This is your healer for the evening. Say something nice to him!
This is your healer for the evening. Say something nice to him!
how does a game no one wants like shadow of morewar get cracked instantly but this doesn't
why do all SP characters have teh same face, who is that character?
the kike one
Do you have to use Kyle as your healer? I saw that Jimmy can heal, am i good enough just using him?
Not even joking, Codex cracked WWE2K18 today
wrasslan is higher priority
>why do all SP characters have teh same face
because that's literally the joke
Jimmy is a better healer anyways, and a few other characters also get a heal. I think some player character classes get heals too
this has denuvo and uplay
you dont need a healer on your team period, the game's incredibly easy even on the hardest difficulty after the first 2-3 hours. I don't even remember the last time I used an item or a healing spell. Probably the raisins miniboss (which I took on at -300 might and still only used moses once and one revive)
I use Jimmy/Cartman/Clyde so far
>raisins mini boss
where? I'm on the second day at 146 might and I've only seen like 1 batch of Raisins girls apart from the story battle.
I thought butters was the Tinfoil guy
he is
OP image is kyle, not butters.
There's a side quest later on in day 2. It's after you go through the alley and get ambushed by them. The sidequest later on is to get Clyde's dad's credit card back from them and you have a miniboss. Recommended might was 500 I believe.
Oh I thought you were on the first day still since I'm up to about 4/5 hours and I only just started second day.
So, is Kyle top tier again? I remember him being the best partner in the first game.
Are Stan/Jimmy useful this time?
>not useful
brown note was godly, mana regen was godly, and you need lullaby for Al Gore
why is wendy so OP? she can hit literally every square on the field from anywhere and she does damage + slow
I'm about 12 hours in, doing all the side quests because in SOT some of the side shit got locked out as you progressed, so I'm trying to do it all as i come across it.
I-Isnt Raisins the loli restaurant? What did they mean by this?
kyles not really that useful since his healing spells arent that great and his one combat spell isn't that powerful unless you buff the fuck out of int in which case he becomes almost OP
Does this game have a meme class like Jew in the first one?
She's without a doubt the best character to have in your party. I can't imagine why you wouldn't use her unless you're trying to do a hard mode.
So are Craig and Clyde not BFFs now that Craig is gay?
do party members feel like they all have an equal amount of dialogue despite there being so manny? I want to use Jimmy/Craig for most of the game and I don't want them to be oddly silent
No but it makes up for it with the race and gender options
Craig has both the best lines but the most repeats when attacking.
His banter with the rest the cast is legit though. The starting cast of Kyle/Jimmy/Craig had non-stop bantz but not the most effective team. Clyde/Jimmy/Cartman has fuck all bantz but they're a better team.
Nothing is missable in this game :)
sorry i don't watch family guy
Shit I don't know who the fuck the big one is
So is the game nice, yeah?
He's not as good as Butters from the first game.
Ho would you know he was from family guy, unless you watch it
Your loss.
>The original Mysterion face reveal
Good shit.
is there a post game in this? if i beat the story can i go back and do sidequests afterwards?
It's Kyle.
>why do all SP characters have teh same face
South Park originally started out being animated with actual construction paper, so they had to keep things simplistic.
Fuck Kyle, as soon as I can get rid of that faggot I will.
>The TweakXCraig yaoi art collection quest
worth a pirate?
>blocks your path
Legit the boss title cards are the best thing in the game
I wonder how much of a laugh they got from this episode. They just copy-pasted the same character 7 times and then there's Cartman.
If memory serves me right, Kenny is the top-right one.
is the kite thing meant to be a kike joke?
that was the joke
they were confusing who eachother were and cartman was like "hehhehehe hey guys who am i"
It's a joke for kike right?
>havent watched south park in years
>load up this game
>everyone's fucking gay now
what the fuck happened
beat u user :3
>asian girls
doesnt explain butters dad
Hell yeah!
Holy shit, can you actually play the game with a goofy Canadian head
He was already gay in Butter's own episode
>don't give a fuck about Token as a character
>he has one of the most interesting move pools out of everyone
Don't forget the minus defense debuff on a couple moves.
is it me or does that look like Rober Downey Jr being squashed by the bootay!?