Surely Nintendo can't refuse.
Surely Nintendo can't refuse
Oh boy can't wait to pay $40+ for a $10 game because Nintendo charges so much for people to release games on the switch.
Why did this game get so popular? Why did let's players think it was okay to play a hentai game in front of their 12 year old audience? I haven't seen anything besides the horrible dialogue from the pink bitch in the beginning and the candy crush gameplay btw.
>play HuniePop 2 in bed and jerk off at the same time
sweet jesus, let this happen.
The stereotypical dialogue from all the other girls are amusing/entertaining
Whoever does Kyu's voice acting is top tier shit
>jerking off in bed
Do you sleep in your own cum too?
How about we get some real eroge before some wannabe shit?
>he doesn't lie down and rub his glans
you're missing the patrician method of masturbation
No clue. The art is fucking shit too.
The characters are amazing.