I don't care what you guys say, this game is fucking hard.
I don't care what you guys say, this game is fucking hard
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If you don't care what we say, then why say it to us you fucking retard?
Does a game being hard automatically make it good? I don't think so, and neither do most video gamers nowadays, and I think that's a good thing. We need to take down this elitist mentality that video games need to be difficult to play in order for players to have fun. This toxic ideology is sickening and needs to be done away with. It's outdated.
How long have you been playing?
LoL has a punishing skill climb and but the skill ceiling is relatively low compared to other similar games.
It supposed to be hard it's a moba, it's dependent on a metal learning curve not mechanical skill.
I have seen the street fighter 5 champion where I live take up League of Legends because he started working at an internet cafe get *GOLD 5 Ranking* in literally 1 month of playing.
I'v seen people who played dota frozen throne and HoN for years still get low ranking in League of legends after a half decade of playing it.
Also the only reason why it seems like it because of the massive population playing which makes the ELO system very accurate at rating players.
It's really not a hard game you just like less then 5 mechanic skills down and pretty much rotating.
The roles are stagnant and only less then 15% or even less of the champs are meta anyways.
Any mostly symmetrical game played against other humans of a similar skill level is going to be hard by definition.
it's only as hard as your opponents, which are all fucking kids, so it's easy as shit.
It's hard because you have to play with 4 fucking retards
>don't care what Sup Forums say
>makes a thread
The difference between 1v1 and team games.
>plebbit memefaces
They come from Sup Forums
hardest part about climbing is giving up your dignity and picking broken shit
>friends stuck in silver and play non stop
>I make it to Diamond but literally fall asleep playing mobas now
What is this condition called?
No they don't you fucking mongoloid
The original rageguy face was from here but then the rest of the internet found it and made all these edited ones and extra faces
Even if they did come from here, they're so fucking dead to this place at this point
Do you even go on the internet
yeah it can be hard, but thankfully there are champs for shitters like me to exploit to victory
It only seems that way because its a competitive game, someone always has to lose. making it seem hard because of comparative skill level and not that the fact its hard.
most of Sup Forums hates this game because they are legitimately bad
>The original rageguy face was from here but then the rest of the internet found it and made all these edited ones and extra faces
Actually, we constantly made rage threads ourselves and basically all those came from fuuu thread edits.
If you're gonna act uppity because of this shit at least get it right.
They are dead to the place and 9gag tier now tho.
git gud
It literally is the most competitive with the highest ceiling. This is fucking stupid. You must be gold.
t. rank one challenger?
Yes, league of legends is hard and its difficulty arises from the fact that your opponents are trying to win too. Even if you're the most clever person on earth there will be times when you get outplayed. Most of us aren't the most clever person on earth and we suffer accordingly.
>about to kill this cunt
>he gets his dino back
Plenty of those faces started on Sup Forums man. Pretty much every dead meme by todays standards started on Sup Forums.
I fucking love him
>decide to try out league of legends
>every game has 4 smurfs on my team raging out their ass because i don't understand every single nuance of the game
Dude if you've only played against children ya gotta raise your MMR up.
Knowing what you need to do to win and executing your plan accurately and consistently are two different things. How many times do players fuck up in league and say "wow that was dumb I shouldn't have done that?" Or worse, how often do they say "this is dumb I shouldn't do this" and then do it anyway?
This guy is right. If it's more than two years old and you think it came from Reddit, then it actually came from Sup Forums first. I can't guarantee all memes come from Sup Forums any more because we suck now.
>forced lane meta
>not even half the characters are pick/ban relevant in any given patch
>cookie cutter characters designed strictly for specific forced meta lanes and roles
>literally one win strategy - plug into the meta team, try to get more gold first
>hand holding "get out of dying free" spells with no cost or tradeoff
>LoLbabbies ACTUALLY believe this is "the most competitive" and has a high skill ceiling
Your game is a shitty knockoff designed to be accessible to preteens so they can sell big boobie anime girl skins
Even LoL pros admit that Dota is the harder and deeper game
And when do you think that image was made, hmm?
Yeah but you're not pro. You're a scrub in both games so they might as well be interchangeable as far as you're concerned because plenty of people could kick your ass at both.
>Playing with ruski
Never ever, Dimitri
>moving the goal posts this fucking hard
There are about 6 indicators in your post that tell me you're gold.
You're probably not even good at dota either so idk why you bother making these bait posts.
Valve literally pours their heart into that game and it's still dying.
>tfw won't get to gold 'cause Im bad but I really want that skin
feels bad
Is there a LoL hero that causes as much butthurt as techies? Legitimately asking
>would rather play with literal babbies
you best be trolling
get off my vidya if not
I'll literally beat the fuck out of you faggot.
yeah, Teemo
>mobatards arguing over which game is the "hardest" and "deepest"
i'm gonna go hard and deep in both of you fags. whole genre is shit, stop playing it asap
yasuo comes close
2011 Evelynn and Twitch too
Twitch used to have a 60 seconds stealth
What goal posts are there to move? You only need to concern yourself with the limitations of a game's mechanics when they are the only thing holding back your skill and creativity. You almost certainly limited by your brain rather than game mechanics. If you aren't a professional player, you've probably got something to learn in either game, so they're both deeper than you've gone.
Of course, at least we can communicate
To the point people will insta report for picking him?
>No argument
Why am I not surprised?
Never happens.
You stepped into a conversation about skill cap and depth and started talking about how those things don't matter
>not taking the further step and take into account the mindset of team mates with minimal communication
Yeah, just play with literal babbies if that's you're only capable of.
>To the point people will insta report for picking him?
Only 2012 era eve got to this poin due to her being so fucking bad it was considered a troll pick by the rioters, she was so bad she was removed from the free champion rotation
Worst part about it honestly. You have to mute people for your sanity, if they say anything bad just mute them.
She came back to this state with the latest update
If someone can consistently beat your ass at checkers you can't say you dislike checkers because it's too simple for your refined taste and expect anyone to take you seriously. Skill cap only matters for players who cannot differentiate themselves from each other because of the restrictive skill cap. Depth only matters for players who have a masterful grasp of a game and find it too shallow. No one in this thread is either of those.
honestly they should remove yasuo from ranked like they removed techies from captain's mode
No one likes playing against yasuo and no one likes havin the yasuo on his team
Yeah, but none of that has anything to do with what was being discussed. We're talking about what game is deeper and more competitive at peak professional play.
That champ is just borderline unfair to lane against
I don't know what they were trying to do with her, her charm is fucking pathetic, not having stealth to cheese people lvl 2~3 was one of ther two saving graces, the second saving grace was her iniatation ult and they removed it too
So is throwing a cheeseburger into a basketball hoop backwards from half-court. Doesn't mean it's good.
How is league tougher than dota in your opinion.
I'm genuinely curious since like five years ago I quit playing league to play dota and I don't think league held a candle to dota on either memorization or mechanical skill.
He is a shit design all around especially when played in top lane
You're supposed to pick mlees against him to counter the windwall but he will just poke you trought the minion wave with his Q that doesn't get reduced by passing creeps
and if you pick a ranged champion his W fucks you up and he can easily close the gap with his bullshit E
and i'm not even counting the double crit passive
>no one likes havin the BAD yasuo on his team
ftfy, I just want the win, idc who plays what
The OP is clearly about the game being hard for him. Most replies are implicitly talking about solo queue play. There's a clear consensus from pros that dota is the superior game in professional level play. Glad we've reached an understanding.
Just play a champion hundreds of times until you get it right. It's not like people are the GREATEST thing ever. you can always juke them in the stupidest ways possible. That's what makes the game so fun.
Literally the smartest thing said in this entire thread. Hell checkers is simple as shit but isn't easy if you're against someone better than you.
It is always an autist probably at the age of 10 to 15 playing this garbage champion
Everytime someone hovers this shit and then it gets banned they will pick riven/zed/kha zix/talon cause their peanut brains can't play anything else
They weren't talking to OP
Thoorin's never played the game in his life, keith has never even been anywhere near a world class player, he should worry about actually learning to play the "easier" game before he opens his 20iq mouth and the prize pool is literally the only thing dota has for it.
Not that that matters when league players are salaried 5x more and it's actually a viable career for them.
I've played this game for years. It's not hard (unless you're talking top-end competitive), but it's hard to get in to. I wouldn't recommend playing this game 2bh. It's too much investment for too little pay-off. It's past its peak. The game is only genuinely fun when you are playing with some mates with voice communication. The solo experience is bad to awful most of the time.
>Valve pours their heart into DotA
No they fucking don't.
Thats basically multiplayer gaming in a nutshell. How do we fix it?
>Removing character from ranked altogether
This is fucking retarded, what?
Yasuo doesn't fundamentally change how the game plays out like Techies does though. I haven't played regularly since they reworked him, but Techies forced players to
>completely avoid traversing the enemy jungle and halt any agressive smoke ganks unless there are sentry wards already up
>forces supports to shill out what peanuts that they own on copious amounts of sentries
>assaulting high ground becomes an absolute nightmare, and forces teams who are already way ahead be much more cautious about how they decide to push
>for teams with a Techies, they are essentially fighting 4v5 at all times as Techies does fucking nothing in large scale engagements
>you'd be lucky if games in his prime lasted less than an hour
it's not "hard", it's burden of knowledge (learning what champions/items do, game mechanics like gold income) and mindset (accepting it's a strategy macro game and you don't (always) win with 1v1 me bro no junglers allowed)
t. ex-challenger player who's never been good at any other game
I want to marry Xayah!
I feel like the burden of knowledge part fades into obscurity real quick compared to the mindset part. You can spend a lifetime trying to improve your mindset and still get passed up in a couple months by some kid that's just smarter than you.
Well, the first point still stands, the second point is only for stasis and green mines now, third point is still true. However, I want to talk about the fourth point. Because of how red mines and his suicide has changed, playing an agressive techies is much more viable now. 600 aoe damage with a 7 sec silence is no joke.
yeah it goes away when leveling up to 30 depending on how good one's memory is
I expect somebody (like OP) who says "the game is hard" instead of "shit teams hold me back" is most likely still in the process of learning the game
The community is easily the worst part of the game.
Is this supposed to be impressive? I remember getting like one a day when I was climbing years ago.
This pic is old as fuck my dude
League has existed for more time after it than before
mostly still true tho
I really like the new eve, except for how long the charm takes before you can proc it, and the slow movement speed
I still remember when I started to play lol, I was average at best, and I was stuck in bronze, but I played lol at least 5 times every day with my online friends, after every game I would ended up with my palms and armpits full of sweat, damn I hated losing back then but I had a lot of fun too. Now I'm in platinium and I barely play, like less than 15 times in a month, now I just don't care about losing, everything is just mechanics and nothing more.
That's what happens when your game is free, too easy to smurf.
yeah, its a fucking dead game
i stopped playing unless its just bronze stomping because its fun to see the kids whine
There's a few, but it's mostly because people worry that those champs will feed out their asses.
shit game, shit company.
we all know your game is dying and all the shilling you retards do only makes it worse.
Playing a Poppy into Yas top is so much fun.
Yeah, it's only gotten more casualized since then
>huge champion streamline passes
>forcing the lane meta even harder and harder
>free wards
It's not hard, but I am.
If you know what I mean.
>Be Olaf top lane
>crush enemy laner so bad I'm ahead by 50 cs and get first tower
>Doesn't matter because I have Ezreal bot lane and he rushes iceborn
I fucking hate being silver so god damn much. I can never get a good comp..
Maybe not reportable, but I'm not investing any of my resources or time as a jungler in his lane, that's for damn sure.
He might win his lane but his impact in mid to late game teamfights is so marginal that he's more useful for the slow/blind and distraction he causes than his actual damage.
Her entire lower half is bird