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Shame... just add it to the pile of corpses EA has slayed.


>user I....

I honestly don't care that much because they only made one game that I even really enjoyed. But holy fuck is it ever sad to see EA just adding to the bodycount of developer studios they've killed, they can't keep getting away with this.

Just like Bullfrog.
Just like Mythic.

Just like Westwood
Just like Pandemic
Just like Origin
Just like Maxis
Just like Black Box

Who's next? DICE or BioWare?

Which games did they realease?

too lazy too google, but where they behind dead space?

it jumped the shark after 1 so they won't be missed

Bioware once Anthem flops. DICE is too big to fall, their games still get good reception from normalfags.

Hopefully Bioware so they don't make more Mass Effect games

The Godfather games.
Dante's Inferno
couple of Bond games.

Wait what's happening to that Star Wars game they we're developing

>Bioware once Anthem flops
they still have Dragon Age 4 in active development. I firmly believe that even if Anthem flops EA will atleast give them the chance to see how DA4 comes out.

Some good movie tie-ins, dead space series and battlefield hardline. Not the best line up ever but still sad to see another developer get shit-canned after EA meddling. The new star wars game they were working on seemed neat too but it was a single player "buy once" affair that didn't fit the games as a service model, so EA closed the studio down and is using their existing work as a basis for a new game that fits the DLC/microtransactions model

>EA may take every company they've co-opted and run them into the ground by forcing them to make shittier and shittier games and then killing them the moment they stop making enough profit
>but I'm sure WE'LL be different
How do retards keep falling for this? How are companies so nearsighted they sign a contract to throw themselves into a trash compactor after watching a dozen meet the exact same fate?

Bioware is already gutted, a shell of itself, the original founders are long gone and people have been jumping ship for a while now.

Trust me, you dont want to know.

Lets just say that sometimes, death is better than the alternatives

EA is that farm upstate where they sent your dog to run and play when he got old.

Reminder that Visceral was never not part of EA and was literally just a renaming of one of their studios.

Given to a new studios, and completely redesigned with feedback from their test groups and current markets trends.

They implied that the fact its a single player linear game was the main problem and reason for redesign.


"Significant changes"

aka "Ruin the game by making it open world"

Screen cap this.

Remember when EA used player feedback for Insomniac's Overstrike? Man, FUSE! WHAT A HIT!

>aka "Ruin the game by making it open world"
My money is on Multiplayer focus.

Probably Bioware if any, dice is basically ea's star child while bioware is slowly dieing. That and bioware can only hide behind you don't like games not because they're bad but because you hate our agenda for so long

>Tell Visceral Games
>Tell Dice the same
>EA gonna cut you down

>we will never, ever get another Destroy All Humans

>Sign contract with EA
>Get shut down

>PC ports triple never

>dead space
>jumped the shark after 1

I was really hoping EA saw how well RE7 did, and do the same with Dead Space.
I blame myself for having hope.

I would chop off my left nutsack than get involved with EA. Funnily enough the last EA game I ever bought was Dead Space 2, and there's no fucking way that's ever changing.



This. It's fucking mind boggling when any company does anything with EA; they're cancerous fucks who destroy companies time and time again.

Bioware is next. Soon too.

Anthem is going to flop hard lads even if Casey Hudson is back on board. I think they'll still give them a chance with dragon age.

I fucking want Darksiders 3

>Anthem is gonna flop

Tell that to every single normie absolutely gushing about it


BATTLEFIELD 1 sold far less than 3 or 4

>Tell that to every single normie absolutely gushing about it
So no one ?

>normies gushing about Anthem

Most vidya game normies have never heard about Anthem and they'll just see it as a Destiny clone like everybody else.

haven't heard of any aware of it even

If any of you haven't realize by now Criterion the makers of Burnout was already kill, they were working on a new IP but EA canned it

Because of the graphics, which are gonna be downgraded

According to Capcom RE7 didn't do well

RE6 & 7 did great, Capcom are just greedy as fuck & want COD numbers

Soooo, no more dead space?

We weren't getting a new one after 3 didn't sell 10mil copies. I'm almost finished replaying 2 and you can see that shit from 3 leaking in. It makes me so mad. I always loved that despite how trivial it was to cut limbs on a skill level it still made some fights tense if you we're genuinely scared and your aim became trash.

F my dudes

>Most vidya game normies have never heard about Anthem

>Dead Space 2
>a video game about one dude killing the same enemies in the same looking corridors whole game long
>60 million dollars to create
I didn't expect that.


>implying there would be anu kind of videogames without capitalism

fuck off /leftypol/

>Who's next? DICE or BioWare?
DICE it's the only one who's safe. One of their CEO has the majority of EA shares, also they'got technology and the engine for the almost all AAA gaymes.

Communists need to fucking burn in the most excruciatingly painful way possible.

They were in the grip of the snake.

They were doomed a long time ago.

th-thanks capitalism

In a few years I imagine all of EA's dev teams will be called EA [city name]

It will throw people off and cause confusion when deciding whether a game is worth buying or not.

this is why the dissolve companies after a bad release, just re-branding