What are some edgy games

What are some edgy games

Hotline Miami 1 + 2
Darksiders 1 + 2

Doom is pretty vanilla. Unless you're talking about the original, back in the 90s environment.

what Star Wars is that?

NU-Doom is even more edgy than the original though
>that deathmetal OST
>glory kills; ripping enemies apart rewards you with health
>All the levels take place in hell

It's the best kind though. Especially when you read the doomslayer's story.

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within is quintessential edge.


It's definitely not death metal. Death metal doesn't tend to incorporate a lot of synthesizers, let alone the ridiculous Rube Goldberg electronic music machine that Mick Gordon cobbled together to make the soundtrack.

the force unleashed, can't remember if it's the first or second

it's an alternate skin you can equip

Gotta be the second. The Edgy Alt costume in the first one was this.