Game portrays capitalism as evil

>game portrays capitalism as evil

Name 37 games that do this

>some idiot on Sup Forums portrays his dipshit opinion as relevant

>game gives you a loaded question

>games eludes to [current year] sociology, politics and culture



>game portrays capitalism as evil
It is when it's brought to its logical conclusion. Which both the USA and China have just about done.

t. classcuck

>It is when it's brought to its logical conclusion. Which both the USA and China have just about done.

Ah yes capitalism. It just.. works. Do everything for as cheaply as possible as quickly as possible, for someone else's sole gain.

>making money for someone else

>game's sense of humor is written by someone who spends 10+ hours a day on twitter/tumblr

Is this the laziest non argument of all time? Literally every side uses this insult.
>Lmao you must live in your mom's basement.

what's the best alternative to capitalism?

serious question. serious replies only please.

capitalism is evil , same as communism . Radical centrism is the solution

post war socialism

democratic socialism but only for small countries , for big countries like america and india extremism is needed.

But capitalism is corrupt, sweet little brainlet-kun

So it's a game made by Sup Forums?

The problem is that if capitalism exists some where in the world, you have to have capitalism or go to war. Because capitalists will come to take your shit and you won't have the means to win a war with them

>I am silly

>game portrays nazis as the bad guys

There isn't, really. Pretty much all modern countries exist on a spectrum from "capitalist with social welfare" to "capitalism with corporate welfare".

And then the bullshit pours in.

Peace, thread.


This. He didn't even refute anything user said. I bet he doesn't even know what bringing an ideology to "its logical conclusion" even means.

Technically communism, but only in theory due to the fat that every attempt at communism will inevitably and without fail collapse on itself. As it stands, capitalism wll always outlast communism and somewhat rightfully so, but at the same time it can be just as bad due to a reliance on shady deals and loophiles rather than outright political corruption.
The simple answer is nothing works, just because the world doesn't work that way.

Props on the numbers

>that's not real capitalism, that's crony capitalism

>edgy retards who believe in meme racial science like Czechs being Mongoloids and killed millions of innocent Europeans and made nationalism and fascism a taboo in the west are the good guys

>doesn't understand trade

There isn't one in a country as big as the USA. A soft-socialist system works great in little European nations with only a few million citizens. There's just no feasible way to make it work in a country with hundreds of millions of people spread across millions of square miles.

Capitalism is the only system that's proven itself to work with large populations and not turn the entire country into shit.

Good and wholesome fun

>Capitalism is the only system that's proven itself to work with large populations and not turn the entire country into shit
Depends on the definition of Shit.
America's pretty shitty now, but so is a lot of the world.

Evidently having a population of depressed slaves Makes America a great country so long as we keep wasting absurd amounts of cash on the military

capitalism sprinkled with socialism like every successful country

>examples - netherlands

How would a system like this work in the modern age?

>Country takes over another country and enslaves most of their populace
>The populace would then work while the conqueror's country would profit off the labor
>Take any natural resources from conquered country

Help me find my 5 missing teeth

I got irritated with the side story about the jewish girl and the movie theater. I wanted the movie to just to be about Brad Pit and Bear Jew killing Natizes and having fun doing it. I didn't need any of that other retarded drama.

i mean thats basically what america did with iraq

>Slave trade
>In 2017

Have fun getting nuked by America

Sweatshops owned by foreign companies like Nike or something.


Neither of our countries are free market economies. Too many regulations and programs. Are countries decline is directly tied to the increase in regulartions and programs. Conversely, China's economic boom has been due to opening up their markets.

>Get paid a salary
>Buy a product from someone

No gain there at all. Not at all. Clearly only one party is gaining.

Are you a slave or are you getting a salary? If you are getting paid, you are making money for yourself, and other people - and then the government is stealing your money and redistributing it.

Capitalism works because it essentially works with human nature. Concentrating power via the government (Socialism) leads to corruption and inefficient use of resources.

Maybe hypothetically some super powerful AIs could create a better system, but governments are not able to better allocate scare resources than the market.

This is false. The success of many of these countries has greatly been tied to them opening or closing their markets. With more open markets, they would be even more prosperous.

It does work better for smaller countries simple because bureaucracies and government are inherently destructive to their countries and the bigger they become, the worse. In smaller countries, they are not able to grow to such a scale.

But look at Venezuela. Not working for them