The gameplay is bad on purpose! It adds to the atmosphere!

>The gameplay is bad on purpose! It adds to the atmosphere!

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally who says this

Spec Ops: The Line fags

horror game fans, especially Silent Hill fans

Silent Hillfags

>spec ops didnt have solid third person shooting
This meme needs to die

What is Pillars of Eternity and every other CRPG that uses dated gameplay to appeal to nostalgics

FFXIV fags

>It gets better

But it is true. Especially for Silent hill case

The evil within 1 & 2

Holy fuck. This is by far my favorite brainlet wojak.

>3rd person cover based shooting is inherently good

Fucking soulsfags

>I don't like the genre so I'm going to make as meaningless a criticism as possible

Yaay bideo gays

>he cannay get gud

Bloodborne in it's entirety.

Blight Town in Dark Souls.

>it's bad, but it adds charm

>third persons is more immersive

>the game has broken ass physics
>but it's hillarious as fuck
>turns out to be even better than if it was normal

Artgame fags.

The kind of people who whole-heartedly say things like "this game doesn't want you to play it. it actively resists the player by being unplayable. it glitches and CTDs on purpose and the only way to run it is to transgress the game itself by modifying code in the files. this is a commentary on male patriarchy and rape culture."



What could possibly be next?

Is wojak going to be ok?

hes gone



I have a feeling that these wojak posts are done by the same person. Do you really have nothing better to do than shitposting everyday with your funny meme?

Undertale retards

literally not true in any way? ive never seen a single person say spec ops gameplay 'added to the atmosphere'


>funny meme

>Blight Town in Dark Souls.
That's the best are in the game, period. Played on PC tho, so I didn't have any framerate issues


>Played on PC tho, so I didn't have any framerate issues
blatant, newfag, pandering lie.

Castlevania 1?

It's not my fault you don't have a system that can run it properly

no, youre bullshitting, you are trying really hard to fit in with le epic pc is superior shit.

everyone knows youre lying because all the souls games were horribly ported and had terrible fps drops, far worse than on console.

>dsfix exists

Gothic series fans. I am one of them.

resident evil 1-3 fags

Are you high or just stupid? The fps was capped to 30, but there were no problems for a medium spec PC to achieve that, even in BT. Not even the same guy

You just use dsfix and it runs and looks perfect at 60fps whatever res you want

You're reminding me of people that complain about Trico's ai and it's triggering me