What's the Sup Forumserdict?
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
4 still has better music and Super Arrangement is godlike
Life is too short for handheld games.
waiting for mine to come in the mail. why cant i just flash through life
Pretty good, but it needs more than three good tracks.
thats really sad to hear. is the ost really that bad?
I like the changes to the skills, but is there still no reason to put points into things like fishing? Should I just use a mule like usual?
Pretty good so far if you don't mind the optimal setup being Masurao/Dragoon/Pugilist/Botanist/Warlock since that manages to cover pretty much all grounds. Especially since this game has 2 summon classes and Dragoon throws out those bunkers too it ends up with some classes conflicting eachother.
It's alright, just not up to standard since this series has always put out consistently fantastic music. There's a couple gems (second battle theme, 5th Stratum theme), but most of it gets old, even the nighttime town theme, as great as it is.
If you're autistic with skill points like me, sure. Honestly, for shit like fishing you'd only need one person dedicating one point, so it's not a huge deal. Not nearly as bad as III where foraging skills went to 10, and you were basically required to have a farming party to money at a reasonable rate.
I've been using both Dragoon and Necro, and it hasn't been that bad. Didn't like the setup time for bunkers, so I was content with line guard and swapping out with ghost tanking to setup Buster Cannon. Luckily, Gun Revenge accounts for guard skills in addition to bunkers. They also have surprisingly good synergy with Grave + Dragon Roar.
>tfw entering a name for my units
It's fucking great.
can you answer me this? i have two teams one is a p/m/d (forgot the names sorry)
r/b is this lay out any good?
>game allows me to make light brown bunnygirls and dark brown elfgirls
Muh dick, this is truly the best new feature
Sure. Depending on what you're speccing second names into, you can pretty much grab anything (damage, binds, mitigation, flexibility from the Rover). Your only hole is reliable elementals, but some of these can be substituted for some off-hand elemental skills (thunder fist, ice peck). Or you can just use union skills to compensate.
Rolling dragon/monk/Samurai/botanist/warlock
Vanilla party but pretty deadly especially with mink binds
>preorder this and Culcdept Revolt
>not arriving until Friday.
I preordered Culdcept in July. Its release got bumped from september to October. I came out a week before Etrian and it is scheduled to arrive the same day.
I wish I could get onto the digital bandwagon, but I gots to have my physical copies.
im keeping my rover for passive heals and extra damage with hounds since everyone is at lvl ten for now...should i use my second team with a fencer,reaper,warlock,shaman,and necro?
is culcdept revolt fun? i never played a game like it and it looks interesting.
I'll let you know Friday, but the one on 360 was fun and if you have a DS and a pirate card you can get a the fantranslated Culdcept DS.
Imagine playing Monopoly, except instead of hotels, you put down monsters that can be fought to steal the territory/not pay rent.
Cutest generic portrait.
that sounds interesting so thank you please make a post or something on here
I made it darker skinned/tan and gave it white hair and purple eyes 10/10 would recommend
thats what i did with my rover. thats cute as fuck
Go for it. Second team has good lockdown synergy with necro and reaper. Four of those offer some form of mitigation. Fencer is free to go into any second tree with that setup.
Should I play another game in the series first or is it OK to jump right to EOV?
might as well jump in now while discussion is still active
There's no connection. Starting with V is fine.
Quick, sell me on this game, Sup Forums
I feel like you could get some crazy synergy with Necro's Hell's Lure and Pugilist's Overexertion buff
lock down synergy?
hardcore first-person dungeon crawling with deep character building and no bullshit
>Etrian Odyssey V does well to keep the series staple in tact, but does little to innovate or bring something new to the table. The environments feel similar, the UI is identical to previous entries as well as the Untold remakes, and with characters that are all created from scratch with no dialogue or lore pertaining to them other than another set of adventurers that are interested in Yggdrasil, it’s hard to feel truly invested in the game or even remotely care about anything that’s going on. You basically blindly make characters from a set of classes, modify their look a bit, give them a name and you’re just dropped right into dungeons. The hub world is the same as all the other titles where it’s a set of menus you’ll navigate, typically to sell stuff you’ve found from the floors you’ve gone through to get money to buy armor and items and what not, save at the café, go back into the dungeons and rinse and repeat.
>Despite me actually enjoying somewhat what I was playing because I had enjoyed the Untold games so much – where there was an actual plot with likeable characters and an end goal versus an infatuation with a tree – I constantly found myself asking what the point of any of this even was. After every set of steps there are enemies, you’ll draw out your own map as usual, and enemy encounters feel prolonged for no reason. Even with the freedom to choose your own classes, it’s obvious fairly quickly that you’ll just need the basic RPG stuff to make it through, or else you’ll have a tough time. So the standard DPS, Tank, and Healer combo will basically get the job done, versus a bunch of versatile characters or archers over mages and what not.
Ailments. Reapers not only have a lot of them, but they can raise infliction chance up to 1.5x. It pairs well with Necro since their ailment skills have high base chance.
did you really expect anything more from modern game reviewers?
Hey guys I just started the game hows my team build?
>Dragoon (Cannon)
>Masurao (1 Sword)
>Harbinger (Was thinking Deathgaurd but Deathbringer is fine)
>Botanist (Probably Healer, considering my Dragoon is Cannon)
>Warlock (Omni though either works)
And fortunately for him, Untold was made for people like this.
If that's an Earthlain Dragoon, Harbinger will play nice with their ailment cannons. 1-sword Masurao is self-sufficient and reliable. The rest works and can be interchangeable.
It feels like Koshiro kinda shrugged and went to all his standbys. Nothing pops.
>the basic RPG stuff
>lists MMO cookie cutter shit
>Went with Fencer and Rover instead of Masurao and Dragoon.
>Still really early in and already feeling the deeps I lost by not going with Masurao
Is this one more story driven or is it pick up your party and ADVENTURE like EO4?
it's not an untold game so it's pure adventuring without much narrative to get in the way
>Classes I want girls in have shit portraits.
>End up just picking the androgynous male options and giving them complimentary female voices.
I was having fun with the leaked version and the undub, and then someone put up the USA titlekeys for the DLC, and it had ALL the DLC, including the unreleased stuff, like the FM soundtrack, and it all actually worked. Pretty good shit.
The EXP DLC quest is actually stupid though, it took a party of fresh level 1's I made all the way to 27 instantly.
Is it on the estore? Digital doesn't release until 10th of November here
Post em.
honestly though where are the lolis?
done with this series until they come back.
>have 4, untold 1, and untold 2
>played 4 a little bit and constantly suck
>never played untold 1 or 2
>still want this
I think I'm a fucking masochist or something.
I just realized the Masurao is carrying the potato on her shoulder.
I've got your loli right here
>Potatoes replace lolis
>Get one high-tier loli in return
I'm ok with this.
Only been able to play for the last hour or so.
>Actually using the Isekai shit
I bought the DLC to dump it for the general, which somehow turned into all of the DLC being dumped ahead of schedule.
That and I've been reading a lot of LNs recently that dealt with isekai so I figured I'd have some fun.
At least you're using best Dragoon and none of the obnoxious male isekai portraits.
Fair enough.
you can make a full team of cute girls tailored exactly to your tastes and it will have absolutely no negative effects on you
Except for the usual degeneracy.
I don't get why people are memeing so hard about it being bad. Its more similar to four but honestly its not shitty by any means. The second stratum in particular is gorgeous.
>it’s hard to feel truly invested in the game or even remotely care about anything that’s going on
just another storyfag or some casual whose only experience with jrpgs is final fantasy. move it along.
Reviewers frequently get butthurt at EO games.
I really liked the third stratum's music. It was the first song in the whole game where I just stopped to listen to it for awhile.
I'm picky about my portraits. Dragoon looks the part of the team tank, male isekai portrait only really fits Masurao or Warlock.
>labyrint looks repetitive
Of course it gets shitty reviews, it's a niche series for people who like hard as balls grindfest catrography simulators that lack any real plot.
That being said, downloading it right now.
>Landsknecht is now a permanent chaserfag with no Axes
I fucking love my bunny but I wish she had more synergy with classes beyond Fencers.
I still need to go back to IV one day and finally beat Warped Savior, I have my level 99 party ready to go but I kept getting wrecked with like 30% health left.
I loved 1,2, and 3
But I thought four was very flat, and I couldn't really put my finger on it. I'm really not sure what the issue was. Maybe each dungeon being only 1-3 levels meant I was going back and forth to town too much?
Felt more like constant puzzles than pushing through hard battles
I'll still grab 5 though
I feel like 5 was very much a return to form, which in this case is a good thing I think.
Wait, does Masurao works well with Fencers? I replaced mine with a Hound since I thought they don't.
I know that EO classes are just a melting pot of archetypes nowadays but they didn't have to ruin a fucking warrior class by making them frail pansies. I just wanted to charge and hit shit.
So I've played every etrian odyssey game but I've only beaten 3, 4, and the untold games
Should I play V on basic or advanced mode? Just how easy is basic model? I'm worried about it being too easy and advanced mode being too hard
Does MAT affect healing?
Then don't use the 4kat meme, idiot. Use 1kat, or a pugilist, or any other frontline damage dealer.
They work well because you can proc multiple hits later on, as I understand.
I mean, there are multiple ways to protect those frail buns. My necromancer uses that shield skill and its working wonders, got two Feather Staffs up to +5 and I have my claws from the caterpillar FOEs at +5 too now.
If you guys want easy copper ore, I suggest making tons and tons of +5 Short Bows and recycling them.
1.2x multiplier on everything.
Defense, offense, exp, etc.
Just do Advanced you can change the difficulty at any time
You can switch whenever you want, just try them both. I'm just grinding on basic before the release.
Also I forgot there were bunnies in 4. I should try replaying 4 sometime, its the only EO game I only beat once.
is that the dlc outfits? they look so darn cute!!
>Get a sniper in 4
>Absolutely sucks, feels like I wasted a slot
>Get a Rover in 5, assume it will be different because they're also summoners this time.
>Absolutely sucks, feels like a wasted slot.
What is best party?
>stupid kawaii sweaters instead of decent portraits from other games
Man EOU2 bombing must have really fucked with Atlus. They barely did any DLC stuff for V.
Do you really need the pug for binds? I was thinking switching him for an ele caster.
all fencers
This is all of them (sans Gunner).
I have been wanting to retry 4 myself. I put it down pretty quickly.
t. retard
I've got a hawk rover in my party and they're fucking awesome.
Pug is doing work for me but I also have a Warlock and its god tier for random encounters, and for wracking up FOE damage. Apparently frontline warlocks can actually do work too.
i need to steal some money and get these holy flying fuck!
It's my fault for putting my points into the hound.
do advanced, you'll forever feel you didn't plau the game the right way if you go basic
no, only WIS does
Pretend I've never played an Etrian Odyssey game before, and describe it to me. Is it fun? What makes it fun?
Sniper was great for me in 4, binds early game, damage late game
>Is it fun?
>What makes it fun?
Building a team, exploring dungeons, overcoming the odds and, of course, roleplaying.
it will make you love cartography
Help me out, my party feels like a bunch of fucking gimps. I've got a pugilist, shaman, and necromancer who seem to be pulling their weight but the last two slots (bunker lady who can't summon because ghouls and sleep-inducing katana fucker when the ghouls keep attacking the sleeping guy) aren't doing shit. I also get fucked over by status ailments, single-target damage, and my complete lack of elemental attacks. Who do I replace them with? Is a botanist the only option?
Minimal storytelling, you can create and customize your characters to your liking and come up with personalities for them, the music and overall atmosphere is good, the idea of climbing a huge tree and unraveling its secrets is cool, the battle system is standart but the challenge forces you to use all the tools at your disposal, there's cute girls.
Well my front line is tank, samurai, pug
Back line is necro and healer.
Front: Masurao, Dragoon
Back:Botanist, Warlock, Necromancer
Thoughts on this party? I've only just finished the first strata but so far I haven't really run into any major roadbumps