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UNIST Thread
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So you guys know how I'm a fucking moron? Well here's another thing to add to the list. I've always wanted to try one and got it as a late gift for myself. Only had it for a day so I'm going to play like shit but that's nothing new.
Was practicing Carmine a bit before starting.
Room: vidya
Pass: vee
at least you can learn vatista easier now.
Should've just bought a mech keyboard, but I guess you can use this for shmups too.
Not gonna happen
Having a keyboard on my lap isn't as appealing.
It's a wonderful night to experiment
out of curiosity why would you prefer a mech keyboard to a hitbox? I personally much prefer the feel of arcade buttons and the layout over a keyboard.
Although on second thought, making Yuzufag of all people play against setplay probably isn't a nice gesture
Yuzufag, have you watched this series? Because you should.
No different from me playing on stick.
A type a lot, and I already play Hisoutensoku and a variety of other fighting games on PC. I even played SF4 on keyboard for a while. I prefer the feedback of keyboards. Works for me. I don't really mind switching between the two.
Then again when I play on console I'm always standing up because I feel like I need to be on my feet, so it's very possible I'm just retarded.
Seems good
This box has made me realize just how weak my ring finger is.
Wish I knew better corner combos. Getting a j.b after a fully charged j.C needs certain height. And the 22C ain't working as much, everyone expects it.
That command grab did a LOT of damage
Grabby arm?
I don't really understand what you were doing there Hippie.
carmine's throw at the end of the round.
The charged 2C confirm feels nice when it hits.
That was just a throw. Grd-breaking throws always do extra damage.
I didn't think that would work
Holy shit
no idea, what happens then?
If there is one thing I really like about this thing so far. It's doing 41236D really fast.
you seem to be adapting rather quickly to it.
I'm still having tons of trouble doing (in air)236a, jc, 236a 214b. I'm actually doing it too fast that it registers the jump as a 9.
oh, and I thought one of that cutties in the op is gonna visit me, too bad
I like it, but the buttons are really small so my hands are having trouble adjusting to it.
Alright, no more Carmine for now.
They might, if you make it past the monsters.
not going to lie, carmine is the character I find most scary. But maybe that's just my UNIEL experience talking.
I legitimately feel like a damn bully when I get to have my episode in the corner. I just need more consistent combos and blockstrings with him right now.
I can't tell you how many times I've gone to press D and hit up instead. I might actually have to change up my button layout since it's starting to get annoying how often I miss it.
You have no idea how many times I fucked up my command grab with Carmine. I got 236C and 214C instead.
Are you the hitbox guy? You get used to it.
Oh yeah? got experience?
Not with this game, but a lot of people complain about the up button on hitboxes but it's there for a reason. It quickly becomes intuitive.
Not him, and technically not a hitbox, but I play on keyboard with spacebar bound to up and it didn't take long
Except in menus, I still hit w in menus sometimes
I'll take your word for it.
the problem is how close the 6 buttons are to the movement ones. look at how close that shit is.
How are you holding your hands?
You're supposed to use your left ring, middle and index fingers on left down and right, and your thumb on up, and don't move them
Your right hand handles all the attack buttons
I know, but I leave my right thumb sorta levitating between D and jump so.
>Can't take screenshots
>But can take clips of matches
I'll be right back in like 5 min
Note to self, do 22C instead of 236C
Tonight watch a shirtless old man fight a flying monster with noodle arms.
I didn't eat all day so I much better now.
Can't wait to see Enkidu somehow make it to CTB and have his fucking 5A series turn into a rekka
I'm pretty sure I prefer this to using a stick, but damn it's gonna take a bit to get used.
Between Yuzurihas and Merks, I never had the chance to get acquainted with the 3C
I don't like fighting this Hyde. I wanna go back to fighting Hippies.
considering how much I jump on you you should.
Stop mashing shit on wakeup
Just beat me and you won't have to
Don't ask for miracles.
Too scared of how fast the divekick comes
a fair concern. also that accidental super was really embarrassing.
I did beat you though? Lol...
What is it with fighting game threads and falseflagging attempts
What happened
Fuck dude, His gord is scarier than his Hyde.
You're not respecting the 5C range
> gord is scarier than hyde
fixed that for you.
going to pick this up, is linne unga or high iq? who is the most high iq in UNIST?
Is there a centralized combo resource anywhere? I could barely find UNIST Hyde stuff on twitter
HOLY FUCK that shield tho
mizumi wiki. mission mode has solid combos as well.
I didn't want gord
I mostly just replicate what I see in pro matches.
>unga or high IQ
What exactly does unga even translate to anyway. Highest IQ is Yuzuriha though
I actually haven't tried playing Hyde yet with the box. I should give him a shot and see if he still difficult to play.
>Highest IQ is Yuzuriha
Gordeau is the highest IQ
>2 Hyde mains watch two non-mains play Hyde
Spectator input display is killing me, this is the best feature
pc when?
I clearly don't get the meme term.
Yeah, still feels difficult, but dashing feels easier now.
at least I pick his good color.
I gotta practice doing 421 more.
I think Carmine's 623 might actually be a low. At least it apparently was in UNIEL? I ended up watching that whole segment by ultradavid and james chen.
It's definetly a low.
I'm shocked that I'm able to do my 4-2 combo like 40% of the time. I had so much trouble on stick but it feels so natural to do now.
It keeps looking like merkava arm will whiff on my wakeup but it doesn't, what is this
That thing's active frames is ridiculous.
Little too close there for my liking.
Half the reason I don't really practice with Gordeau, despite having like 95% of his missions done, is that 2C is his launcher/anti-air instead of his sweep. Plus more delaying between moves and an obnoxious link from 22A into microdash 5B that can't get to work online.
Just do 5C > 236A >> 236A
I can't handle Vat.
I want to do cooler shit with him
Exactly and Merk knows I'm a fucking retard who can't handle projectile spam.
Merk shouldn't have a lot of things he has
You get used to it.
GGs, getting late. I'll go back to bad games like gear and BB instead
GGs m8