dont mind me i'm just the best fighting game ever made
Dont mind me i'm just the best fighting game ever made
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no that's VSAV
whiffing normals to cheese a super art is truly the pinnacle of the 2d fighting genre.
>turd strike
>option select parry
what a great game
careful there, most people don't actually have any fucking clue what option select parry is, what it looks like, or what it does to the game.
this game, much like garou, plays real nice at low levels of skill and knowledge, and looks great.
>best fg ever
>not heritage for the future
top kuk
jojo's is a really really broken game. it's fun, but it's really really fucking broken and poorly balanced.
All Crapcom fighters are trash.
Play some SNK ones you scrub subhuman.
>it's really really fucking broken and poorly balanced.
thats literally all fighting games
nah, 3s becomes interesting at top level again, it's just not the same game as SF2/4 so people get mad
garou never gets better, guard cancels and 0 frame supers don't ever lead to an interesting meta like OS parry does
>t. Capcbro
>implying he isn't right
If it's so great, how come it's dead?
Does anyone on PS3 wanna play?
Don't mind me just posting footage from the real best fighting game.
Sequel When?
He's right, specifically in the context of Capcom fighting games. Every other developer actually understands what balance is.
i get you just saw evo moment #37 for the first time and think you're some fighting games wizard now but think before you post something
name a SINGLE balanced fighting game
you cant
actual best evo moment ever is going to be woshige standing up and it's ever going to be beaten
guilty gear xx accent core +R
I don't think there's any fighting game that dosen't boil down to like five characters in high level play.
most guilty gear games don't
Street fighter 4 unpatched.
Everything was broken so everyone was fair.
Street Fighter. The first one. Perfectly balanced. Kung-fu Master. Perfectly balanced. Nidhogg. Perfectly balanced.
There are more fighting games than street fighter and Mortal Kombat.
Completely being honest, the best fighter for me.
Killer Instinct (2013)
Vanilla SF4 was the Sagat show. It was impossible to play the matchup with him because he had options for just about everything, and his damage output was higher than most characters on top of that.
Nobody plays SNK fighters. The same goes with Sega ones.
CVS2 is the best fighting game.
Everyone who disagrees hasn't played it.
Anyone who agrees hasn't played Rev. 2
Rev. 2 is better, yeah. but cvs2 is good, real good.
SNK fighters are huge in poorer countries, and the Japs still love Virtua Fighter.
I agree. It goes to show how superficial Balance really is when it comes to fighting games. CVS2 has more true infinites loops than any other contemporary Capcom fighting game, and the best character is clearly Sagat. None of that matters. The game was fun as shit, had a lot of janky shit and just were kept fresh each play. The broken bullshit are counter weighed by being extremely difficult to do.
You're still stuck in the 90s mate. Nobody plays those games even in latin countries. People just play moba.
I play May in Guilty Gear. Should I take the time to try and learn Venom when all I'm gonna do is play my friend?
Yeah, I don't mean to degrade CVS2 at all. The game is just so fucking crisp, and the groove system gave you so much to play with. Both sides of the crossover were very well represented and all of the characters felt really good to play, even if they weren't all viable competitively. It probably shared top spot with Samurai Shodown V and Super Turbo for me up until Revelator came out. Rev. 2 is probably my favorite game of all time.
>7 years of garbage sf4
>sf5 announced
>the nightmare is over
>looks tight too wow
>comes out
>its just sf4 but even easier and no focus attacks
>ryu still can't fucking donkey kick and combos are still retarded and bad, and super moves are still 1-hit activation cutscenes instead of actual combos where each hit matters.
>gonna be 7 more years of this garbage too
>daigo will be 50 years old by the time another decent SF comes out
Venom isn't as hard as you probably think he is. Hit up Drunkard Shade and learn his normals, his 1 and 2 ball formations, and eventually how to Stinger and Carcass a Bishop Runout to keep upgraded balls on the screen. Playing him competently isn't any more difficult than playing May imo, if you know what you're doing with dolphins and beach ball setups you're already halfway there.
I mostly just play with friends as well and I'd recommend learning as many characters as you can because learning a new character in that game is fucking fun as hell. Especially if you have a defined main already and aren't at risk of a character crisis. Every new char you pick up will take less time than the one before it because the systems are all so universal that you'll just constantly improve at the game in general.
oh boy it's this thread again
You can always make your perfect mugen, you dying frogposter
Daily Capcom hate thread. Reminder to play GG.
I enjoy 3s a lot in spite of its flaws
>live an hour away from an arcade with legitimate head to head cabinets and strong 3s players
>live 30 minutes away from what is now established as the biggest 3s tourney in the states
>this year actual top players from japan got flown over by the new york scene
>mfw playing against RX and Kokujin half an hour from my house
I really should be more thankful for what I have
3s is really fun, amazingly deep, and amazingly poorly balanced. I really should get back on fightcade
All it needs is Phonon nerfs
when's the update coming? fuck pof
All it needs is people playing it.
I don't think a fighter could get away with 2/3rds of the cast being pretty bad like CVS2 was nowadays.
Say what you will about USF4 but the game is balanced as fuck.
Tekken Tag 2 is well balanced and Tekken 7, KoF98/99, Tekken 5 DR.
The problem with 3s is that you will mostly see Ken, Chuns and the occasional Q or Urien, which is a shame because in my opinion 3s have the most interesting cast of any SF game.
big fucking deal, is ST balanced? Is MVC2? Is VSAV?
Fuck no. Would be nice but who cares.
he said fighting game
3rd strike is definitely my favorite fighter of all time , but even by fighting game standards the roster is EXEPTIONALLY unbalanced. it goes way beyond just being the Ken/urien/chun li show.
I mean look at characters like Sean and Twelve and Oro and Q. these aren't cases of "oh man... we screwed up and should have made them stronger" it's more like "well these characters clearly suck, have terrible moves and are we know that but yolo"
But they kept them that way. on purpose.
why ?
why not make them viable characters that are competitive at any thing above casual play ?
all fighting games have top tier characters, but 3s literally was composed of 3 characters at anything approaching top level with half the roster being intentionally useless.
Also sharing backgrounds suck. they could have just kept some of 2nd impact stages instead
Not real bout or mark of the wolverines it’s not even the best street fighter I am disappoint
* wolves
you can play it online on the pc. I did that half a year ago or so. Pretty fun
I can guarantee you that nobody in this thread has done an SGGK in their entire lives
It was the 90s man. Nobody gave two shits about some tourneyfags. On a very casual level Sean is as good as a Chunners is.
Its ass. I only SGGK as chun because she's cheesy af.
3s ruined the way i play fighters. I usually just go in and unga bunga. I parry things that dont need to be parried and i spend meter like rappers spending their paychecks.
Tick throws are all too often because online and i try to kara everything
BlazBlue Central Fiction 2.0
SF3TS is the Sup Forumsirgin best fighting game ever
>this is the CHAD best fighting game ever
>fighting game
>posts Smash
if smash isn't a fighting game then what is it?
A party game
I took a game off RX