Surely Nintendo can't refuse

Surely Nintendo can't refuse.

Oh boy can't wait to pay $40+ for a $10 game because Nintendo charges so much for people to release games on the switch.

Why did this game get so popular? Why did let's players think it was okay to play a hentai game in front of their 12 year old audience? I haven't seen anything besides the horrible dialogue from the pink bitch in the beginning and the candy crush gameplay btw.

>play HuniePop 2 in bed and jerk off at the same time

sweet jesus, let this happen.

The stereotypical dialogue from all the other girls are amusing/entertaining

Whoever does Kyu's voice acting is top tier shit

>jerking off in bed
Do you sleep in your own cum too?

How about we get some real eroge before some wannabe shit?

>he doesn't lie down and rub his glans
you're missing the patrician method of masturbation

No clue. The art is fucking shit too.

The characters are amazing.

>he jerks off with his dick in his hand

how gay and vulgar do you have to be to suffer such a POV? to sit there with a moist sausage in your hand, pumping back and forth? rubbing your dick through your shorts or pants in bed is the way to go.

It's not really a hentai game if there's no sex scenes and the steam version (without patch that is) doesn't have uncensored nudity.

Also, the horrible dialogue is a nice change of pace from the usual VN dialogue.

The original goals were more indepth for the gameplay though and the final product is pretty shallow unfortunately.

Nice, just what the switch needed. A bad """game""" with bad character designs, laughable voice acting, and cringeworthy writing. I'll buy 3.

Western trash trying to be weebtrash
Horny teens

I thought the dialogue was funny and the candy crush was decently fun

>shorts or pants

sorry i don't have a micro dick or wear sweats

Friendly reminder that women are the core market for these games.

Yes, I too enjoyed paying a massive premium for Axiom Verge, Stardew Valley and Sonic Mania.
How is nintendo allowed to slap such a high price on every released title?

>Switch fags are this desperate for games.

>sorry i don't have a micro dick
Prove it

Who the fuck plays this shit and why?

I'd buy it on switch if it happens, tired of my friends messaging me making fun of me when I booted up the first game when it first came out.


Give me your Switch friend code so I can make fun of you for booting it up on there

because there is nobody to stop them.

it was somewhat funny for ten seconds that kawaii ugu to turned out to be a trailer park

Because you reward Nintendo for fucking you.

>not sleeping in your own cum
You're missing out, user.

t. Virgin

literally why would you buy any of these games on nintendo platforms?

>shitposters can't into sarcasm
Those games all cost the same as on the other platforms, you goddamn retards

Because Nintendo fans are middle aged men that only buy Nintendo products.

you're right, I should have fired up my switch and my ps4 to cross-reference the prices instead of just making an uninformed post on Sup Forums.

Or, you know, google it

internet is metered in some countries and googling is expensive

Anime is the hip new thing that's in right now for normalfags.
>tee hee look how nerdy and random I am by watching this wacky cartoon please pay attention to me
Enjoy normalfags ruining yet another one of your hobbies.

No, we'll just deploy the lolicons.

Good luck. Normalfags will just legalise lolis. Plus the gay mods ban you for posting loli these days.

but theyre not nintendo products

>it's nintendo's fault if companies are greedy.
Nintendo doesn't take more than Steam. In fact Steam 30% come from console practice, they do it because they know console will not lower it on their side.

>Why did let's players think it was okay to play a hentai game in front of their 12 year old audience?
Stop pretending you didn't look at porn and jerk off at 12 year of age, faggot. People watch porn, its natural. Nobody should even care.

Why wouldn't you? They run the same as any other console and they're the only true portable versions. (other than the Vita version of AV but LOL Vita)

I'd rather have SDV on Switch than PC. I'd rather have Sonic Mania on Switch than PC (lol denuvo) and I'd rather have Axiom Verge on Switch than PC. All because they cost the same, run the same and I can play them in bed, on the train or at my desk.