What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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the whiny alt-right pussies that cried about Jon Tron being removed is what went wrong. Everything else was flawless.

copied too many of the bad things from BK/BT and not enough of the good things

amongst other things, used unity.

>copied too many of the bad things from BK/BT
Without saying "the worlds were too big" what exactly were the bad things?

unironically this: The games delivered everything it was promised, and it's a fucking underrated gem.


Complete mediocrity in a genre that is old and not very popular. The Jon Tron episode sure didn't help either.

No reason they kick a guy out because you don't have the same world views desu

People got exactly what they were promised and realized it's not what they wanted.


>JonTron removed from Yooka-Laylee
>Game fails
>JonTron left in A Hat in Time
>Game succeeds

No Nintendo connection. Nintendo games get a 20% rating increase solely for the name.



It's the best Rare collectathon platformer since DK64, especially after the patches tweaked a few things. So I don't know what went wrong, I thought at the time that people just don't want that kind of game, but then A Hat in Time seems to be doing well.

Maybe I should play A Hat in Time if it's so great, but just looking at it makes me ill.

>Most of the challenges are very artificial and generic instead of being integrated into the level's theme
>Level design is very aimless, points of interest feel randomly scattered around instead of forming interesting paths
>Same enemies and NPCs in most worlds
>You need power-ups from later levels to complete challenges in earlier ones, so expanding a world is always a worse choice than unlocking a new one
>Flight power-up is completely broken

banjo games suck so a game ripping that off will also suck

Ori and the Blind Forest & Cuphead used Unity, you can make good looking and polished games with it perfectly well

nothing, people wanted a n64 collectathon like BK/BT, that what they got the flaws included.
It was a good.

A Hat In Time isn't as inspired by Banjo as it is Mario and Sly Cooper. So it's also a 3D platformer but a different kind. I legitimately don't understand the complaining about the game's graphics though.

Every single move of MCs feels awful to use.
Stage design is an absolute disjointed disaster where shit is literally just thrown about at random.
Terrible transformations
Aesthetically feels like a knock off of Banjo more than anything. Sound effects were clearly done by an intern when Kirkhope did the sound effects AND music for the original two games.
It misses the mark on the finer details entirely on top of the core gameplay being incredibly mediocre.

Playtonic should have just made a just new platformer that felt like a Rare IP with elements of BK, DK, and Conker in it but going in a totally original direction. Within 30 minutes of playing A Hat in Time I realized how much better and refreshing everything was when it wasn't trying to retread a series the devs didn't actually have access too.

Yooka Laylee, Mighty Number 9, etc all feel like budget versions of the real thing.

Shovel Knight and A Hat in Time (other probably too but they come to mind first), try to evoke a specific period of time in gaming or genre. Not just "totally not banjo kazooie guys we swear" and that's a HUGE part of why they succeeded.

virtue signaling gone wrong

it was somehow worse than the game it was trying to copy a decade later.

They have gotten so lazy and money-hungry that it caused the game to be stupid.

The voices weren't very good.

The game didn't look very good. No offense.

Really strudels my noodle.

>but just looking at it makes me ill
This tired meme again.

You can stomach fucking Yooka Laylee and that "everything is the same shade of green and that shade of green is also Yooka's shade of green" Swamp world (on top of others) but Hat in Time somehow looks bad?

>Only a few members of the development team actually worked on BK so it's nostalgic design is going "okay BK did this so we have to put it in our game" like the shitty minigames and quiz game
>The level designer for BK didn't work on this so the levels are oversized with few interesting things to do
>The character design is pretty shit all around
>The game has no originality, just reminders of BK but done badly

The graphics in A Hat in Time are certainly unrefined and amateurish, but it's still a good game

They didn't even do the quiz game right, it's supposed to go at the fucking end of the game. Not split up in parts in the middle.

>Quiz game wasn't even fun
>Just a straight line
>BK has a maze/boardgame
>BT has a quizshow where you compete against other contestants
>YL literally has "Walk a step up on this straight boring path when you answer a question"

You may hate Yooka-Laylee for the JonTron debacle because you're completely detached from reality, but it doesn't have anything to do with the game's actual failings

first cuck best cuck

garbage movement, garbage level design, garbage camera system thats shitter than an n64 game camera

uninspired reused npcs, quizzes constantly breaking up flow of the game. Powerups being boring to use.

Honestly I think that's part of the reason why. I don't get how this is considered shit, but Hat in Time isn't.

It was made by a bunch of artists and several literal whos.

I think the game actually controls really well, much better than the Banjo games for sure.
But the camera and level design really are bad

AHiT has good mechanics and more personality as well as more variety rather than grass level, ice level, casino level.


If you seriously can't see and feel the difference between YL and AHIT you have abysmal tastes in games.

AHiT doesn't control like shit for one.

It was an OK game, but I can see why big sprawling collect-a-thons died with the Nintendo 64.

Name a good 3D Unity game now.

>promised a modern day visuals banjo kazooie
>got a pile of shit instead

>People got exactly what they were promised
>spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie by the Banjo team
>literally not made by the Banjo team
>worse than Banjo-Kazooie

You mean what went RIGHT

>millions of dollars of free kickstarter money
>even more money from a publisher
>kicked that NON-EMPLOYEE jontron to the fucking curb like where all CANCEROUS e-celebs belong
>gave backers EXACTLY what they wanted and advertised about, minus that pr nightmare jontron

People got what they wanted - a collectathon.
They won.

Sir, You Are Being Hunted

True. I dont think they ever promised it'd be a GOOD collectathon.

Case in point.

Android Assault Cactus


funny how only contrarians think Y-L was good.

What the fuck are any of these titles? (And are they ACTUALLY mechanically good?)

>he hasn't played Subnautica

>What the fuck are any of these titles?
Cmon nigga, there's now way you aren't at least AWARE of this game if you browse Sup Forums.

What the fuck is wrong you user? How could a small group of people pretending to be out raged for 20 minutes then moving on to the next target hurt the quality of the game and sales? DO you even think man? How do you breathe

Kerbal Space Program

I didn't notice a problem with the greens in the swamp, hell the swamp is pretty fucking brown, and you spend a ton of time either in or around the murky waters.

Yes, A Hat in Time looks bad, as can be seen from your screenshot. Terrible lighting, amateur modelling, bad/simple texturing, ugly character designs, and probably a bunch of other problems that I'd notice during gameplay, such as that ridiculous DoF.

Sorry, New-ishfag. Is it güd?

fans of banjo kazooie grew up.
The banjo kazooie games arent really all that great.
Yooka laylee got me interested in banjo kazooie again so i got my 64 out of storage and tracked down a banjo kazooie cartridge and played it for a few days. It was honestly pretty awful, i dont experience games the same way as i used to when i was 10 years old.

I would be interested to know what 10 year olds thoguht of Yooka-Laylee. I remember all my friends and i thought banjo kazooie was amazing at the time.

>Terrible lighting, amateur modelling, bad/simple texturing, ugly character designs, and probably a bunch of other problems that I'd notice during gameplay
but conveniently ignored for yooka laylee

>Terrible lighting, amateur modelling, bad/simple texturing, ugly character designs
Why are you talking about Yooka Laylee again

The literal only one I'll give you is the DOF. Shit's ludicrous, but you can turn it off.
"Amateurish first time game" is a far cry from "but just looking at it makes me ill"

I didn't play Banjo as a kid, only played it at a friend's house in Rare Replay.
It was decent.

Yooka-Laylee feels like a fan game trying to be like it.

>fans of banjo kazooie grew up.
>The banjo kazooie games arent really all that great.
Arguments found: none

I dont know I just browse and am aware of it honestly.

>Terrible lighting, amateur modelling, bad/simple texturing, ugly character designs

> banjo kazooie games arent really all that great.
Wrong. I replay it about once a year and it's still a good time. It feels really rewarding to get all the stuff and explore every inch of the maps. I wish other games shot as straight as B-K did.

>The banjo kazooie games arent really all that great.
How to spot a pleb a mile off.

I'm convinced people who like Y-L are lying to themselves.

Neither of those people were saying that though?

>reading comprehension

I wonder.
So the majority of the developers here weren't actually classic rare devs as people thought. there was only a few.
I wonder if they're the ones we have to thank for the good parts about yooka laylee.
The music was good at least, and that was handled by kirkhope/wise.

He was agreeing with them?

Too few too big and unfocused levels.

>mfw I backed this and watched it slowly release
First and last time I ever give money to one of these scams.

>People got exactly what they were promised and realized it's not what they wanted.
What do you mean by this? That BK isn't good and it's just nostalgia goggles? If that's the case then I totally disagree. I didn't play BK as a kid at all and I loved the game. Hell the first time I played the game was 2 years ago when I bought Rare Replay.

My bad, I'm tied.

>So the majority of the developers here weren't actually classic rare devs as people thought
They were, it's just that the majority didn't work on Banjo. They got people who worked on DKC, Perfect Dark, and Bad Fur Day.

Tied with who?

They really should have just made an entirely new game that felt like an old rareware one instead of bootleg Banjo-Kazooie.


time for sleep

>backed this instead of A Hat in Time
>back MN9 instead of Shovel Knight
>backed Shantae instead of Hollow Knight

It took me an incredible amount of time to realize that it's a reference to ukulele

>They got people who worked on DKC, Perfect Dark, and Bad Fur Day
but why
>minecart minigame is worse than anything in the DKC series
>shooting segments are worse than anything in PD
>humor and genre switching are nowhere near the level of BFD
what was even the point

What happened with Shantae?

Hey Shantae was fun.

Not him but HGH wasn't as good as Pirate's Curse.

I feel you on the first one. But Shantae was pretty solid. The leap in animation quality from the trailer to final is insane.

Game was kind of shallow
Looks pretty, but lacks content
WayForward trying to salvage it with more DLC

>completed threw out any of the Metroidvania elements the previous games had
>obvious cut elements
>short as hell

Also I don't think the artstyle is as good as it was in Curse.

He probably feels it is too short for the amount of time in development. That is the main complaint.

It now has a risky boots dlc, so it's like playing through with pirate's curse abilities.

JonTron curse

The graphics are the only thing that game had going for it.

>completed threw out any of the Metroidvania elements the previous games had
Except you need the various transformations you get everything?
>short as hell
Can't argue that.
>the artstyle

Curse had better music.

What went wrong is that they made a sequel to Banjo-Tooie, not Banjo-Kazooie.

The soundtrack was great, and the platforming and levels were good. It was just short on content, honestly.

>a sequel to Banjo-Tooie
Even Tooie had more memorable level design and characters.

they take out my man


B-but... my fav youtube.com/watch?v=ovMtEj2u8ck

Other than the length (which is being added with dlc), I will have to agree to disagree. I found it another enjoyable game in the series.

>Tooie is bad meme
Probably the worst thing to come out of the Yooka Laylee shitstorm honestly.