It's happening: MCC is being fixed and given Xbone X updates, and Halo 5 is being given private servers for LAN play
halo thread to celebrate
It's happening: MCC is being fixed and given Xbone X updates, and Halo 5 is being given private servers for LAN play
halo thread to celebrate
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Did the traveler create the Guardians just so it could protect itself without alerting the darkness?
>4 years
343 took too fucking long
To be fair, most of the issues were already fixed. It's still buggy but it's for sure playable now.
>all the Halo games in 4k
Xbox always wins
Does the fix has anything to do with less Halo 3 games and more of 1 & 2 in multiplayer?
I'd love Halo Reach in 4K with 16x AA and AF
Wow so all I have to do is buy another full price Xbox console to play MCC and Halo 5 how they should've shipped years ago?
the updates will be for the regular xbox one too. it's just the 4k enhancements that are exlcusive to xbox one x.
Frank O'Connor is a liar who posts on pedoGAF
I reiterate:
So all I have to do is buy another full price console to play MCC and Halo 5 the way they should've shipped?
The fixed and updates will be on the default xbone versions too other then the resolution bump you dumbass
Onyx is thrown in the sun in Halo: Legacy of Onyx
>To be fair, most of the issues were already fixed
Halo 1 and 2 multiplayer were fucking abortions and still are even after the updates
But you don't. The updates will be on the normal come version too
It's legit, but can it really be fixed Sup Forums?
>G-guys we're good for it this time
Too little too late, Bonnie.
come on dude. i know you just want to shitpost but you're embarrassing yourself right now. it's okay that you didn't click any links and didn't understand what the updates were for, you don't have to try and save face like this.
i really thought this would never happen ;-; i'm so happy
someone post the image of the xbro ass eating the nitendnerd
Says the microsoft cumguzzler
>and Halo 5 is being given private servers for LAN play
So where's the fucking SPLITSCREEN?
Gonna have to wait for Halo 6, sweetie.
>Halo 1-4 on BC
>Halo MCC 4K and fixed
>Halo 5 4K HDR with lan
>Halo 6 is getting "THE WORKS"
Halo's back, mother fuckers!
I can also just not buy either.
What if there is no Halo 6.
What if 343 Industries leave it on a cliffhanger for years to come because they are tired of dealing with fan backlash.
All you get from now is Halo 5 updates to perfect the multiplayer.
Because Halo 5 requires a server for multiplayer to function.
Dude, not him but Halo 6 has been confirmed for a long time now.
Also, with the VR game, I am loving the push they are giving the Master Chief.
Awesome! Now Xbros get to play Halo, and Halo, and Halo.
Already sold ym Xbone
Too little too late. Should've put MCC on PC by now.
>Halo and Metroid
2 of my favorite franchises are back!
>MCC is being fixed
Holy fucking shit, this game is STILL BROKEN? This game had had at LEAST 100 updates pushed out to it, this is unacceptable.
No it doesn't
>It's the Wii60 cuck hanging onto hope again
Yes it does. Which is why they're releasing a tool to host your own servers, and not allowing direct system link only using consoles.
>MFW no playable Sangheili in 5
>MFW 3 years to fix MCC
Why were Halo 4 and Halo 5's campaigns so shit?
Yes, it does, you moron.
4 actually had decent missions and envoiments. It wasn't great or anything, but compared to any other FPS that's not solely MP focused that's not another halo game it's pretty respectable. I'd even argue it was slightly better then CE due to doing similar things without being as tedious.The writing just dropped the ball hard
5 was just a waste of time and effort. Blue Team's first missions was good and some of the ambient dialog was cool but that's it
Halo 5 is fucking shit Frankie.
Says the roach who's favorite company is bending over for Nintendo.
It only got like two updates, and one of them was just to include a new remastered map and ODST
I honestly thought 343 had forgotten about the Masterchief collection.
Can I remove Halo 4 from mcc yet
>the same metroid/halo autistic in every halo thread
Halo 4's campaign was decent, Halo 5's campaign was shit because of Brian Reed but he is no longer there anymore since he got fired.
>that one Sonyroach that hates both Metroid and Halo in every Metroid and Halo threads
>I'd even argue it was slightly better then CE due to doing similar things without being as tedious.The writing just dropped the ball hard
It did literally everything worse than CE and reused the teleport hub in Forerunner like 3 times.
I think maybe the only things it did better was pacing and cinematography.
The enemy AI and placement was atrociously unfun and the sound design was mediocre and contemporary (as is the case in Halo 5 x10.)
I wish I wasn't 30 so I could be good at this game again
>need a Winshit 10 pc
H3 Anni where?
Nowhere get fucked!
but muh vistas
Halo 4's campaign was shit. I was literally baffled after I finished it, and didn't play it again until a year or so later.
Now after having done 2 solo legendary runs and a bunch of co-op runs, I can definitely say it's still just as shit as the first time i played it.
Frankie pls
>Get mocked for being a parasitic shill
lots of xbox/halo shills in here even after what (((they))) did to MCC and the franchise in general.. huh.. neo Sup Forums everyone
>already sold my xbox one
too little too late
>I'm an old jaded miserable pile of shit
>im a shit consumer and a shill
These comments always make me chuckle.
yeah, nah
xbox originals fucking hwhen
server browser for MCC custom games WHEN?
>he still trying
It's going to be funny watching you roaches squirm like bitches after the Xbox One X becomes the next Switch. Mario Odyssey and Forza 7 is already killing you guys.
It was decent for what it was, I honestly put Halo 2 in the same category because it was a disappointment after Halo CE, I'm not a lorefag so Halo 2, 4, ODST, Reach, and 5 will always be ranked below Halo CE and 3. I'm glad they finally realized that now they need to throw all that lore shit in some kind of codex to shut the lorefags up.
The only worse thing than a lorefag is a stubborn anti-lorefag who won't accept ANY level of story going on beyond "kill aliens"
Shit never worked in an FPS, you dumb faggots should be happy that you may be getting a codex in the future, you get to read your lore, the rest of us can shoot aliens in the face as the Master Chief, a win-win. The fact that it took this long for Halo to figure this out is pathetic. Even Doom did this.
>the Xbox One X becomes the next Switch.
Weird, I thought the Xbonex was supposed to be the next PS4. Oh wait, the Switch came out of nowhere and cucked you good and hard.
Don't kill yourself too slowly when the Xbone sinks behind the Switch next year, shill.
>Xbox One X becomes the next Switch
Xbot here, even I don't think the bonX will do this
We have a time Traveller from the 90's ladies and gentlemen
user, i love halo, but you should know some things. they can say it all they want, but dont be impressed until they do it. mcc is also a 3 year old game and they shouldnt be congratulated for fixing it, especially not this fucking late. they should be ridiculed for tarnishing the halo brand by destroying what was supposed to be a celebration. i want halo to thrive and still hold out hope for mcc on pc so i can play campaign with mouse aim. i even play halo 5 forge over halo online JUST so the number look higher to generate interest. however, we got nothing noteworthy for halo 3s tenth, reach never gets any love since 343 took over, and no news of halo 6 at all. i can only replay the same games so long before i have to admit its time has passed. the party's over. its time to go home. you have work tomorrow
Is your attention span too short for 2minute cutscenes?
>Halo 1-4 on BC
i assumed this meant they gave up forever on MCC, wont the playerbases all be extremely divided because of this shit?
Halo 4 had the same sort of dichotomy between it's natural and forerunner areas in mood and music and atmosphere, which the latter of which I think it did better. 4 also has similar concepts with crash landing on an alien world, and intial mission on a ship, second being the landing, etc.
I agree the AI was way worse in 4, but 4 was far less tedious and repetitive and limited by it's own hardware.
I think judged for it's time CE is the better game easy, but just comparing their campaigns as games and not giving them slack for their time of release 4's campaign edges it out if you exclude story.
Read a fucking book, the second Bungie started bending over for you niggers is when Halo started going to shit. I thought they got their shit together with Halo 3, but I realized they didn't with ODST and Reach. 343 then added that shit to Halo 4 and 5, it's about time they realized that all this loreshit doesn't belong in an FPS game.
Xbone was a failure out the gate and went against Xbox's tradition so like the Wii U, it deserved to fail for being a worthless piece of shit. Now Microsoft and Nintendo finally got their heads out of their asses and made systems worth getting. They also finally stopped killing Halo and Metroid.
Someone forgot that Xbox One X soldout twice on Amazon and was number 1 on the best sellers until it went sold out.
Seeing how Halo 3 playerbase is in the hundreds, not really.
>Now Microsoft finally got their heads out of their asses and made systems worth getting.
>They also finally stopped killing Halo
topper kek. latch onto nintendo harder btw
someone forgot that the special edition is performing worse than the Pro did with pre-orders and the standard edition isn't even in the Amazon top 100 best-sellers of the year.
Who is more cancerous: Halo 3 babies, Anti-lorefags, Xenophiles who want to fuck elites, or the people who just bitch about 343 instead of actually talking about the Halo games they like?
CE has way larger playspaces, better ai, multi-faction battles, and above all a non-shit story
In a fucking Halo thread starting a console war huh?
Hey everybody report this roach, he's causing a console war in a Halo thread and throwing the thread off topic. Fuck off to your shitty weeb/sjw movie thread, roach.
>Xenophiles who want to fuck elites, or the people who just bitch about 343 instead of actually talking about the Halo games they like
These guys for sure along with falseflagging Sony roaches that like to invade Halo and Metroid threads.
They all are.
I normally hide every Halo thread I see cause all the faggots you just named.
Ok now that I've said that I'm gonna hide the thread now.
Halo guardians or Destiny guardians? Destiny guardians were created by the travelers "dying breathe."
I don't think the larger playspaces is actually a good thing for CE: they feel empty and just for padding. Also, multi faction battles only happened on a few missions anyways.
I agree CE had way better AI but that doesn't make up for how much more tedious it is.
I'm explictly not factoring in stories here.
>shitty weeb/sjw movie thread
Did you like Quantum Break?
I like CE's story the best because it is self-contained and can actually stand on its own.
We aren;t disscussing the story though.
Also, that's not even true: CE doesn't explain shit about the UNSC, Covenant, keyes, cortana, MC, Reach, or any of that shit. You just accept that the covenant are the bad guys and the UNSC are the good guys and roll with it.
That applies just as much to 4, but 4 at least also does explain who the didact and librarian are, what the promethians are, what requim is for, what the composer is, etc
To be clear, it's executed like fucking trash, but it's there
>You just accept that the covenant are the bad guys and the UNSC are the good guys and roll with it.
Why do you need to personify nonhuman creatures?
CE explains as much as you need to know and is not confusing at all
4 leaves you with many more questions and confusion than answers
If it weren't for the blatant connections like Chief&Cortana, if you took CE&4 side by side they would honestly be like entirely separate game series. Halo changed for the worse.
How many times will you tards fall from Bonnie and Faggot Frank’s lies?
343 has yet to make a good game that runs well. They wont fix this and wont make halo 6 good.
Get the fuck out of here, Sonyroach.