Evil Within


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It's alright. Not as good as TEW as it went backwards in certain areas and the story was pretty generic compared to the original. Still a solid game.

I agree with you, but it's crazy how split people are on this game. Some say it's GOTY while others despise it and the reasons for each opinion always seem to be completely different from mine even when the opinion matches up.

Inevitable Juli Kidman DLC when

More like joke of the year.

>make a shitty B-horror movie with rehashed monster designs and lots of LOUD NOISES
>insert a """"game"""" into it

Why don't these people just make animated movies
It's obvious they don't want to actually make games

It's not surprising given how polarizing TEW 1 was. TEW 2 has its ups and downs just like the first game. It seems like many of the flak directed towards it focuses on the stealth and the lackluster enemy AI. Admittedly, I do find the AI to be a pretty forgiving when compared to the ruthless enemies in TEW 1.

My personal peeves with TEW 2 are threefold. 1) The atmosphere lacks the uniqueness of the original 2) the story being thematically unispired and 3) the characters introduced are mostly annoying or not developed.

Despite these grievances, I still think it's a good game. Stefano was probably my favorite arc. Loved the homages to the original.


I marked out during that moment. Good to see Seb finally say fuck everything.

You mean Joseph Oda DLC.


I laughed at this scene.

It was pretty fantastic, and roasting the boxheads with the flamethrower was also 10/10 fun

This was easily one of my favorite moments in vidya, holy shit

All the best sections and moments in the game were the callbacks to the first one.

really the entire final few chapters were fantastic. I actually really liked the semi open world stuff in the rest of the game, but the story pretty much didn't exist until the last few chapters

it was really good when it did though, the finale with kidman and sebastian was suprisingly well directed for a game, felt like something you'd see in a movie or high budget TV series

Damn right.

agreed. goty.

stefano did nothing wrong

>the moment it released, Sup Forums was spammed with threads and posters telling people that "it was certainly worth the money and time"
This is the biggest cancer on Sup Forums currently

fuck off retard you smell like shit and nobody likes you

>in the same year as BotW, Odyssey, Cuphead

Tell me why it's worth my money, Todd.
I don't accept answers that apply to how you felt.

>he just wanted to be his own finest art

rofl. tew2 rapes all those. blatantly. its not even fucking close.

you cant fix shit taste sorry man. also sales =/= quality. moron. i bet you think metacritic means something too eh? cuck


I love BOTW, but TEW2 is great, as well.
Odyssey will be fine, too.

Why must you flame like this? Why can't we all just like games?

The callback was great, because it was so hype, but I thought some of the best moments related to Stefano and the lategame.

Why did they make her uglier?

>mfw this pleb can't appreciate evilkino

>that entire last hour
>that back and forth between sebastien and kidman
>those transitions
vidya kino

No it's not.


>go into TEW2 thread
>ask why it's good
>never get an answer
Really gets the noggin joggin.

Game really starts to fall apart after Stefano is dead. They really ramp up the story to shit levels of western blockbusters. Plus it just feels lazily done. God those fire rock guys were even more generic than the zombies. They looked like they belonged in a RPG instead.

do you like fallout references?

Who /Stefano>Theodore/ here?

great taste my friend

It's hype, it's cheesy, it doesn't take itself too seriously, it has fantastic music and visuals, it's hard, and it's one of the few modern games that feels like 90's vidya

at least, that's why I like it

Ruvik > Stefano >>>>>> Theodore

it is good because it is kino, pleb.

>missed 2 files and 1 residual and 1 slide
kill me
Got all the Bethesda game items tho


>Ruvik not in the game
who /MAD/ here?

NG+ retains previous items, just play through it again to grab all that stuff

>he missed out on the glorious final slide
Replay the game and get them all.

"it's hard" doesn't tell me anything
Pulling a rusty nail out of my foot is hard, what gameplay do I get from that?
Are you saying it's a good game because it's like a movie?

>Dat blatant DLC bait.

I'm pretty certain pic related implies Ruvik will be in the next game if it gets made. Him and Seb have unfinished business.

Stefano was a great villain.
His backstory was great. He was a genuine maniac with no redeeming qualities, but I still thought his death scene was kinda somber.
Theodore is good, but I would've loved the entire game to be about Stefano.

>EW1 DLC heavily implies JOseph is alivve and dev confirms it
>no sign of him or Ruvik despite the cliffhanger of EW1
what happened?

Kek, I know right. It still got me excited as hell.

Nah he was shit.
His story was absurdly boring, what are you talking about?

You can only have one GOTY. If every game is GOTY the title loses all meaning.

Better than generic baddie Theodore.

The game is hard.
You have little ammo, enemies take a lot of hits, and you're punished heavily for messing up (most regular enemies can hit you for 40% damage or more on Nightmare)

And no, it's not like a movie. What does that have to do with anything? Have this (you), friend.

The "puzzles" are so piss-easy. Why even bother?

Thoughts on best girl?

If I had to pick a GOTY, for me personally, it'd be Samus Returns, only because of my pure Metroid thirst.

That said, this year was a drastic improvement over 2016. Mario, Prey, Zelda, Metroid, TEW2, and even some others that I can't name off the top of my head were all fantastic games.

Does the PS4 version of TEW1 still run like absolute shit?

He was pretty great. Theodore was a bore. Ruvik is still the champ imo.


Or that his wife didn't die and is still in the system... which makes an infinite amount more sense.

I still can't believe that Ruvik got away with it, TEW3 when?

That's the other possibility but I chose to ignore it due to Myra being an awful character

Myra's story makes no sense. Why would Mobius trust her when they burned down her house and kidnapped her daughter?

Stefano's camera stuff was at least interesting. Father Theodore's "Shit's on fire" motif was just annoying.

Also, what kind of idiot designs enemies with flamethrowers and protective masks but leaves them vulnerable to smoke grenades of all things?

Ruvik being free plus the prospect of a worldwide STEM. What could go wrong?

Who was in the wrong here?

Was it ever confirmed Ruvik got away through Leslie or is this all speculation?

They drop that completely.

I had qualms with that as well. My headcanon was that she was always with Mobius even while she was with KCPD but TEW 2 decided to make her more empathetic. I preferred the idea that she willfully fucked over Seb.

Father Theodore.

I'd like to see STEM seeping into the real world in the next game/DLC

don't care if it makes sense, maybe reality is itself the STEM construct of "God" or whatever but I'd love to see shit from inside STEM getting out somehow

Why did Sebastian even believe Mobius in the first place? The only evidence they had was a tank with his daughter's name on it.

Leslie willingly gave himself over to Ruvik. Ruvik then merged himself with Leslie and escaped even as his own brain was destroyed.

It's obviously a retcon. They made her a good guy because the west can't bear the thought of a mother being the villain.

He was desperate. His life went to even greater shit after Beacon.

I think we can all agree that the first game had much better art direction, the second lacked those more surreal landscapes and envkinronemtns that the first one had.

Punished Sebastian was great

I love how it loops

>The Japanese letting white people touch their games.
First grave mistake.

By far, I kept waiting to see some great locales like we're in the original but TEW 2 never really had anything like that. It's a shame they fired the original concept artist.

Mikami's hands are all over it.

EW1 had better side characters, villains and art direction, EW2 has better gameplay and story.

You're probably white yourself, user
If Metroid has taught me one thing, it's that Jap games are better when white people are involved in some capacity

giant eye in the sky and the final area were bretty gud

also the wierd bloody cave pit you go through chasing theodore was dope

What is with western devs and their incessantly talking protagonists? There's a difference between thinking out loud and NARRATING YOUR EVERY FUCKING ACTION.

I was expecting him to find just a brain in the tank at the end.

This is the closest the second one came to the first one in terms of presentation.

>70k units on steamspy
Why did it bomb so hard?

>better gameplay
>no traps
>no matches
>enemy AI are leashed
>stealth trivializes everything

Me too. What a copout.

They want to squeeze every cent they've spent on the VAs.


The first game was like that, too.

>sequel to controversial game
>released in same month as Wolfenstein, Mario Odyssey, Shadow of War, and Asscreed
>almost no marketing
The writing was on the wall

>yfw singing ghost

Yeah but i figured killing the final boss did something to Ruvik if not killed him...

this was also bretty gud

It's also important to remember that the first game had some amazing cool looking shit, at the expense of not actually being fun to play. Clearing the hub worlds of enemies and being able to run around them without any fear felt amazing.

The blood pits looked great as well in Chapter 12

The final boss was fake. Ruvik already got away when Leslie liquefied .