Make hard game

>make hard game
>make normal mode and casual mode which gives the player more hp and more damage
>say in the menu that normal mode is the optimal experience
"Wow, this is so wrong!! It would tots ruin my Hardcore Gamer experience knowing that less skilled players can enjoy it too!"

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Well, five games using the same basic design show that neither the developers or the consumers care about your worthless opinion, OP.

"shares your op-"

5 seconds on google m8

*"nobody shares your op-"

OP is just shitposting, but he's also right. Some time between DS2 and DS3, the "Souls is hardcore" became a meme and normies were treating finishing them like some badge that separated real gamers from casuls

No he isn't. He wants to ruin a a game for selfish reasons when the market is already full of easy sword combat games.
Also, he fails to realize that the series already has a casual mode: summons.

Eh, the content is earned, and rightly so.
It's not hard to play. It's just pattern memorization. I'm casual trash and I finished them all.

souls is hardcore was a forced meme by namco bandai to basically shame people into not buying their game, and it started somewhere beween them calling the PC port prepare to die edition and DS2 having an achivement for dying

I'm not shitposting. I genuinely don't see how an easy mode would harm any of these games,

>No he isn't. He wants to ruin a a game

it would ruin the game for whoever picked casual mode