238 days until E3 2018
What are your hopes?
Your dreams?
And your nightmares at next year's event?
238 days until E3 2018
I will post this everyday until Prime 4
I will cling to hope in possibility that the new metroid game will be good
I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new Devil Survivor and Zero Escape game will be announced
What the fuck? What about Samus Returns?
user we got two metroids. One came out there's still one more to hope for.
My hope is for Fire Emblem Switch to look good.
My nightmare is a Fates sequel.
>tfw no more fire emblem images
The loss is hitting you hard. You should start a thread for Fire Emblem image donations.
Just a few more days and I should have my computer back with a new hard drive. Phone posting sucks but I gotta keep hope.
In that case keep strong user
Thank you for your apparent concern. I'll be alright, just imageless for the time being.
gangbang doujins of marida
I hope for a fun new Mega Man game and for Fire Emblem Switch to be good not E3 related but I'm also gonna throw in that I hope CAVE remembers Deathsmiles this Halloween, at least in their mobile game or something. It's the 10-year anniversary...
I wouldnt mind more Windia art
You already crushed my hopes and dreams before. I have none left unless some fucking miracle comes along.
I'm sorry...
If there is justice in the world we should get new alts for all of them, but at this point I'll be happy with anyone except Tiara because she already got a new alt in the mobile game like 6 months ago and the rest of the girls haven't gotten anything at all in over a year.
>Everyone screeching about evolve, eventually having it ripped away from those who genuinely enjoyed it; and those who bought into it because they were concerned about our industry as a whole only turning to constant rehashes, worse monetization, and a lack of any original content, new ideas or IPs.
please save me from this nightmare.
i want to go back to when we could actually enjoy vidyagames for the vidyagames themselves.
i want to go back to when everybody was excited for it
i want to go back to when normie masses didn't shit upon everything without doing research
wake me up
cant wake up
If it's any consolation, I didn't screech about Evolve, I bought it very early on for the game play.
Never seen so many people collectively lose it over skins.
Thank you brother. It's a small consolidation but it doesn't help my suffering.
Something definitely doesn't seem right. so fucking sketchy. I know damn well Randy Bobandy was involved in it's downfall. It doesn't make any sense.
>claim to try to expand and maintain the playerbase
>do fuck all, drop it, and immidiately put that support on a game of randy's with literally 0 players
Smash 5
A new Armored Core game on PC with mod support
Dark Souls 1 remaster (fix shit physics pls From)
Just some new RPG that stands out from the crowd, something with a mechanic that hasn't been explored or used yet
Skyrim for IOS/Android