Why do you hate Mighty No 9?
It's not even a bad game.
Why do you hate Mighty No 9?
It's not even a bad game.
It's the definition 5/10 and didn't live up to it's promise of being the spiritual successor to Megaman.
Not even going into the broken kickstarter campaign promises .
>It's not even a bad game.
That's where you're wrong.
What I don't understand is why Inafune didn't go ahead with making a sequel despite how many people loathe the game
>all that kickstarter money and people who have in-fact bought the game
>they can reuse character assets and have an engine already to produce cheap sequels on (basically doing the same as what Capcom did with Megaman 1-6)
I got over 50 hours on the game, I like it. I consider it a flawed gem. I love the fast pace of the game, the bosses are fun, the music is great, and there's a heck of a lot of charm to it. It's just that level design is a little shallow. Lots of levels are just padded out by boxes when they could've tried being more creative with gimmicks.
>I got over 50 hours on the game
Really don't get why you're so proud about flaunting your shit taste.
I bet you haven't even played through challenge mode
Not the roll fap bait could save the game
How would challenge mode magically make the main game not atrocious?
Of course not. At least she's playable in Mighty Gunvolt Burst, which is what MN9 should've been in the first place.
It's not a terrible game. It's not a great game. It's just disappointing after what was promised. Honestly mn9 can be saved if the game is redone, but that sounds like it will never happen. At least his 8-bit incarnation was good
I like MN9, it's a guilty pleasure for me.
The Call situation was complete bullshit
It's also not a good game.
This is an illogical design. Asymmetrical hair leads to imbalance and a tactical robot who is based in logic has no need for breasticles.
you are inferior
it's a fun game and challenge mode and even more Megaman-style challenges for you to complete that add to the joy
>it's a fun game
Keep telling yourself that.
Look OP ive defended X6 so my standards are low and even I think MN9 is shit.
Robots don't need hair or eyelashes or clothing either but that thing exists.
>pink dress
what do they mean by this?
I hate X6, but even I'd take the fucking flaming donuts over MN9 any day.
Why is the radio help in games almost always a grill?
Such as?
Unreal Engine 3
I don't MN9 is a great game, but I wouldn't call it bad. I honestly think most of the hate is from people pissed about all the Kickstarter crap, and bandwagoners. MN9 seems... I don't know, on par with the more middle of the road Mega Man games.
I'm still waiting for my vita version, con man
Yeah, all those male radio operatives in MGS like Mei Ling and Para-medic
Yeah, Mei Ling and Para Medic when you weren't fucking busy with ZERO, CAMPBELL, AND SIGINT.
Even the worst Megaman games had more solid level designs than MN9 did.
>ooh, let's have you go down a hallway for 15 fucking minutes with death spikes everywhere as the boss shoots at you.
>Also, let's have some ugly kickstarter supporter's pictures in the background as well, because we care about our fans, even the ones who we depict without any necks.
Japan has a very different definition of "goth"
>Hey look, a secret area!
>Psyche, there's an enemy in there
>Beat him
>Good job here's some loot
>Leave secret area
>Psyche, here's an unavoidable mine
It's not bad just boring and that's worse than being bad, cause that means it's bland.
>Hey look, a dropoff like in the old Megaman games.
>Since I can't move forward, clearly the most optimum solution is to drop down this hold.
>Psyche, the floor is covered in purple death spikes.
>You were clearly supposed to hang off this ledge that you won't notice your first time through.
>Oh, and the boss has an unavoidable attack.
>Psyche, you're supposed to hang off the ledges here too, even though there's no indication that they're places where you can hang from.
have any of you actually played the game or are you just basing your opinion off of BAD let's players?
Like, dude who is complaining over Countershade's level. You're trash at game if you think it's too hard.
>opening statement in a discussion about game is "why do you hate it? it's not even bad"
Something has to be very wrong if that's how you START the thread.
t. Generous Backer
It's pretty bad and imbalanced. There's at least two weapons that break the game far worse than the metal blade. The stages are bland and boring.
What are you defending? I played MN9, I liked it despite its flaws, it's still a shit game with some of the worst design I've seen outside of something made by a college student.
That didn't stop you from copying her.
Telephone switchers used to be women many many years ago. A woman's voice was perceived better, softer, friendlier etc than a man's.
Same goes for radio. I know I want to hear a woman over the phone.
There are indie/doujin Mega Man clones with microscopic budgets that are better designed and balanced than Mighty No. 9. It's a below mediocre Mega Man clone where its shortcomings are magnified due to the hype, drama and fact we know how fuck huge of a budget it had for it genre.
>It's not even a bad game
True, but it's not a good game either. It's barely even passable.
The most fun I've had was fighting Brandish on Hyper mode. The fucker was incredibly fast, so understanding his attack patterns was crucial in order to react quick enough. It made the whole battle tense and exciting, plus utilizing the dash mechanic beyond just absorbing weaken enemies. Aside from the final boss (and perhaps the factory boss), everyone else is just a game of rock paper scissors in slow motion. It was boring. And outside of boss fights, it's just:
>select Battalion's gun
>kill everything
Along with it's annoying emphasis on environmental hazards just makes it a subpar experience. It's a passable game, I'm willing to give it that. But it killed itself by touting it's the "spiritual successor" to Megaman. Not even fucking close and leaves a poor taste in everyone's mouth who wanted exactly that in the first place.
Wait, is this for real or a mod?
I liked this game a lot and I recommend it to every switch owner but I don't know if I want to replay the same stages over again, are the new characters worth it?
its easy boring looks bad and didnt have memorable characters
Ray looked cool but barely had any story content
Damn, I can't believe I missed this. I kind of wish they did promo art for the alt costumes as well, but at least it's better than nothing
never cared for it
if I wanna play mega man
ill play actual mega man