Update is out. Badges, replays, and more.
ded gaem
Are those outfits available as alts?
>all those Ribbon Girl victories
I think this bad Spring Man shows up in the single player under certain conditions, kind of like Akuma.
What are the badges for? Are they like achievements?
Of course not because that would be smart
here the patch notes.
He shows up if you're doing good in grand prix and the difficulty is above 4
So like is there a definitive answer what controller scheme is better? I remember when the game came out everyone was using motion controls but then a month later I read a few things that made me think that traditional controls were better.
Did they ever buff Byte and Barq?
Traditional controls were complete ass at the start but then they added custom controller mapping. If you're good at punching and twisting your wrists and you have space, motion controls are okay, but controller play is now easy as you can map the buttons anywhere you please.
It's like an exact fifty fifty split among the tournament regulars in Japan. The top three of the most recent tournament were joy-con motion, pro, and handheld.
Byte and Barq got another buff recently. Barq gets up faster and the time interval between Byte and Barq punching was shortened.
do replays also record matches in ranked?
yes they do, and you get a funky track to go with it
oh i was worried they wouldn't. I thought it was just local play or party mode. How do you even get metal springman?
MinMin for the ______
Have they fixed 2-player party lobbies yet so that one person isn't sitting out in 70% of matches?
perfect run of rank 4 or higher GP
Jesus, I'm getting TWEWY vibes
I'm gonna need to get back into it, I just need to resposition my set since being close up to my computer screen doing motion controls was ridiculous
Wait, so he replaces Hedlok?
>the events tab is gone
Press F to pay respect
I wonder what they had planned
>even MORE tribolt nerfs
thank god
Full patch notes here
what exactly is wrong with tribolt? I don't use it myself, but I don't fight many people who use it.
I think the events tab was for the online grand prix tournaments Yabuki holds monthly. idk why its gone now.
You do have the badge for beating GP on Level 7, right?
Is there a way to see what you need to do to earn more badges? Earning this twewy shit would really get me playing more
Fuck yes
Also, badges eh? First AHiT, now ARMS albiet these arent ability granting badges b
D e a d
>Lola Pop
>It’s already been one month since she joined ARMS. Her beginner’s nerves have faded away, giving her increased movement speed during air dashes.
>Increased movement speed during high jump.
>Increased movement speed when bounding.
>Adjusted speed when descending.
Mostly that it can stunlock into grabs and other bullshit, and that it used to be way too big and come out way too fast
>tfw 1600 coins and literally no ARMS left to unlock
jesus she's gonna be a monster
Is arms really that Good? I'm debating on whether I'm getting this or Pokken dx in a few days.
Idk if Lola Pop really needed a buff, but I really never had trouble fighting her as Helix because I could just punch her out of the air. She already was good, what exactly are her weaknesses even?
Its a simple fighter that cuts out all the bullshit like 1 frame links, plinking, frame traps, fuzzy guarding, ect, and relies purely on reading and reacting to your opponent. Its essentially a slower, more competitive Virtual-On.
>honk intensifies
I own both. Go for ARMS. I've got 200 hours logged so far and am still not bored.
>boot up game
>110 hours played so far
>only one row of badges unlocked
oh shit I'm hyped, there's a lot of stuff to get here
Like this guy said its a game about learning the fundamentals but its really easy to come back to after taking a break, but the majority of your playtime will be spent online either in ranked or in party mode. The updates the games been putting out have been great, so you should expect at least a year of support. You are fine with either options anyways, the only positive i could see arms having is a better single player mode and more modes, but don't expect to play either for the single player because they're both barebones.
The badges are cool, but when are they going to purge the absolute clusterfuck that is 1v1v1?
fuck i meant to quote
So what's the recommended way to map the buttons on pro controller now that it's an option? I'm interested in playing again after reading through this thread.
wow they just made Lola Pop faster in general, huh
can't be bothered to look myself, what's the deal with robot spring guy
I use L trigger to block, but the face buttons are also another alternative but its not my thing. the default control scheme is fine, but just map block to whatever your comfortable with.
>massive Lola Pop buffs
>that extension speed buff on charged Whammer and Kablammer
Hell yeah, motherfucker.
Is she doing it right?
Who do you main Sup Forums? Also post:
>main ARMS
>fav stage
>fav music
>what you want to see next patch
jesus another update?
Just an alternate Grand Prix Boss
Shame, was kinda hoping he'd be a useable Clone character; would be nice padding for the months-long wait between brand new characters.
Speaking of, who are you most excited for? (Google "ARMS Datamine" if you don't know about that.)
Right when the game was first revealed, my top 2 most-wanted were Plant and Hair. I got my #2, hopefully #1 is next.
>Spring Man/Byte and Bark
>Bouncing between 19 and 20 so much it's starting to piss me off
>Buster Beach / Spring Stadium
>Replay Mode and Sparring Ring music
>More of what they've been doing, desu, it's been delicious so far, more characters, modes, events, etc
SPRING MAN: The stereotypical “nice guy”. They pride themselves (obnoxiously) about how “honest” their character is, but be prepared some of the most cancerous, scummy play in the game when provoked (or sometimes just ‘cause). A test: Count how many times the enemy Spring Man has used the spring-wave in the first ten seconds of the fight. You will immediately pick up on the two types of Spring Man players.
RIBBON GIRL: A gimmick among gimmicks, assuming the fact that there’s an entire category of ARMS literally designed to take her out weren’t enough of a hint. Swarms the lower ends of ranked play but promptly evens out around rank 15. Her clearly superior movement options notwithstanding, as a result of shitters gravitating to her at the lower ranks, high rank RGs are frequently underestimated. This is a costly mistake. They are almost as untouchable as Helix and stat-wise much more well rounded.
NINJARA: An arguably even more tragic victim of being abused by low ranking shitters, Ninjara is practically synonymous with “grab spamming douchebag ”, and as a result people tend to shy away from him in the higher ranks. While his gimmicks make him elusive and unpredictable - he is frequently (and ironically) one of the most pigeonholed and predictably played characters in the game. Let’s be clear: He’s fucking annoying, but honestly not more annoying than any of these other shitheads, for all the flak he gets.
> Ninjara/Minmin
>18 and rising
> Ramen Bowl
> Sparring Ring
>Costumes and Lan unlock for all ARMS. If I get those 2 things I don't even care if we never get a new character.
MASTER MUMMY: A classic “the bullied becomes the bully” revenge story: A tier induced whipping bitch for the first few patches, Master Mummy was in the bottom of the bottom tier. Now, thanks to a series of (probably necessary) buffs, his massive fucking arms, super armor, health-regeneration, and slightly buffed (but still lackluster) mobility mean he can scum it up with the best of them. Expect your sanity to be pushed to the limit in an infuriating, campy game as you watch this gargantuan fat fuck regenerate his health and punish you for losing patience and charging in, or suffer as he bullies you with his sheer mass. You’re a big man now, Mummy Mains. Was it worth it?
MIN MIN: Something about these players frequently reeks of “tryhard douche”. Maybe it’s the character’s permanent resting bitchface. Maybe it’s Min Min’s ability to keep one of her arms permanently charged and torture you with the Thunderbird/Tribolt. Aggravating to fight and easy to abuse the gimmicks of (especially with the right arms), but also just as easy to predict and punish by a player who’s paying attention. Stop letting her obviously supercharge her arm, you retard. These players frequently go from “the dreaded” to “free wins” as you improve. I’d feel bad, but Min Min and Max Brass mains do shitty taunts and flex more than any other main I’ve seen. Fuck ‘em.
MECHANICA: “GEE ONE DAY I’M GONNA BE AN ARMS MASTER”. There’s at once something endearing and kinda creepy about a dedicated Mechanica main. In keeping with the character’s backstory, they come across as pathologically determined, and as a result frequently feel like they have something to prove in a way that’s super unnerving. Her perks aren’t particularly scummy, and she comes with just as many drawbacks. As much as I hate to admit it, might be one of the most honest characters in the game.
>tryhard douchebag
>not Twintelle players
TWINTELLE: Many a Twintelle has climbed the ranks abusing her slowdown gimmick. You might run across one and assume that they’re good. Don’t be intimidated, there’s a good chance they suck ass and never actually learned how to play the game. Like Min Min, Twintelle feels fucking broken until you figure out how to punish her stupid fucking gimmick. Unlike Min Min, instead of going from cancer to “nothing special”, Twintelle still manages to be annoying as shit. STOP THROWING PUNCHES IF THEY’RE CLEARLY GOING TO SLOW DOWN TIME. >“DAT ASS THO”. Jump in front of a bus.
KID COBRA: Lo, let me tell you the tale of a the once fearsome Kid Cobra. Every fighting game needs a “chuuni” character, and Kid Cobra is ours. Highly mobile and with massive arms, he rewarded hyper-agressive play with not a lot of risk or thought, and was (rightfully so) one of the first characters hit with a serious nerf. His mobility out of charge is now so bad you have to master an intermediate level technique just to keep up. A Kid Cobra master is probably just as fearsome and deadly as they were before, but it’s a lot more work. Now that the fair-weather fans have dried up, (and aside from the obvious trolls abusing his massive ARMS for the “lulz”), a good Cobra is pretty hard to find.
>YABUKI: Let’s make a character whose gimmick is so bizarre and infuriating it makes people doubt the mechanical integrity of our game.
>STAFF: Oka-
>YABUKI: A character, once learned, not mastered, mind you, merely learned, who makes the opponent doubt their basic moral standard against murder.
>STAFF: But how?
This abortion of science and nature looks and plays the part, both aesthetically and in his gameplay-feel. Slippery, weird, and won’t stop screaming. Has an “I’m so quirky XP” aesthetic and a default arms loadout that guarantees you’ll be seeing red by the time the match is over.
Did they break matchmaking? Seems I'm only getting paired with players six ranks above me.
I know fuckall about Arms but I replayed TWEWY recently so you caught my interest.
BYTE AND BARQ: Fucking Unicorns. Their difficult to master gimmick means you only tend to see them in Party Mode. If you see a rank 18+ Byte and Bark: Panic. They can protect, control, and synchronize with Barq on a level you do not appreciate. If you were apprehensive about punching that stupid dog in the fucking nose before, wait until Barq punches you in the middle of a crucial grab, interrupting you and turning the game around. I guarantee you’ll make sure to keep that little shit down as much as possible.
MAX BRASS: Ugh, and you thought Spring Man was fucking bad? You’ll miss Springman by the time you’re done dealing with one of these assholes. “What if we made a character just like Spring Man, but superior in almost every significant way imaginable?” To add insult to injury, BRASS mains seem to adopt their character’s massive ego, and are prone to all sorts of cocky douchebaggery.
>H-he’s a little slower, and his hitbox is bigger
Fuck off.
LOLA POP: As of writing this, the current flavor of the month. Oddly charming. Everybody’s new secondary. She’s alright, I guess. Need more time and data. Recently got buffed to hell so expect bullshit there.
>pic related
>Sky Arena or Ribbon Ring
>13, haven't played much yet
>DNA Lab, Mausoleum or Sky Arena theme, can't really pick one
>just keep the pace and the goods updates
You're both awful, but not as awful as Max Brass
Glad to see someone call out Spring Man mains as the scummy pieces of shit that they are. They are the worst people to play against because you can safely assume that a Spring Man player will do nothing but dash and wait for you to punch first. I would rather play against someone who double perfects me with a good mix of offense and defense than beat a Spring Man who relies too much on dashing.
how do you grind so much
My bois, If I ever get a switch and arms, these are going to be my mains
I don't play Min Min or Twintelle; I don't like their playstyle.
Ribbon Girl, Hydra + Slapamander
Rank 15
Ribbon Girl version of the main theme
Photo mode
i want to FUCK minmin
Well this is a nice step forward. Actual achievements that act as in game avatars Makes for a pretty nice incentive, not to mention a decent means of making money finally.
Ribbon Ring
Kid Kobra's theme. Fuck the stage but god love that theme
Outside of a new character, alt costumes payable via coins or as rare drops from the arms drop.
I got 1800 coins when after the update from two full rows of badges.
>people hate Twintelle
huh. Oh well, I'm not that good, and I like her movement options. Her time flow doesn't even seem that good to me
Mechanica is officially a dress girl
It's the double Airdash I find more annoying, much like Ribbon Girl, it feels like she's always in the air, mocking you.
Every character with the possible exception of Mechanica can be (and usually is) played like a massive asshole in this game until people stop leaning on gimmicks and git gud
Spring Man players are far worse about this than others. Let's not pretend otherwise.
>all those books
this bitch is SMART
She's still the best girl.
I'm liking the badges. Does anyone know how to get the Barq one?
Also, does anyone know how you fight Springtron?
hey fuck you buddy I'm a spring main
Springman is just constantly mobile with the only real counter option being to trade punches, unless you've got a dragon arm.
Sure other characters have crazy mobility options, but the parry that springman has basically just makes all his charges free, not to mention his spring-back mode.
I am sorry that a lot of shitty and boring players make your character a chore to fight.
How do you guys handle super aggressive mechanicas?
Spring Man's reflect really needs to be toned down. It's way too easy to spam, B&B's is handled perfectly and Max Brass's can't be spammed as much cuz he's slow.
always bring a fire elemental arm. I play Helix and when I went double phoenixes Mechanicas were more bearable.
>that guy who spams throws against Hedlok in Party Mode
>Level 7 Spring Man
>Constantly dodge spamming
>Level 7 Helix
>Able to perfect dodge rush attacks
What the fuck