On-disc DLC, season passes and lootboxes are anti-consumer and ruin games

>On-disc DLC, season passes and lootboxes are anti-consumer and ruin games.

So you like getting fucked in the ass?

This! If you really think that On-disc DLC, season passes and lootboxes are worse than niggers and feminism on vydia, please kill yourself!

well, yeah, they kinda do

I literally cant tell if someone's trying to b8 me or it's shills trying to shift the narrative.

The practice isn't fucking the game industries in the ass it's the retards paying them money to do so

I like feminsm and niggers in videogames though

Both. Shills start the narrative and then shitposters looking for attention and/or looking to be as contrarian as possible regurgitate it.

>I'll just post an opinion I don't agree with next to a fedora kid, so it will look like the people with that opinion wear fedoras!

Name a single thing wrong with what the OP listed. It's literally only an issue if you're a poorfag NEET who lives with mommy and daddy.

I wonder (((Who))) could be behind this post?

Guarantee anyone whining about this shit didn't grow up gaming in the 80s or 90s where every kid dreamed of getting more content for their favorite games. Now we get games with lifespans extended by DLC but entitled crybaby faggots have to ruin it for the silent majority.

I agree, my finely dressed gentleman. They might not ruin the actual experience unless they are too invasive, however, they are anti consumer.

>on-disc DLC
>not anti-consumer
u wut m8

Explain to me how they're pro-consumer.

>More content is bad
And they said neo-Sup Forums was a meme.

Not every thing can be so simply broken down into pro or anti consumer you retarded fuck.

More content isn't bad. More content that should have been on the game already but wasn't put in and requires more money from you isn't.
Yet OP just did that, didn't they?

You guys are bother retarded as fuck

Why should you not have to pay money for more content? Oh wait, I forgot that I was on Sup Forums, where everyone pirates their games and then cries about devs not listening to them.


>Companies that want to OWN the worlds water? Pffft, small potatoes. Companies that pump dangerous chemicals into the environment? Whatever
>You know who the true evil companies are?
>Game companies that charge $5 for DLC I don't have to buy. (Which I do anyway, because I'm an impulsive consumer whore who will bitch for months and then still buy it anyway.)

Reminder that Paradox jews you worse than any current game with loot boxes, and Sup Forums still justifies that.

I know this is obvious bait but
1) Person who pays more money has an advantage in game, encouraging people to spend money rather than get good at the game, game community goes to shit
2) Charging retail price for an incomplete game, only to attempt to gouge you afterwards for the full experience
Doesn't matter if you can afford it, these are strictly anti-consumer policies designed to do nothing other than charge you extra, and they should not be supported

This isn't a world issues board, this is a video games board, we (mostly) discuss video games, therefore we address issues regarding video games regardless of external issues
Also ur gay

>Playing multiplayer trash
Found your problem. Don't stick your hand on a hot stove and complain that you got burned.

>faggots ITT defending microtransactions
what the fuck?

There go the goalposts
Look at 'em go!

All it means is that parents shouldn't allow their kids to play games anymore. Nip it in the bud. Treat it like smoking and gambling. No kids growing up and getting an ingrained loyalty via experience.

Censor the internet. Meter the time on the internet. $10 a gigabyte for downloads. $1 a minute access fee. Let ISPs have microtransactions too. Let the fangs dig in and strip the fucking flesh from the bones of the games industry. Let all these motherfuckers rot and burn together.

If you really enjoy a game, why wouldn't you want to spend more to support it?

Because you're reaffirming a bad practice.

Umm.. No, sweetie. I'm giving back to the developers. It's not like $80 is a lot of money for me.

I'm sure it's not a lot of money for you, but you should also be a smart consumer.

I want to believe it's bait.

What you really mean is ''You shouldn't support things I can't afford, because I can't afford it'' right? Because I'll buy whatever the fuck I want and if you pissbabies have a problem with that you can get a job like the rest of us.

Thanks user but I can speak for myself.
Sadly there's no reasoning with entitled poorfags. Probably the same liberal cucks begging for free healthcare. Sad!


not a single good thread

Gamers are the only group of consumers that enjoy having things taken away from them

>buy game 10 years ago
>its 60 bucks for a complete experience, any sequels are full games as well

>buy game now
>its 60 dollars for a 3 hour campaign, 10 dollars for hour long DLC stories that are a part of the main story
>theres lootboxes that are either full blown p2w or are present in a single player game
>also you can get all the content* for a discount with the season pass goyim
>*not all the content, just some costumes still gotta buy the dlc stories on their own
>"sequel" is made but its just a 40 dollar expansion pack for the main game that is also an hour long
>this is somehow pro-consumer because the consumer gets more content for triple the price
>there are also actual slobbering, window-licking, knuckle-dragging baboons that unironically believe this but also shill it for free

I don't understand why you would rather have lootboxes over DLC? How is random drops superior to just buying what you want? Or earning it?

>Buy game 10 years ago
>It's 60 bucks for a one time experience that never gets any fresh content

>Buy game now
>It's 60 dollars for a good product on its own
>You can OPTIONALLY spend more money to get more characters, chapters, costumes, what have you

Most games have both
>Spend 2 dollars for lootboxes
>Spend 5 dollars for the DLC to skip the RNG

So which would you choose?

If it's content I really care about, I'll choose the DLC. Otherwise the lootbox. Why should I spend more money on something I'll only get for completion's sake? Why do you hate having choices, user?

>one time experience that is complete and unchanging outside of balance patches
>no need to spend 200 dollars for a "complete" experience

>spend 60 dollars
>another 10 for each character
>10 for new chapters
>5 for a costume pack
>8 for some inane shit
>20 for a dlc
>game gets ditched and left to rot for the new yearly installment that does the exact same shit
8/10 bait actually annoyed

I guess I just don't understand why you would spend money on something you don't care about with lootboxes.

I'm ok with season passes because you are purchasing support for the game and future DLC. What I'm not ok with is season pass material that is released day 1 or the season pass makes the future material merely discounted. It's also not good when not having the season pass makes multiplayer virtually unplayable.

>10 dollars for new characters
What the fuck are you playing?

Probably fighting games.

I have strong feeling OP is just trying to bait out a discussion on the topic.

Atlast I hope so.

What fucking garbage fighting game charges 10 dollars for new characters?

Probably something made my Capcom. Only genre I could think of that would be remotely close for a single character.

DLC characters in Street Fighter are 5 dollars and can be unlocked for free in game. He must be playing some NRS kusoge.

>Game companies that charge $5 for DLC I don't have to buy. (Which I do anyway, because I'm an impulsive consumer whore who will bitch for months and then still buy it anyway.)

This so much.

I'm so sick and tired of seeing every single fucking video game channel on youtube, fucks like angry joe, make videos bitchining, whining, moaning, crying, and complaining about 'anti consumer' practices, yet they ALL, without fail, get the game in question day 1 no questions asked afterwards.

They're spineless faggots that want it both ways - they want the speed gamer reddit cred for being a 'true woke gamer' for hating that shit, while also being completely impulsive consumers that can't resist dropping money on a shiny new turd.

They play a balancing act of seeming proconsumer and staying in front of every trend.

Why do people not see through their shit? They bitch every time, and then always without fail get the game day one, and nobody seems to mind. Then, when things inevitably get worse later on because of them, they bitch again, and get the game day one as well.

You and I do, but they generally are just personalities that people cling to. I agree they are a bunch of hypocrites but they are cashing in on it big time.

imagine being such pathetic pond scum that you dedicate hours of every day to ironically defending shitty corporate scams for replies in threads that will never be seen again after they hit page 10

To be slightly fair on those youtube guys, they kind of have to buy those games and the extra content if they want to be one of the first to make a video of the game. And then they have to bitch about the current DLC practices because that's likely what their largest audience wants.

they dont have to. if they really are going to bitch about how evil all this jewish shit is, then they can prove they have a spine by also not buying the game. or at the very least pirating it.

Next time use the brainlet Wojak meme corporate shill. No one uses the fedora meme

>they dont have to. if they really are going to bitch about how evil all this pollution shit is, then they can prove they have a spine by also not using anything that pollutes. or at the very least planting a tree.

If they don't buy these games then their channel will be empty and they won't make any money. As for the piracy thing, I'm not sure that would go over too well since it's one thing to just pirate a game to play it, but another thing entirely to pirate a game and profit from it. I would imagine a youtube personality pirating their games would get them in trouble.

>If they don't buy these games then their channel will be empty and they won't make any money.

Then don't make videos bitching about jewish shit, because you yourself are being just as jewish and two faced for it. unless all integrity is out the window and youre admitting youre a fraud pandering to his braindead followers for easy money.


>Then don't make videos bitching about jewish shit

But that's the only audience they can aim at.

Maybe you have more integrity than most, but $50,000+ a year for buying some games and then recording yourself complaining about how jewish the current video game industry is would be pretty enticing to a lot of people.

>''You must be poor! T-There could be no other reason for not s-supporting a shitty practice! Everyone who disagrees with me must be poor!''

Here, have my Christmas edit of this from last year.

So many numales crying about optional shit

maybe for single player. but dlc consistently kills multiplayer games by splitting the user base in half and destroying server populations

so many multiplayer games have had disastorously early endings because of dlc