad.

Can you turn that shit off?

user doesn't like that.

>We want the TellTale audience

I feel like this effect wouldn't be bad at all if it just had the severity reduced a little bit.


user is a faggot & will remember this

Pretty sure that is from the alpha.

What is wrong?

Is he right Sup Forums?

what are the pros dand cons so far? i need a new decent rpg

kek they tried to implement something neat I guess

>Mud likes that
>Mud will remember that

so that's where that pasta came from last thread

no that's actually how it's like in game
I get what they were going for but it's definitely over the top

If by alpha you mean day one version.

Git gud the post

>retard who didn't even bother trying to figure out the combat instead of mashing mouse1
Stopped reading there desu.

Who here remembers day 1 Gothic 3 combat?

I'm waiting for the .iso split into 40 parts from megaupload

Couldn't run this on my toaster back then, so I just went with WoW. Was great with the community patch desu. :^)


uploaded and share-online are still in business lad


I did

it was shitty, the only thing that didn't sucked was magic and even then it was below-average

I remember getting the fire sword and destroying the orc town by abusing the stupid AI

Shit that looks way too much like Gothic 1. At least it's just a button press this time.

The setting in this is really boring. Why no one made yet an open-world action RPG within a world that isn't based around on generic fantasy or sci-fi/post-apocalyptic tropes? (Elex somehow manages to be all this at the sime time). How nice it would be a game like this in a whimsical cartoonish world, a completely surreal one or something like that?
The weirdest game like this I can think of is Morrowind, but it does not go very far from the high-fantasy thematic core.

Gothic 3 magic can be fun
To be that's mega late game only

because originality is a risk, and companies/developers now do not want to invest on risk

it's why the MMO genre it's stagnant for example, or why every shooter it's eerily similar to COD, because that's what sells

I want a cRPG set in 19th century Russia.

that's the problem, slugging through hours of shit gameplay, uninteresting quests with sith design, a copypasted forest, a copypasted desert (with some cool ruins) and a copypasted snowy mountains, and a really dumb plot is not worth it

I just used cheats and played around with magic

How do I join the clerics, I cant stand these hippies that get angry at my PDA

The HUD looks so ugly and is way too bright.

How comfy is this game?

Typical Dark Souls babby.

that combat looks worse than typical modern mmo combat

quite an achievement

Just be glad you didn't get to experience the abortion made by indian dev's. :D

the jiggly titties when talking to female npcs are really entertaining

Did I miss a graphics slider somewhere? Why do the armor textures look like they're straight out of an MMO from 2009?

Because it’s a huge game made by two dozens of people.

How do you build such a large, expansive, grand world of variety that looks great for it's budget and then absolutely fuck up on the combat and animations? Like Jesus Fucking Christ did they hire retards to do the animating? Talk about absolutely game shattering.

How do i get some levels in the beginning I'm dying like a faggot

>TFW just beat most of the Askor murder investigation quest.
>TFW all the evidence was there from the beginning but the twist still managed to surprise me.
>Suddenly stuck with a moral conundrum about what to do next with the information.

This game's gonna be good, isn't it? Only 4 hours in but I've not even scratched the surface. Aside from the awkward animations and voice acting that ranges from bad to only okay, I think ELEX might actually end up being a pretty fucking good RPG in terms of story and d e p t h.

I'm still finding it cool how the moment I step into Goliet I feel like I'm in an old school Gothic game or an old Bioware CRPG yet when I walk back out through those gates I'm suddenly in a not half bad open world action RPG.

>action rpg with awful combat and animations
>not half bad

>There is a small time delay between attacks

>Aside from the awkward animations and voice acting that ranges from bad to only okay
Please tell me you don't actually play with english voice acting.

After Risen 1 2 and 3 I'm pretty sure they're making the combat worse on purpose now

German authorities should shut them down for public safety

Just play the game and do quests user. ELEX doesn't handhold and you'll encounter shit you can't do the way they expect.

On the other hand, ELEX offers plenty of room for out-of-box thinking. For instance I got a quest to kill a load of raptors and found each one could fucking wreck me and I had absolutely no chance to kill them one on one, much less one on five.

I ended up beating it by spamming arrows to take down two from a roof I jetpacked too, lured the rest into a group of rotboar things that proceeded to kill all of them except the Raptor Alpha and then led the Alpha into a camp of Beserkers and watched it get destroyed by highly trained nordic hippies.

Got a ton XP for it too, plus the reward and loot from the beserkers and animals they killed.

Combat and animations are fine in PB games. I find realist animations quite cringy.

KOTOR for example had some absolute shit combat and whole gameplay, really.

The voice acting isn't terrible. It's just inconsistent.

>I find realist animations quite cringy

Are you saying Bloodborne-tier animations are cringy? Because they're very high quality but not realistic in the slightest.

How about a JRPG set in 20th century Russia?

The MC is so fucking soulless and boring. Why couldn't they just do a character creator and make him silent or something?

lmao jesus christ this looks like absolute shit

but thats realistic, when you enter a dark room and you look outside you gonna be blinded because your eyes adjusted to the dark room

they just overdid it with the bloom

The combat is functional. It's not great but it does feel good when you get off combo strings of light and heavy attacks. Attacks definitely have weight to them and it's cool being able to interrupt enemy attacks by hitting them first.

Ranged is slightly better, but I've only tried a bow. Not tried guns or magic yet because I'm still hanging around with the viking hippies and there are no guns there and magic is only for high ranking guys.

>TFW Elex has poise but DS3 doesn't.

Is German or Polish the original?


This game is fucking incredible so far. It is everything I wanted out of the next Gothic-like series. Outside of the opening cinematic, I haven't seen texture fuckups that people are harping on. Playing on Ultra so far and just made it to Zerker town.

>have to dodge and watch enemy animations or get completely destroyed in 2-3 hits
>timing heavy+light attacks and dodges for SICC COMBOS
>a fucking jetpack
>tons of monsters and hidden shit to find

Can't wait to get my chainsword and fuck everyone up with it. Speaking of which, does anyone know which faction is for melee+tech users? I'm guessing it is outlaws.

Wow, Rainbow 6 Siege changed a lot since I last played it.

Alright user, thank you this is some good advice, i just played for a while until i met the berserkers and tried to rush some levels i wasn't aware of the difficulty

looks alright to me

is there a way to reduce the windup time of the weapon?

Dark Souls 3 has working poise though, it just doesn't work how you want it to.

If you use Vordt hammer's weapon art you can eat two greatsword attacks without flinching as long as you're attacking.

I feel like most people who complain about the combat being hard don't use the jetpack. Like holy shit if you are out of stamina just jetpack for 2 seconds so enemies can't hit you and your stamina regents almost instantly in the air.

Nah, there is certainly room to improve these a lot. Just saying it's good enough to not disturb me in the slightest.

Like these dialogues in Horizon Zero Dawn for example are very uncanny valley.

>Why couldn't they just do a character creator and make him silent or something?
Because that would end in a fucking soulless and boring skyrim tier character.

its just too bad that joowood didnt pull the plug earlier but I bet even then shitters would play this pile of dogshit that is gothic 3

>mfw the same Sup Forums that once thought Gothic was the best ever CRPG because of the immersion, story, choices and interesting hand-crafted open world despite having awkward animations and combat now thinks that ELEX is bad for all the negatives and doesn't even care about the positives

>Playing like a gorilla and using up all your stamina while face tanking
What is wrong with you?


I never played Gothic and I'm loving Elex

reddit invaded us

Not to be contrarian but Horizon's animations are actually pretty average all around, outside of the robot enemies.

Another example would be Metal Gear Rising and Bayonetta. You sure as shit can't say either of them are realistic but they still have fantastic animations. In an open world game like Elex you get some slack for having some enemies with garbage animations but there's no excuse for the player character to have them too.

Jewwood would have been nowhere without the previous gothic sucesses.

The combat gets WORSE every game you stupid fuck

you can only ignore it for so long

Word I'm fucking loving it too.

Depends whether you want action or rpg from your action rpgs.

I vastly prefer action focused Action RPGs (Bloodborne, Souls, Nioh) over RPG heavy Action RPGs (Witcher, Gothic/Risen, etc).

Most people in these threads seem to love it though. It's just a couple of shitposters.

Is this toaster friendly?

combat looks too fast (faster than Dark Souls 3) and everything else about the game seems boring

what the world needs is less dark souls clones