Post your experiences as a gamer in the third world
Post your experiences as a gamer in the third world
>$79.99 CAD for a video game
It's something alright
>"gamer" as a descriptive word of yourself
If you are above the the age of 12 and not autistic and you describe yourself as a "gamer" go jump off a cliff. That has to be the most cringe worthy shit I have ever seen. It's even better to realize that there are people on this board right not that are in their 20s that legititamtely call themselves "gamers" and see nothing wrong with it.
I have a gaming PC, a handheld and 2 home consoles and I pirate all I can. Not too hard really.
us gamers huh
I've been using a fucking 775 build since 2009, next month I'll get a kaby lake gen computer. don't even suggest CL, the mb and any cpu costs more than the whole pc here
Did someone hurt you?
Not third world, but I don't ever spend money on games, so comparable I guess. The most I've spent is around $500 on my PC for the last 5 years, everything else is just pirated or Blizzard shit.
then data cap happened
Leafbro you have it easy
>$75 USD/$95 CAD for regular games
>$85 USD/$110 CAD for Switch games
v-viva mexico?
>Amerifats have data caps on their house internet plans