meme boxes aside is this worth pirating if i enjoyed mindlessly killing orcs in the first one?
Meme boxes aside is this worth pirating if i enjoyed mindlessly killing orcs in the first one?
Sure, you'll miss out on online fort invasion though.
yeah, it's a fun time sinker
>get killed by some mook in a large scale melee because I'm playing nemesis and don't run away to heal like a little softskin pussy
>he gets promoted and becomes a dapper poet with a fire sword
>go after him and shame him down to my level
>next time I meet him, his poetry has taken a noticeable dip in quality; he's just stringing words together that vaguely rhyme
>recruit him and send him off to kill a warchief
>besides killing a warchief, he does some quests on his own to prove his worth, I help him out a bit because one of them was taming a caragor and he's terrified of them
>has several successes in a row, regains his confidence, has masterful poetry now
>have him lead a platoon in my first siege
>wtf, literally dead 1 second into the siege, can't find his body but according to notification he bled out
>after siege walk outside of my new fort
>get abushed by the fucking poet, he "cheated" death and is now betraying me
>this fucking orc bastard staged his own death during a military operation just to backstab me
If they're on a wall when the wall is destroyed they dies.
T. Lost more than one Epic orc to this.
I figured that's what it was but I like to take liberties as I do in dwarf fortress for the narrative.
Can the crazy / Disturbed Orcs get their minds back?
Does anyone know if the olog can spawn as poets
I pirated the first 2 games and having a fucking blast. I'm actually tempted to buy the game but the fucking lootboxes are putting me off.
Yes you can. The loot box bullshit is being overblown. I don't know why anyone would buy them. All they do is take the fun of the game away.