Which boss is your favorite?

Which boss is your favorite?

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Sally and the Root Pack. That silly onion and his crying.

King Dice is the only fuckable dude

so that one

Hilda Berg should've been saved for a later boss, it was such a fun and creative fight, and it put up a decent challenge.

Maybe Wally would've worked better as the first plane boss

Werner werman, sally stageplay, hilda berg, cagney carnation, grim matchstick, cala maria, baroness von bon bon, and all of the phantom express. I had a lot of favorite bosses.

I don't know my favorite but I know my least favorite is Brineybeard. He was a really boring fight, except for when the boat transformed.

Cagney Carnation mostly just because of the music

Wally Warbles had my favorite boss fight theme

Punk-ass pirate didn't even get to fight in the final phase of his own battle

His fight music is great

Brineybeard was fun, only two I honestly disliked was rumor honeybottom and Dr. Kahls robot. I hated the robot one and I just didn't find honeybottom to be interesting.

Baroness Von Bon Bon I love everything about her but especially for that face she makes just before the castle starts moving.

Yeah, for a mentally unstable psycho, she's a cutie

I like the smug genie

Hilda because I have a sweet spot for characters with pointy noses

I just realized
>Hilda Berg

Werners my boy
Sally's in second place because of how fun her fight and animations are, and for the more challenging bosses I prefer Hilda

I loathed the robot too. I think it was the only fight I hated for real.

It took you this long to get the pun?



I want to rub that scaly tummy.

Something about Cagney Carnation really stood out to me, the ramp up was done pretty well

>he doesn't want to fuck the devil
>or the flower
>or the eyeball ghost
>or the genie
>or the clown
What a coward

>That image


How has nobody made Duck Tracy edits of cuphead with all the bosses?


Sally Stageplay has something of an arc.

in the end scene, you can see her kissing the guy who was portrayed as her husband on the stage itself, but he seems surprised, as if to say 'this isn't an act this time', I thought that was pretty cool.

>standards this low

keep them

King Dice or the train

I only beat 4 or so thus far, but I liked the frogs the best!

Any more of stuff like that?

Frogs were my favorite on the first island too. Fighting them on expert now, it's pretty tough actually.

The Devil

I have this


Well hi-dee-ho! How'd you get this print of me, you sly dog you?

you all know the correct answer

You mean porn? Yes, the internet is full of porn, idiot.

I meant cute lolis that looked like cuphead characters

Last phase kinda fucked me up once since I thought his hands could hit you, satisfying as hell to beat him
Best color design imo

this fucker

Beppi the clown, Goopy le Grande, the cuckoo clock, werner werman and King Dice were my favorites.

>favorite regular boss
Sally Stageplay
>favorite plane boss
Djimmi the Great
>favorite song

Grim Matchstick. He's cute.

I haven't played the game yet, but I love pictures like this where all the bosses are surrounding the protagonists menacingly.

My nigga

All correct

Actual favorite fight: Cagney
Best music: Cagney tied with Maria
Cutest boss: Maria
So tied between the two

artist for this picture is oyatsumk2, he basically exclusively draws loli feet. don't know about cuphead specific stuff, I just happened to have this picture saved.

>Aviary Action

This song is forever engraved upon my soul.

3 hours for that Goddamn S rank.

Phantom Express is the shit

can't wait until high quality r34 is made. most likely crossed over with bubblegum princess

this guy makes for some amazing reaction pics

I haven't played this game, but I wanna fuck the dragon.

Not even subtle babe


I think we can all agree that this list is indisputed

Nah bump sally down and queen bee up

Even though I really like King Dice's boss fight I wish you got to actually have a full-scale fight with him.

Queen bitch deserves her spot for being such a dick ass boss

My boy

>Martini glass
>Not top tier

He's so fucking cute.

>bump Sally down

Take it back

I just realized he stutters because he has 3 heads

>most boss battle themes go longer without looping than the fights they're played it generally last

What did they mean by this?

Just save your special for the plane

Fat dragons usually are. Why do you think I got a stiff?

so you aren't distracted/annoyed by the music looping

Honeybottoms can stay at mid tier, but those other 3 basic bitches can fuck off to shit tier. Ain't no shit tier? Then you need to make one.

What's basic about them?

They don't really do anything or have dialogue

Not like most bosses have much dialogue. The Baroness only has one line

roulette ballerina is a angel, fuck you

>Sally's song is nearly 5 minutes long
>the fight barely last 2 minutes
>the best parts of the song are after the 3 minute mark

how could you FAGGOTS possibly be attracted to any of these big, hook nosed, ugly ass bitches?

>not muh anime

>What's basic about them?

easy as cake especially ballerina an dominogirl, and they're not even proper bosses. I had more trouble with the goons that are apart of the other bosses.

Well they're inanimate objects I guess and not real creatures

mustve died 100 times to this guy


They're all actually a lot smaller than the mermaid

>almost no art of her


The ending shows that Cala is normal sized.

Dr. Kahl's Robot. Don't ask why.

It's a shame, she's a gorgeous design

desu I find the domino and skeletal horse more interesting, shame they don't get any attention.

the Monkey truly is alone forever though

to be fair, the monkey boss is broken atm

What did a robot and a ghost train do to be in debt to the Devil?

Augments and ghost train augments.

Broken as in terribleb to fight against or because he likes to commit suicide via ramming himself out of the screen?

That monkey can go fuck itself, landing on that piece of shit then 'start over' was a living nightmare

Dragon was my favorite. Such a creative and intense fight, and somehow I never got angry when I died because I was always having fun

lucina fags everybody

It was probably the scientist that made the robot that owed the Devil.

It isn't because when you beat him the contract is for the robot, not the scientist.

Cagney Carnation, Hitler Rat, and of course king dice, even if his fight was meh

I probably liked fighting the nazi rodent and cat the most but Cala Maria is best waifu

Why is king dice so popular? I like him a lot too, i'm not complaining. Just very interesting that he's so popular. Is it because he looks the most human while still having style and zazz?

Cagney, German Engineering Rat, Genie, Satan

That song