What did you play today?
What did you play today?
>played warframe for 5 mins
>this sucks, uninstalled
>played shadow of war for 3 minutes, "eh"
>massive backlog still unplayed
>massive anime backlog still unwatched
what went wrong? why do I lack motivation to enjoy things? is there a medical term for this?
I slept half the day and did nothing. Maybe I'll play some SFV or Cuphead if I'm up to it.
coh 2
darkest dungeon
Just finished Uncharted 3, just starting 4 now.
Prey, it's quite good, I just wish it was more like Ultima Underworld than Bioshock.
Also, I'm looking at Elex, I might get it.
Binding of Isaac
Geometry Wars
Dark Souls 3
PUBG with my friend
pretty comfy day bros
your either a jaded faggot or depressed. take your pick.
well. ya might be depressed. or bored.
heroes of the storm for about 6-8 hours
he could be both
Stop thinking of playing through things as a job, something that you have to work through, and just do. Find something slightly interesting, and try it out, rinse and repeat. Like things in-spite of being told that you shouldn't and vice versa.
cuphead, everything seems so boring now I have to play the trendy things
I didn't get the chance.
Hatgirl's Game
Breath of Dragonguy 3
Cuphead and some xcom
A very small amount of MH3U
Scenario 3 Clocktower on PS1
About to replay Clocktower as Helen
persona 5
starting to get a little bored with it to be honest. been a long time since i played a turn based RPG and there's way too much down time and talking.
A few rounds of KF2
Read a book
The Talos Principle VR
Didn't play the original version but this plays pretty well in VR so far.
Hearthstone and BOTW. Enjoyed both very much.
Having a blast.
rs: vietnam
Nice, I'm hyped for the second one.
Battle network 3
Lisa the hopeful
Tales of Berseria
Zero Escape: VLR
spent 4 hours deciding what game I should play. I fapped to some weird shit instead and now I'm feeling woozy.
How's Lisa the Hopeful? Some of those Lisa fangames seem pretty good.
original sin 2 is goty
you're literally me
>play fallout 4 for the 4th time
>5 minutes later I quit to desktop without saving
>loadup fallout New Vegas with a character build in mind
>finish creating character, walk into saloon
>instantly quit the game without saving
>figure I'll play some dishonored
>load into main menu
>haven't even picked up a new TV show in years
>last anime I watched was one punch man
>can't bring myself to get invested in a TV show
>only read 2 manga series anymore (more like one since Berserk is currently comatose)
>can barely bring myself to play vidya
>just stare at my game library and look at all the games I have then close steam and stare at my desktop
It's quite good so far, and it recently got a big update so I'm trying it out now.
what did you fap to
There is a halloween event in gw2 so i decided to pick it up again and had some fun. I also beat overgrowth and that was fun aswell. But i had college for most the day so i had little screen time.
Just a bit of Sonic CD. Been busy doing that life shit
Finished A Hat in Time yesterday and I started Hollow Knight today
After this I'll wrap up Nier Automata and go back for Cuphead
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 on Vita
There hasn't been anything new in that Halloween event for years, not to mention that they took away some of the more fun events in it. It's not bad if you don't mind running around the labyrinth blindly attacking, doing the clocktower again or that one Mad King instance.
I spent a few hours playing Victoria 2. I will probably go back to it later tonight, if my preferred Rising Storm 2 server isn't active.
I don’t even have the drive to play video games anymore.
Portal and portal 2
tirrian? Or something like that. Holy fuck haven't played this since the 90's. Good taste
All this talk of robot fighting made me want to replay my old Gundam games. Playing one of those right now.
I had work most of today, but I played a few minutes of Dark Souls 3. Went in a direction I hadn't gone before, fought some enemies I had never fought before, collected treasure, killed like three mimics, and walked away without dying.
I'd say that's a win.
I just got through Ross's Game Dungeon and man, that was one of the gems he introduced me to.
Mixing it up between monster hunter gens, hat in time and new southpark game
mix it up, play something you normally wouldn't or just not play for a few weeks
I just got a Switch today and played the first 3 hours or so of botw. It's cool but haven't played enough of it yet to fully form an opinion
Like 1 good anime comes out a year. How is it even possible to get a backlog of that?
Fortnite BR
Minion Masters
CS:GO (Surf maps)
>mfw playing minion masters or CS:GO on left monitor while waiting for dota2\fortnite game to match and start on the middle monitor while watching mad men on right monitor
This is truly the greatest timeline.
Trying to finish my Asturias run in CK2 before the next patch comes out.
I played some cuphead. Working on beating the game on expert. I was thinking of getting S grade on everything but it's a bit too autistic for me. And some of the levels require good random spawns for perfect scores. I'll be content with A grades on all experts and P for the run'n'gun parts. Just finished Isle 2 bosses. The bitch with all the candy minibosses is infuriating.
>tfw eyes get strained looking at screens so couldn't even play something if I wanted to.
About an hour of tf2, then celebrated the life of jim lahey by watching the end of season 5 of tpb
I finished Dungeon Rats (really underwhelming). Played some Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD, pretty nice remaster.
I am now going through my first playthrough of Crawl, great so far, maybe this month's Humble Bundle was worth it.
Yeah, Tyrian 2000. It's free share-ware now on GOG.
Nothing you dumb loser, I lurked and watched a dumb video of somebody playing some new dumb game.
dark souls 3 at a friends house
doom 2
garrys mod
The pain. But I stay for them, because nobody else will.
Please think of the monsters.
Battlefield 1, it's still pretty fun and they even fixed some of the server issues so you can actually find a game
Bloodbowl 2
Deus Ex HR just started. Got to the top of the tower last time I played but my saves got deleted. In a cyberpunk mode right now.
>tfw pretty sure I fell asleep midmatch in a shooter
>wake up to see we've won
>somehow I'm still with my squad
Shadow of War, it's ok, really repetitive, might uninstall soon, maybe, tired of Orcs.