Loot Boxes containing different uniforms.
Are you ready?
Loot Boxes containing different uniforms.
Are you ready?
Nintendo would never do this, they are based. But I would totally respect it and defend it if they did it.
Don't worry there would be tons of threads defending how okay it is when Nintendo does us. Just like on-disc DLC locked behind action figures.
>Loot Boxes
fuck this shit
oh ok
why are nintendo dick riders soo stupid?
>Just like on-disc DLC locked behind action figures
We let on-disk DLC and far worse become a mainstay of video games long before Nintendo started doing it. We only defend it now because we would look hypocritical if we didn't.
i can't hot glue loot boxes so they're worse
How many Nintendo games have required you to use a specific amiibo to unlock something? Only ones I can think of are Samus Returns and some of the Zelda games.
Nobody is defending amiibo. In this game's case you can unlock everything without using any
Maybe they could do a limited time trial thing per month like $10 and one month you can be wario, luigi or even have the flood device.
It could be like psn but good.
So you pay for online then pay for a monthly rotation of characters? How generous of Nintendo.
>Want the OOT, TP, SS, FDL, WW etc costumes for Link
>"That'll be $18!"
How is that acceptable?
Why not? adds mystery to the game
You guys were defending shit like DLC and paid online long before Nintendo did, but now that they are, suddenly it's a problem. If you truly hated it so much, you wouldn't be buying these consoles and games that implemented this shit. You're a little late to the party
because nintendo is the only gaming company worth supporting
I own a Switch and Nintendo are a shitty company. They're not your friend.
Why are you buying their products if you feel this way?
thats what amiibos are for
>I own a Switch
then we agree that nintendo is worth supporting
They make some good games though, unlike most big publishers
They're no saints, but they still put out some decent games. I only boycott companies like Acitivision, EA and Ubisoft that cause genuine damage to the industry.
How deluded are you?
>you exchanged money for a product which means you are in my cuck cult
Hey, I see you bought bread from our bakery! That means you think we are worth supporting! Now give me all your money
Like on-disc cut content. They would NEVER do that.
are you stupid
Relive those classic Sonic days and unlock the furry hedgehog for $9.99!
>Loot Boxes
Give me a quick rundown on these
What? All costumes are obtainable in the game. Amiibos just allow people get them earlier, unlike an actual lootbox.