>people dont even watch comfy single player experiences just esports meme trash
>people dont even watch comfy single player experiences just esports meme trash
Other urls found in this thread:
>People like things that I don't like. Why?
Literal autism
people like to talk in the chat.
the gamer community is full of lonely people with little social expirence, so they like to enter chats full of expirienced socially-adequate streamers and talk to the streamer and/or chat
similar to why people use Sup Forums, just to talk to people who understand them. But sometimes twitch has people who are advanced social levels, which is even more interesting
>open up twitch
>the most viewed game right now is singleplayer
rly activates the cashews
I've been getting more viewers than usual streaming a blind run of Kingdom Hearts 1.5.
Link me to your chan? KH fans are typically bored and like to watch peoples reactions to early games in anticipation of the 3rd game
yeah it's flavor of the day bc it just dropped. the games that consistently have the most views are multiplayer.
Why watch someone play a single player game when you could play it yourself?
>He doesn't subscribe to this favorite female streamers.
Lmao @ u beta poorfags haha.
I play mostly single player stuff but Kingdom Hearts was requested for some reason
twitchtv/metulface The playthrough is in the video archives
Watching small streams is where the real viewing experience of twitch is. There's much better interaction between the streamer and viewer.
and I get to pretend I have friends
I don't know what the fuck you're on about.
My favorite streamer is an ex-drug dealer, who plays fishing games while telling stories about the white trash life he lived before he started streaming.
Because I'm not an autist like you. Watching other people play games for fun is pathetic, simple as that. Watching people compete at a high level is fun and enjoyable.
>watching single player games
This but exact.opposite.
>he doesn't watch only speedruns
It sucks, Amazon's strong-arming me into signing up for their spazfest.
good for background audio desu
I don't have enough time to play my own video games let alone watch some mega faggot play them and beg for money.
I can't sleep without a stream in the background at this point.
That's some shitty ASMR, senpai.
The Bob Ross marathons though.
>watching others play games at all
i dont really watch i just put it on in the background while i do something else. ill never understand people that actually try to engage a streamer and give them money.
But I do watch single player. I've been watching Caleb destroy his mind trying to get a near-perfect X2 run and retake his world record from a raging autist.
Even more fun because he did not get into GDQ and is extra salty.
>Not watching games I'll never be able to play
I dont watch video games on Twitch I watch STPeach and masturbate when she does anything that requires her getting out of her chair.
what do you watch on tits.tv?
I've been looking for Korean of Chinese girls to leave on my second monitor while I fondle myself. Any suggestions?
Alinity is literal perfection. I got hard even just listening to her get catty towards another female streamer who talked shit about her.
> people
> e-sports
Underaged dota brainlets are not "people".
This post is garbage.
there are basically two types of stream viewers
>the thirsty nerd
looks up to the big dick streamers and to all the whoring stacies
he will subscribe and donate and he's in it for the community
>the tryhard
this guy isn't as thirsty but he thinks that by watching a pro play the skills will somehow rub on him
I agree, your post is garbage.
i bet Sup Forums is either TriHard spammers or thicc spammers
Literally because of "git gud" culture.
Because being good at LoL or DOTA or PUBG is all that matters, it's all that's watched
Sup Forums is 65% made up by underage that shit up Sup Forums as well so you’re probably right
is that reckful?
I only watch speedrunners
The only 2 I regularly watch that get more than 100 viewers are ZFG and sometimes puncayshun
>neo Sup Forums
go watch the alttp randomizer tournament, it's pretty comfy and at times exciting
Whats he been up to lately? Is he on vacation in Japan or something? The last time I watched him was back during when he was playing HS and that gadgetzan expac came out.
i dunno his streams has been really boring since he went to japan 2nd time with that pink haired faggot, that rant was from first jap trip when he were a dick to random girl waiting for a train
I don't really understand the randomizer races, or rather I don't have enough knowledge of or interest in LttP to be that interested in them. I've tried watching all the best lttp runners but can just never immerse myself in that game
I do it to look at go and chess games, sometimes commentary on ongoing games are very helpful to understand more about your game
>tfw get triggerd whenever i see a stranger pet another stranger's dog
why cant people just mind their own business?
>Watching some unemployed sack of shit play a single player game instead of playing it yourself
And then come the "omg this game is too hard fucken RNG/artificial difficulty am i rite bros" threads. Fucking puke, get to work on your backlog and hone them skills. Twitch is a cancer for videogames in general. It should be NOTHING but e-sports and not attention whores/camgirls.
you'll make it some day user
follow your dreams
>that feel when my favorite streamer is DunkTrain because of how chill he and his chat is and its insightful watching a coach play
Id use my free twitch prime sub on him if I had that
reality tv
>he doesnt tip the female streamers at least 20 dollars
Id give STPeach more than just the tip
That ass is what dreams are made of