Playeroverated's Battlehags isn't the worst game ever (it's still overrated unoptimized garbage but their fan base is fucking stupid)
Time for a hate thread. Go.
PUBG fan hate thread
Did that nigger even try?
>Not redbull
Well he probably has to stay in shape for all the newbs he pwns on le battlegrounds. He must stay in peak condition for that chicken dinner ecksdee
>Literally the only time I hear about this game is Sup Forums shitposting about how streamers like it so it must be bad
speaking of which anyone by chance sub 600 rank NA squads, we need a 4th for the oakland team qualifiers.
If we get someone around our rank its pretty much a guarantee to have a chance to go to oakland.
>i could ignore the game and its fanbase which i obviously don't like
>or i could keep giving it attention and virtue signal to anons on Sup Forums
when did you become such a salty baby, user
It's not bad because streamers like it, it's bad because everyone including streamers still shills for it even though it is clearly in the exact same trap as every early access piece of shit game out there. Not only has .01 percent effort been put into optimizing the game (I have a beast machine and I still get fucking 50 fps mid settings in cities) but they fell into the same ((((((trap)))))) that Dayz did which is spending most of their time and money on porting it to the shitbox juan so those faggots can play it in 20 fps and rave about it and so ((((microsoft)))) can get more sheckles from it.
I do ignore the game, I just got fed the fuck up when I saw this fucking gay and retarded cosplay. This is my first time on the internet complaining about it.
your rig isn't beast if those are the frames you are getting.
I'm on 144hz w/ 1440 on mid-high settings and get 120-130 with dips to 80 in the cities
>"""cosplay""" is literally just a welding helmet, workout gloves, a frying pan, and a can of soda over casual wear
What in the fuck, 99% of the people that will see you won't even know what you're trying to be. Could he seriously not even find a dress shirt, dress pants, and a black tie?
GTX 1080 with overclock
Intel i7 6700k at 4.4 Ghz with water block
16 gigs ram
game is on an ssd
1440p 144hz monitor as well
how are people still playing that game? it's so fucking boring
Chinese bots grinding for lootboxes and dudes playing with their friends.
it's an enjoyable game to goof around and meme in, but taking it seriously is purely retarded. every time i play it, something dumb happens that keeps me coming back. it's very similar to old shooters in this way, and a lot of it is due to how shitty the game is made. just because it's stream bait doesn't mean you can't enjoy it to your own liking
pubg fanbase is quickly becoming the R&M fanbase of battle royales
This. When a patch for the afk fags comes out the game's playerbase will be cut in half.
So opened up settings they arn't as good as I first thought but try these out it really made mine stable.
VOF 103
Anti-Ali HIGH
Post-Processing VERY LOW
Shadows VERY LOW
Texture HIGH
Effects VERY LOW
Foliage VERY LOW
View Distance MEDIUM (people still render, buildings dont at crazy distant)
That was the best "competitive" settings me and my bros found. Try it out at least. The game still looks fucking amazing to me on these. (I like a little digital vibrance its a geforce option like 70 percent makes the game pop more)
>putting in this much effort to complain
>tfw enjoy this game unironically
You know there's a ton of sponsored teams that didn't get invited that will be participating in the qualifiers, right? Not saying that them being sponsored means they're good, but if ya'll are around the 600~ mark, you're gunna have a bad time, I feel. Unless you're EU, then I dont know what they've got.
Is this first or third person? Also I'm not anywheres that good, but I'm interested in how tournaments for PUBG would actually work
>Literally the only time I hear about this game is Sup Forums shitposting about why aren't you playing and how large the playerbase is.
Thanks m8, this will be awesome if I ever want to go back to that piece of shit game again. I tried to play it again 6 days ago and I swear to fuck I got stuck in a wall. Got like 2 more kills cuz it was like a glitch spot but that's the level of quality we're talking about here.
no u
I'm usually top 100 in duos, we play with the pros all the time in our bracket, but me and my duo partner saw the tourny and decided to grind for the last week season was open, we have 25 percent win ratio, top ten of like 90 percent.
All you need to do is get in top 5 to advance on.
Avg movement in a game is like 5km.
mb u should try more casual games
FPP all the way
I was sorta afraid I was coming off as an asshole unintentionally, glad it didn't translate that way.
I'm glad you're more prepared than I expected, my oldest friend's team just got signed but too late to get invited, so I'm cheering for 'em to win the qualifiers. Also I think they chopped the amount of teams that qualify down to 4 to make room for 2 more invited teams, just a heads up
>not casual
holy mother of kek
ah fuck you are right! it is 4.
And the problem with our team is really only me and him are the "good" ones lol.
We figure 160 teams for the rank qualify invitation x 4 would be everyone below 640 rank, if they apply, will be able to play in round 1 of qualify.
me and him are in this umbrella but the other 2 on our team are not :(. So we are kinda SOL LOL.
If this was a duo match we would be in round 1 no doubt.